RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (Full Version)

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Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:50:49)

@ goldslayer thats exactly right, Defence matrix is a good skill, and the thing is if it was changed for hybrid they might even end up being better off. Why? becaause they will have more skill points to put into other skills such as frenzy and Reroute if they dont have to but 10 in hybrid but instead 2-3 in defence matrix.

I'M not trying to criple Tac mercs! Im trying to seperate them from the orignal mercs!!


They can't remove intimidate as all classes need a debuff skill, As for lowering Requiremnts on deadly aim, that sounds fair infact ill add it!

5rr5 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:52:42)

Remove super charge and give assimilation.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:54:51)

well giving them defense matrix is going to make them more OP because of the reasons u just listed.
people dont realize that hybrid may have been "annoying" to some people
but replacing it with defense matrix will just give them more options of putting it into other place
and this time they will be able to manage 1 defense matrix
maxx reroute, max artillery, and like lvl 7 smoke with a lvl 3-4 frenzy


As for lowering Requiremnts on deadly aim, that sounds fair infact ill add it!

maybe removing it completely or changing the requirement into another stat would soot fine (tech, dex or str?)

Dendavex -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:55:29)

I agree with DUngeonhunter make a build stop being lazy complainers

Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:55:36)

@5rr5 I thought about doing that 5rr5 but the devs have made it that all classes have a 3 warm u skill therfore i dont think the devs will take supercharge as they need a 3 warm up skill.

Giving them defemce matrix might make them oped , it might not.. the point is they need to take hybrid , not because thre Oped but because they need to be diffrent from the orignal merc class.
So trading it with DM is a risk well have to take.

Dendavex -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:57:19)

@theholyfighter Dumbest idea I heard many mages or bounty hunter or any class players would agree your idea was pure stupid

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 11:58:32)

well since tac mercs have reroute and they say its too OP.
why not have an energy poison effect thru hybrid
(2 energy per turn?)
this way they are forced to a minimum reroute because its a tier 1 skill and will always be activated.
(NOTE: this will be a major nerf)


Since the 'Special" for both Mages and Hunters require their only weapon (staffs and wrist blades) it should be fair if Surgical Strike is a club-only skill

technialy speaking u cast spells thru ur taff, and ur hitting ur enemy in a rage of swings (hence requiring wrist blades since they can swing faster than a sword) but for surgical u use a radio. so it wouldn't make sense. unless they changed the merc specialy using a club animation.

Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:04:37)

@ goldslayer

All your ideas are great and all but like i said they have to swap hybrid for reason other than them being Oped.
Plus the idea you mentioned above will cripple the orignal mercs too much.

@dendavex, If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:05:58)

bloodshield was removed. and deadly aim and SA stayed with their respected evolution. so i think hybrid should stay.
besides if u remove hybrid from tac merc and give them matrix ur just gonna force them to use support builds.
and their only good combos for support is smoke and artillery. (similar to malf and gun for tech mages, except deadly aim doesn't require energy) and both of these require energy. therefor it would be a major nerf and u would destroy the class to the point where they are forced to use a single type of build and while not even be so effetive because of all the complications.
it would be a similar situation to tech mages except worse.

Dendavex -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:11:29)

@Goldslayer1 Dude you actually a valid point remember around october november merc had the strongest builds ever support builds and I dont want that and Im sure many of you dont
@Remorse Sorry I think some ideas can be a bit stupid sorry

Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:12:32)

^ I agree goldslayer but something has to be changed to either the orignal merc or the tac merc if the seperation is to occur. As for Keeping DA and SA yes those classes did keep these passives but they are sort of side passives.

OK I have a new idea. IF we want to keep tac mercs variety in their builds, and seperate them from the orignal class than maybe we could create a new passive skill to take hybrids place something simlar to hybrid but not exactly that so Tac Mercs and the orignal mercs are seperated Which alows more freedom in choosing classes.

But we need to come up with an idea for a passive..

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:14:16)

or we can just leave it the same.
but perhaps changing this hybrid armor to start as resistance instead of defense.
this way they have to use physical armor.

Dendavex -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:15:15)

I got one PreHydrate you activate this skill for a cost of 10 energy and its passive for the rest of the battle like hybrid

dont give up -> RE: If this was a Nerf, then pigs can fly. (7/15/2011 12:21:31)

wow i like reading from ED forum but now all i see TLM merc are over power, remove skill topics thats boring well im a blood mage i beat tlm merc there not that strong just think of a build thats all and i dont even use reflex!

Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:24:53)

^ its not a passive if you activate it..

@goldslayer, Thats the sort of idea but starting with res will make it better than the orignal hybrid therfore making them even better than the orignal mercs..

I have an idea

How about: Damage Shrinker

A passive that ignores a % of Phisical/Energy (whichever it is switched on and starts with phiscal) damage tacken up to 20%(maxed)

Dendavex -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:28:39)

you cant nerf a class twice but you can buff it 77*7 times

Remorse -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 12:31:38)

^ changing it's passive isnt a really bad nerf.

Nerfs are usally Requirements / restrictions (eg. need a club)

Nexus... -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:05:40)

Alright this is kind of pathetic. I havn't seen one, not ONE TLM come on here and admit that they are somewhat overpowered. Gold, I remember talking to you after the release od Delta, in game, and you were saying the same thing I was. "TLM is extremely overpowered." Now once you start using it, your opinion changes. Funny isn't it? Why not use Cyber Hunter, or Blood Mage, or Tech Mage, or stay with your Bounty Hunter? Because TLM wins if you know how to use it, and as of now it is very hard to beat.

To fix this, without adding any new passives or skills, I give you 4 options:

1) Hybrid Armor must be taken out of the TLM's skill tree and replaced with Defense Matrix. You will still have a wide array of skills such as Frenzy, Smoke, Reroute, and Poisen.

2) Toxic Grenade & Technician must be taken out of the skill tree and replaced with ?/Field Commander. This way you lose SOME of your tanking ability, which puts you on par with the other classes.

3) Reroute must be taken. Nuff said.

4) Hybrid armor must be switched to start on "resistance", and technician must be replaced with field commander.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:06:27)


Believe me, Frenzy is far, FAR from useless. Think of it this way...

Reroute: HP to Energy
Frenzy: Energy to HP

That's one of the reasons the class will still work without hybrid armor.


I am a Tactical Merc and I admitted to being sligtly overpowered. THAT'S ONE.

Correct me if I'm wrong but TlM without reroute, technician or Toxic grenade is basically just a normal merc with energy hybrid. (I also think that both Merc and TlMerc should be able to set hybrid to phys or energy outside of battle, but that's beside the point.)And I'd have to go buy a physical armor, which makes me unhappy.
What happened to removing Hybrid Armor? That's clearly the skill that makes the class overpowered.

Nexus, it seems that you're flying off the hook and demanding every last good thing about TlMs be removed.

Nexus... -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:14:54)

Those were each individual options, not meant to got TOGETHER :)

Separately they work. Obviously, if you were to take all those things away, TLM would be useless.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:16:29)

Oh. My bad. :3

Then I will respond to those 4.

1) Supported, except with blood barrier.

2) Since when are tank builds overpowered? Replacing these two skills would leave the class with both reroute and HA, which means they'll still be OP.

3) DON'T TOUCH REROUTE. Take whatever you want, just don't touch my precious reroute.

4) Then the class would have no way to buff defense... :S

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:18:00)


Alright this is kind of pathetic. I havn't seen one, not ONE TLM come on here and admit that they are somewhat overpowered. Gold, I remember talking to you after the release od Delta, in game, and you were saying the same thing I was. "TLM is extremely overpowered." Now once you start using it, your opinion changes. Funny isn't it? Why not use Cyber Hunter, or Blood Mage, or Tech Mage, or stay with your Bounty Hunter? Because TLM wins if you know how to use it, and as of now it is very hard to beat.

lies and slander i never said that. NEVER.
dont come making BS up.

Sageofpeace -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:21:15)

seem people are tying to be smart with no sense out of what there talking about, trying to literally cripple the Tac Mercenary or just turn it in to a regular one i will like to ask what kinda build should i make for 2vs2 is HYBIRD is remove as a Tac Mercenary that would get me at least a 70% win and im not talking about five focus

Giras Wolfe -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:22:30)


What exactly are you responding to here? Or saying, for that matter?

Mohandas Gandhi -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 14:24:35)

I gotta admit this guy is really determined in destroying the Tactical Merc class. I wonder which class do you want to be oped next Nexus?

We all know that only one class can be oped at a time. Are you too poor to class change or are you too lazy to create a build to counter tactical mercs?

It seems to me that your using all of your time on the forums, complaining about the class instead of finding good ways of countering it.

The Devs did indeed listen to the players, they nerfed tactical mercs and made the other classes stronger. Your calling the other classes underpowered before even using them.

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