RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (Full Version)

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Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 3:41:33)

Hiyaaaas again!
Weeelcooommeee baaaack! :D
DO you play Kingdom hearts???
Have tried it once or twice...
Could your robot unicorn army stand against my army of, Pikmin, Ninja Cyborg penguins with laser eyes, jetpacks & chainsaw ha.......flippers & giant robots???
Definitely ^-^
There's another one?! Seriously?! O.o
do u play epic duel???
From time to time :P
which game did you vote for for the challenge
The best one :D
what do you think our SA will be like? Because he/she/it would have to put up with our characters.......problems & additude
I'm honestly not sure... haven't thought much about it xD
Q: if a bug tree fell in a forest what sound would it make??
A: CCRRRRAAAAAAAAASHHHHHH booom squark squark!
Meh, my answer was bettah <.>

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 3:45:22)

YO! :D
ArchKnight of this place to, huh? :D
Daym straight :D
Congrats ^^
Thankies ^-^
Thats all I has to say, May the robot unicorns be with you!!
Yay, people are using mah phrase! May ze robot unicorns be with you too ^-^

Isalinn -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 4:48:24)

Hello. Can I ask a few questions as well?
Yoishness! Sure :D
I'd like to know this: What is the most cutest thing you've ever seen in your life?
Hmmm... tricky question. Probably this owl I once met.
And why?
Humans had taken care of it since it was just a baby. It had never adapted well to the other owls at the place, and liked the humans more. This ended up with the owl thinking it was human. If you went by its' cage talking to someone it would start screeching really loudly. Most humans would be scared and back off... but the poor fluff-ball just thought it joined the conversation, and did a very good job doing so too. It was adorable ^-^
And where?
This was when I was travelin' in South Africa.
Yep, this is imporant. Really, really important.
I understand :D
So... If a half undead kitten would come up to you and tell you that it'll eat your unicorns if you don't give it some milk, what would you do? (Yep, this is also important!)
I would give it loads of milk...
I guess I'll see you around then. Nice to meet you. =D
Haha, awesomely creepy questions. Nice to meet you too, n' see yah 'round :D

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 4:58:41)

"Portal with cold air opens"
Did it just get a lot colder in here? O.o
Oh hey, why am I stranded on this...planet filled with Triple Rainbows? I'm trying to get to the Bathroom!
Actually... not only triple rainbows. In here we've got rainbows everywhere! :D
Hey, is that you Hallie? Last time we met in MY domain, do you remember?
YUp, hiyas! ^-^
So let's ready for a few question...
I command an army of REALLY CUTE pets. What do you think I'm gonna do with them?
Take control of the world...?
What will you do if YOU command an army of cute pets like ME?
Attack a toy store! :D
"Give Hallie a Robot Unicorn Alarm clock". Do you like it? [:)]
*gets rainbowsparkly happiness attack of doom*
Do you like to get McDonald rolled'?
Do I dare ask what McDonald rolled is...?
What will you do if you harness the power of the inverted Rainbows?
I'm not even sure what inverted rainbows are capable of... O.o
Do you like my signature? I think it's filled with cuteness and win. (YES MY CURRENT SIGNATURE THAT YOU'RE LOOKING RIGHT NOW!)
Haha, yeah. Definitely lots of cuteness goin' on. Awesome :D
I will now try torturing you with some humorous videos (And a bit creepy too)
*removes link since ish not really appropriate for all forum users*
So, see ya "open portals". I got drifted off when I was suppose to get to the bathroom.

Good luck finding your way there! :D

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 13:48:19)

weeeee Hallieeeeeee
Whooopie drDOOOOOOOOT!!1!
Hiyas :D

Not Me -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 14:53:11)

Lolz, I didn't expect to see you here for my very first few posts in the DF GD

I play AQW ALOT more ^_^
Oooh, okies :o
1-So which is your favorite? AQW or DF?
DF will probably always be my favorite. But I really like AQW too ^-^
2-What colors are Robot Unicorns?
Metallic, with rainbows :D
3-Do they have any relation to Bender?
No <.<
4-Did you finish the war?
Yesh. Or well, almost. I'm currently farming to get the warmonger scythe :D
5-If yes did you get anything?
Have gotten the crown and a few keys... n' the pet n' stuff. Only the warmonger n' rune-scythe left x.x
6-How do you like my color?
Ish nice :D
7-What element is your Dragon Robot Unicorn?
I dunno... what element is the power of rainbows? o.o
9-Got more ^_^
Yay! :D
10-Whats your highest damage?
In DF? I'm not sure... think I've done some pretty nice damage with silver on Werewolves. Can't remembah, sorreh :o
11-Are you a dog person? or a Cat person?
Cat, probably. But I'm also terrified of cats. I suspect they're part xenomorph <.>
12-What's your favorite *answer to #11*
I dunno anythin' about cats o.o
13-Do you have Evolved Dragon Lord yet?
Yup :D
14-Do you know what to do with the Nitro Sponge Specialist thing?
No idea, but I have a few of 'em :D
15-Whats your favorite number from 0-100,000?
2, 42 or 23, me thinks...

