Nightlark -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/15/2011 0:11:07)
theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: Doom/Darkness colur of dragon's skin: Black Maker : G Man Colour of eye: This, glowing, like those purple glowsticks ya get for parties. I know, weird comparison. colour of claws: This colour of horns: Am I annoying you with the colored words? If so, I promise that this will be the next-to-last-one. This doom-ish color, please. colour of armor (if any): Hmm... May I have this? other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: describe what you want: I would like the dragon's eye(s) to have those awesome eyes of doom that you did on Baby Dragon's Doom, please, except in purple. Yes, I have an obsession with purple. Haha. Can you also do this Chinese character on the center of the headpiece of the armor in black? Can you also make it glowing? Just one last thing, can there be an arrowhead-shaped spike on the end of the tail? (black) Personal Message when done?: Yes please! If the glowing stuff is too much, you can scrap them. Either way, the dragons in this shop look really nice. Thanks in advance!