RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (Full Version)

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Vick Vega -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 11:19:09)

Sigh... At least this makes it easier. I can fly threw the list from the forum links.

Fugitive X -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 12:14:23)

Add me to the list too.

bloodz n cripz -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 13:03:12)

Hey !

Fame Me Guys.

voidance -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 13:46:16)

You spelt my name wrong, its Devils Advocate.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 14:10:30)

^ Fixed that, sorry about the typo. Everyone's been added to this point.

I took B9000's idea and split the list into groups of 20 people. If the list is too big for you to go through everyone, at least try to fame the rest of your group. Hopefully everyone on the list will take a few minutes to go through and fame everyone. I know I will be.

A fame exchange will only work if everyone involved contributes. :)

drekon -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 14:57:23)

Add me to the list plz.

SvajkaSebi -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 16:17:06)

add me to the list

Thank you.

Moodcreator -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 18:21:10)

Add me to the list, please.
Thank you very much :D!
Magic Card

starswift007 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 18:29:54)

please add me to the list

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 18:37:05)

congrats to celestine eclipse she got 100 fame votes and i did 100 :P. keep faming guys this really works.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 18:40:14)

Cyberbakio ryugan, I did celestine's 99th fame vote :)

I just went and famed everyone on the list. Took like 10 minutes LOL.

This thing actually works, but I don't think this will progress much farther.
The list will get huge!!!!

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 19:09:20)

This saves a couple o' Copy+Pastes :)

Character Page

(I DO fame 4 fame, just comment on my char page or PM me)

king julian -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 19:26:35)

my charecter page is the bottom 1 in my sig

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 19:34:30)

Im here:
it's gonna take alot of time faming everyone but I will try
Edit: Finally famed everyone, please fame me back when possible :)

Evric -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 20:56:41)

Eh..What the heck ...
Legendary Evric ;)

Zean Zapple -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 21:00:07)

Famed [:D]


jegaggin -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 21:16:57)
fame me thanks

RKC -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 21:52:30)

This looks fun, let me in[:D]

nosey123 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 22:03:27)

Might as well.

Banir -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 22:56:14)

Hey, why not?

Serpeants -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 23:06:09)

Hey Duelist! Fame Me.


highnoonnoob -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 23:13:01)

Character page in my sig.

Sir Xander -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 23:17:49)

Put me up :D

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 23:25:46)

word to all of you that begged for fame. why can't you be like fay beee. she isn't sign up here to get fame or even asking . were do you draw line to end this begged for fame?

Shocka -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/7/2011 23:47:47)

Make sure you dont leech and give back some fame too! Fame the other people in your category often!

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