Soliqe -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/20/2011 15:49:35)
With a 30% reduction in credit prices: 1 - 3,500 +3,500 2 - 7,000 +7,000 3 - 14,000 + 7,000 4 - 21,000 +14,000 5 - 35,000 +35,000 6 - 70,000 +35,000 7 - 105,000 +35,000 8 - 140,000 +35,000 9 - 175,000 +35,000 10 - 210,000 As you can see, The prices need to be reduced higher than 30% and also, when the credit price jumps, it needs to jump by 125% not 200%. @He Who Lurks You do realize that even a fully enhanced beta weapon is outdated at level 31 correct?