Nemesis' Testament (Full Version)

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Koree -> Nemesis' Testament (3/7/2011 1:27:00)

Nemesis' Testament

Also see other Nemesis set items:
  • Weapons: Punisher's Decree Z, Punisher's Decree, Vindicator's Edict, Avenger's Judgement, Vigilante's Verdict, Scourge's Conviction, Castigator's Retribution, Nemesis' Condemnation
  • Armors: Punisher's Maxim Z, Punisher's Maxim, Vindicator's Precept, Avenger's Principle, Vigilante's Creed, Scourge's Tenet, Castigator's Doctrine
  • Shields: Punisher's Protection Z, Punisher's Protection, Vindicator's Shelter, Avenger's Barrier, Vigilante's Bulwark, Scourge's Rampart, Castigator's Stronghold, Nemesis' Bastion
  • Pets: Punisher's Escort Z, Punisher's Escort, Vindicator's Attendant, Avenger's Sentinel, Vigilante's Shepherd, Scourge's Defender, Castigator's Champion, Nemesis' Guardian

    Level: 135
    Power Level: 135, Mastercraft
    Price: 1,705,000 10,118,016
    Sellback: 1,136,667 6,745,344
    Location: Nemesis: Justice Goes Blind - Shop V
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 47
    Ranged: 47
    Magic: 47

    Fire: 86%
    Water: 79%
    Wind: 79%
    Ice: 42%
    Earth: 79%
    Energy: 79%
    Light: 86%
    Darkness: 42%

    Hits: 4
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 126.3% Base, Random and 248.8% Stats each
    BTH: +16 plus Stats each

    While equipped, you gain Backlash status. When you take damage, your opponent makes a save roll. If it fails, then the opponent takes 11.9% of the damage it dealt, converted to Harm damage. The monster takes +20 to its save:
      Level: 135 vs Monster Level
      Major: (YourINT or YourSTR, whichever is higher) vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      Note that, when Backlash occurs, the damage displayed above you and the monster is the amount of damage reflected; the actual damage you take is not shown, but you still lose the appropriate amount of HP.
    Whenever you attack with weapon, armor and shield of the set equipped, there's a 12% chance of your attacks dealing 200% damage, converted to Void damage*.

    *You smite your foe with divine justice!

    The armor worn by Nemesis protects well against Ice and Darkness damage. The armor longs to punish those with the hubris to face off against its wearer, sometimes throwing a portion of the damage you've taken back at your enemies!

    Image thanks to arcangelgabrel. Numbers thanks to In Media res. Write-up thanks in part to majesticstar3800.

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