RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (Full Version)

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8x -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 17:38:36)

Celestine -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 17:41:11)

Eh, couldn't hurt.
Celestine Eclipse


Added and famed everyone up to this point! ~Ashari

Novaburst -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 17:45:34)

Well, I might as well try.

Atomic garden -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 17:49:34)

I just went down the list and famed everybody!

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:00:50)

Put me in! My link is in my EPD tab. If your nice also fame my Alts lol. I will fame everyone 2 hours before reset.

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:23:35)

how is different from dummy over wins If now you can get a achievement over fame .most of you guys were ask to remove fame now you guys are here ask to be fame.

Zean Zapple -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:27:03)

Ashari... did you steal my idea! Zean Zapple Glad to see this thread was aloud on the AEF, I'm quite impressed and very much satisfied.


B9000 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:29:36)

I was hoping fame would go away, but it doesn't seem like that will happen. So I guess signing up here is the simplest way to get the achievements.


BTW I suspect the list might become too large for many to want to bother fameing everyone regularly. If this happens, you may want to consider splitting it up into subgroups of X number of people, where everyone fames the people in their group.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:35:16)

Thanks and I will periodically come and fame everyone on the list. :D

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:41:46)

Add me! I am Devils Wraith.

The Joker X -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:53:26)

Hmm why not? Lol

DillBagel -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:55:36)

More fame can't hurt :D
My Character Page

Shocka -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 18:57:54)


caneyempor -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:06:24)

link under profile oh yeah hi ash and digi

Illuminator -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:09:33)

Updated to here.

And I figure it can't hurt to put mine up there too. Illuminator

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:36:50)

Guys remember fame people in your group is it not fair to others to famed you when you are not faming them lets work as a team [:D].

Rabies -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:40:23)

Guess it can't hurt.

Competition -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:40:50)

Might as well ..


DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 19:46:51)

Famed :P.

mingo -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:00:16)


Crimzon Magi -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:12:59)

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:20:52)

Heh I famed everyone in the first column.
Going for the second column.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:23:27)

Hey ashari! nice idea!

There's my char!

The achievment....must.....get....:P

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:25:20)

I would be so mad if you people lied about this because that was literally 8 minutes of my life.

Zean Zapple -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (4/6/2011 20:39:02)

YIKES! Now I have to fame two whole lists of people everyday! Oh wait never mind, some of the players overlap.

Everyone haz been famed


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