RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (Full Version)

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xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 0:10:39)

guys just let you know I don't begged for fame. like way fay beee does things.

ReV3nGe -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 0:19:04)

Famed everyone in the list [8D]

Fame meh ~ ReV3nGe [:)]

alen139 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 0:30:00)


edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 1:03:37)

There's way too much. What does the ... mean? I tried to fame all of them but it's just impossible under 10 minutes. Some of you really have hard names to type and typos really kill my time. Theres some that just have their name on the list and don't fame back. Too bad there's no way to tell who.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 1:47:53)

You can press on the link (on there names) to fame all , don't type it :P just press all and then fame all and then close all :D , it takes about 5 minutes with me :D

Hope I Helped You edward :)


Xxbbooxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 2:37:24)

oooh yes please!

WarBot Pro

H3P04 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 6:22:04)

I famed everyone from the list and Miraged and Neo Flare.

MirageD -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 6:39:07)


Neo Flare -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 7:03:15)

drinde -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 8:32:16)

Hopefully this SERRIOUSLY lessens the annoying "F4F anyone?"-ers.


saaaaaaaaaaaaa -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 8:41:06)


Darius -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 14:15:46)

I don't really play ED much, but it couldn't hurt to try to score at least a couple achievements. Charpage is under my avvy, I'll post the link in a sec.


Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 15:46:16)

Darkoake445 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 16:47:03)


Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 16:49:06)

I'll try to Fame people from the list now ^_^

Mir -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 17:02:12)

Harlock -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 17:16:26)

Hello I want join my character to the list:

Cap Harlock


Added, but please don't use a font size greater than 3. This is consider spam. For more information, please see =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules > Posting Behavior ~Ashari

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 17:22:16)

wow Mir nice wins for non varium mage.

Matgon -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 17:25:35)

Heres mine [:D]

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 19:36:05)

Why you skipped me?
Please add me to the list? I belong right before Evric
This is my char page again:

beastmo -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 20:35:02)

i dont know why fame is the new hit now a days ..

Starlock -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 20:40:35)

My character page :D -

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 21:06:09)

Beastmo, it's mainly because of the 100 fame achievement.
And because it's fun, and a waste of your time.

Khannibal -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 22:03:47)

Hehe, faming threads.

Hai der, i'm Khannibal, I was known as EDZeron in Beta.
If you truly believe someone deserves fame, thumb them up, if not, do not ^.^
Fame on guys!

Xxbbooxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/8/2011 23:22:36)

you still havn't added me ashari : Warbot Pro

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