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/13/2011 17:14:29)

Just woke up ;o
Good Morning! :O (Or Good..Night? o_ O)
Actually ish "good evenin'" in Sweden right now :P
Did I include once a page to? If so. delete this ;o
Nope, didn't.
My legs itchy :I
Ooookies. Good to know? O.o
Robot Unicorns are eatingz mai leg! D:!
Weird, they usually don't eat humans...
How are you liking it in the GD? :O
I like it. Just like I remembah it :D
Guess thats it.
May ze robot unicorns be with you too :D

turtledude -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/14/2011 2:11:51)

Hai, I'm back! :D
Welcome back [8D]
Robot Unicorns.
*Must...resist...asking... personal stuff... ;-;*

O rly nao?
. ___

*Poof* :D Bye!
Byeishness, see yah 'round :D

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/14/2011 2:26:26)

Hey-o-yo-yo-oy-yyy-oooooooooo... SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!
What does Yoish mean?
Ish "yo" with an "ish" at the end :D

1412. -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/14/2011 16:25:15)

I am back with even more questions *Shows pack of cards*
Yay, welcome back :D
*Reads first one* How are Robot Unicorns created?
That's Top Secret, I'm afraid <.>
*reads second one* Really... well what if I told you a evil mastermind has Robot Horses?
Then that evil mastermind really have no imagination. Horses are trés boring and sooooo 2010.
Really... *Reads 3rd card* What do Robot Unicorns do for fun?
Chase bunnies :D
Interesting Indeed... *Reads 4th card* Are you afraid of heights?
Nope, really like heights, actually.
*Reads fifth card* its blank... well anyway Strength, Defense, or Magic which one would you choose?
Magic, definitely. Feels like you'd be able to create strength and defense through magic, but not the other way 'round... so yeah :D
*Reads sixth card* Time for the brain melters, here is a easy one: you have a goat, hay, and a wolf you reach a river that has a vehicle that can get you across... but it will only take you and one other thing. how do you get them all across without losing anything? (No outside help)
*goes outside for help*
*going outside turns out not to help at all*
*goes back inside again*
I'll... eat the goat. Then I take the hay across, and then the wolf :D

*Reads seventh card* A really easy one: Robot Unicorn Bob is taller than Robot Unicorn Ace, Robot Unicorn Jim is shorter then Ace, Bob is on the right, and Robot Unicorn Ace is on the left. Who is shorter and Who is in the middle?
No robot unicorns have ever had those names! You lie -.-
*Reads eight card* Harder one: If you are in a black hole where time stops.. what time is it?
Time for you to get a watch :D
*Reads final Brain Melter card: I see you are still standing... well, what color is air if it is invisible yet a color?
Pink, obviously. Just like the invisible pink unicorn.
*final card* Very interesting... Well what question did you like the most?
The wolf one :D
Twas all for now, let the robotic horses and robotic unicorns be with you.
No robotic horses, thankies <.> Yay for the robot unicorns though :D

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/14/2011 21:21:35)

Itz ze Rob't Unicorn.
Daym straight :D
1. Howz it going?
Pretty good.
2. Zo. Vat iz jdyour favorite hoobiez?
Probably running or writing... or watching movies :D
3. Djyou zink ve can be Friends?
Ehm, sure? :D
4. Vat is djyour favorite pizza topict?
topict? O.o My favorite pizza is kebab pizza though, me thinks.
5. Favorite Dinosaur?
T-Rex :D
6. Vy did djyou pick zat Dino?
'cause it's been my favorite since I was a kid ^-^
7. Vat color do djyou think Dinosaurs vere?
Depends on which kind of dinosaur you mean. I suspect the colors would vary between 'em.
8. Vat is djyour favorite Doggy?
Not sure, I dunno much about dogs... Siberian Husky thingy? It's the ones that look like wolves, right? :o
9. Doggies or *groan* ze vial Catz?
Cats :D
10. If djyou haven't notized, thiz iz not how I talk...
Haha, yeah. Kinda noticed :P
11. Now than, How much do you play DF?
Trés much, atm. Normally a few times per week. During wars more than that :D
12. Do you like what I call myself?(VDown thereV)
No idea O.o
13. I seem to have run out of questions...
14. How bout you ask me a question, use #15 and check back later to see what I answer ^_^
Sureishness, but seems like you'll have to PM me ze answer, since ze thread is now locked :o
15. What is your best DF-moment?

~OAS Spartan, Teyrn of the Frozen Norths.

Hallie Slidepath -> RE: =MtAK= Hallie Slidepath (robot unicorn in ze GD!) (2/14/2011 21:37:40)

And here we go, the (a lil' late, since I'm really bad at remembering dates) one-week lockety-lock! Am goin' to bed now, so will answer the last questions tomorrow or so.
Thankies for all the awesome and hilarious questions, it's been trés fun answering n' getting to know everyone.
Peace out, n' may ze robot unicorns be with y'all ^-^

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