RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (Full Version)

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SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/6/2011 15:18:15)

spartans request will be done asap. nice avatar choice to be posting here lol.

edit!!!!! dragon's nest [custom dragons] is now a multi page shop [:D]

alpha strike -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/6/2011 16:57:59)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: Cyber
colur of dragon's skin: Onyx
Maker (you dont need to answer this) :
Colour of eye: Dage The Evil Blue
colour of claws: Grey
colour of horns: Grey
colour of armor (if any): Grey
other ex: spikes on tail: no spikes on tail but maybe a armored tail.
Personal Message when done?:

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/6/2011 17:23:13)

i got OSA's request done its my favorite dragon yet grate color choice. i am adding it to the examples
do you want to take alpha's red paladin request or should i do it, i dont really know what he means onyx.
EDIT: red paladin is not here yet, so i will do alphas, i assume by onyx you mean black?

alpha's request is done. i hope you like what i did with the tail.

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/6/2011 21:53:18)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: demonic or dark
colur of dragon's skin: black
Maker (you dont need to answer this) :
Colour of eye: this
colour of claws: black with this color on the tips
colour of horns: same as claws
colour of armor (if any): this
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: plz make one of the horns broken in half and if possible put red chains wrapped around the tail
Personal Message when done?: yes plz

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/6/2011 21:56:39)

theme of dragon ex: 1st B-DAY CAKE
colur of dragon's skin: White
Maker (you dont need to answer this) :
Colour of eye: Red
colour of claws: Red
colour of horns: Red
colour of armor (if any): silver
other ex: spikes on tail: umm candles lol!
Personal Message when done: Yes Please

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/7/2011 1:19:32)

lol these are going to be fun to make, creative requests yeah!!! [:D]
prince valkdoorr's (did i get it right ?) request is done and i really hope he likes it
now on to dage's bday cake :P

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/8/2011 15:50:54)

love it thanks ^^

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/8/2011 18:21:52)

thanks to you for requesting it [;)]
now i really need to get working on that other request or it might just turn out to be for dage's SECOND b day

alpha strike -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/9/2011 2:49:44)

ZOMG Awesome Dragon!! Good luck to your shop!!!!!

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/9/2011 19:41:36)

thanks for the components guys my ego just got soooo big
any was G mans request is done this cake is fresh out of the oven

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/9/2011 21:33:49)

Love It! ty

Edit: Liked it so much ill request another:

theme of dragon ex: Lav (My dragon from DF)
colur of dragon's skin: light orange
Maker (you dont need to answer this) :
Colour of eye: Red
colour of claws: black
colour of horns: black
colour of armor (if any): silver
other ex: spikes on tail: like an armored tail studed with jewls
Personal Message when done: Yes Please

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 0:47:18)

glad to see you like it. i will work on your second one asap.

Red -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 10:08:44)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: Fire
colur of dragon's skin: Red
Maker (you dont need to answer this) : SNAKE THE RED
Colour of eye: Black
colour of claws: Black
colour of horns: Black
colour of armor (if any): Black
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: Spiky Tail (spikes black)
Personal Message when done?: Sure


SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 21:52:39)

little lav is done
next up: red's request.

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 21:55:20)

Thankyou Thankyou !!!

Turquoise -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 22:08:40)

heme of dragon ex: Like magical arcane thingymajjiger theme
colur of dragon's skin: white
Maker (you dont need to answer this) :
Colour of eye: Blue
colour of claws: Blue
colour of horns: Blue
colour of armor (if any): Light whitish blue
other ex: spikes on tail: Runes on it(blue colored)
Personal Message when done: Yes Please

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/10/2011 22:11:46)

oooooooohhhhhhhhhh i have been waiting for some one to ask for runes.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 3:27:22)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: FIRE.
colur of dragon's skin: Yellow
Maker (you dont need to answer this) : Anybody? xD
Colour of eye: pure white
colour of claws: Keeping them like the normal AQW Dragon would be nice :D
colour of horns: Yellow
colour of armor (if any): Black-ish with a bit of yellow
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: Spikes on the armor, mainly the shoulders, and spike son the tail
Personal Message when done?: Nah, thanks :D
Btw, Troge stealing a employee from you is just cheap /:

Leon ironhart -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 7:36:25)

hmmm i see ur doing good good luck on your shop
GOod luck,
Leon ironhart

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 17:41:33)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: Monster Hunter Referance.
colur of dragon's skin: Dark Blue, (Wing pale saefoam green, tips Blood red)
Maker (you dont need to answer this)
Colour of eye: pale yellow
colour of claws: dark red
colour of horns: the normal color I guess ....
colour of armor (if any): None.
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: Maybe fins at the end of the tail...
Personal Message when done?: Yes please

(Repeate customer lulz)

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 19:06:05)

G man you are officially hired, you can work on turquoise's request as i take yours (just for fun [:D] ) and red's.

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 20:04:05)

Ignore everything i've posted... been fixing some stuff...

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 21:41:18)

i add the spikes and do Turquoise's, it will have to wait for morning thow and they will look like this :
try do get rid of extra pixels they spread like the plague on a color custom page, i get rid of them by hind my self with a paint brush dose photo shop have anything like that? remember when you are done with the dragon to steep back and ask your self dose it look right, we pride our selves on our speed her but that is no reason to sacrifice quality, the finished product should ether be better or the same as the original.

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/11/2011 23:14:08)

Bk 1234567 your dragon has been re-born!

Here it is!!!

also thankyou Snake the red for the spike template!

Turquoise, your dragon has hatched!!!

Here it is!!!

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/12/2011 0:02:49)

nice improvements but the horns need work and be sure to mach colors on the armors its an improvement thow try to make a few practice dragons work on the horns and armor. its quite the improvement thow. still needs work this was my first attempt needless to say it was not good enough to put on examples try making somthing like this, go wild and observe EVERY DETAIL of armored baby frost dragon, the key to making them is not to forget a signal detail

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