RE: Becareful what you wish for. (Full Version)

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Mr. Black OP -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 17:26:14)

they wld just be a str bh but with staffs lol

TTG Sean -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 17:26:39)

How? Bh Multi is Energy and Increases by Dex..

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 17:36:18)

im talking about debuffs
as they would get malf (smoke)
and bezerker (mass equivalent)
but wld be less likely to block and more likely to get blocked so they would be anything but OP

TTG Sean -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 17:36:48)

I Never Said that They Should Get a Debuff Like Malf or Smoke.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 17:45:30)

ik but u said they would be OP if they did by taking out intimidate
you said

No Intimidate DEFINATELY Should Stay But, They NEED TO GET RID OF PLASMA RAIN It has NOTHING To do with a Blood mage

then i said

smoke or malf would benefit a bm better due to the fact that it is possible for intimidate to have no effect on a person because they could aux, then gamma bot, then gamma bots energy, while with smoke or malf even if they refrain from using bots their res is lower, and if they use smoke their def is lowered while raising your block chance and decreasing theirs
also for a sec i thought u were a bm and used it effectively then i saw ur char page

Shadronica -> RE: The Balance Update, What should of happened (7/15/2011 17:57:37)

Always controversy over finding a comparitive balance in ED.

Why on earth do the dev's not listen to the seasoned players is beyond me. They choose to listen to players who are just "yes" people and then to add insult to injury when something is brought into the game that is ludicrous they blame us the players because they say we suggested it.

This game is like a murky melodrama with a dictatorship. It is oppressive because it taxes everyone heavily.

You watch ... even this post will be deleted because someone dares to speak out.

king julian -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 18:43:46)


Julian From a Tac Merc Stand Point who has NEVER Played as a BM You Really Wouldn't know the Importance of Assimilation

XD I HAVE TO LAUGH AT YOU cause i played mage and bloodmage so WAY longer then i have played tactical mercenary so dont try to tell me i dont know how important assimilation is It caused players to add more energy and it makes a very tiny difference in there energy throwing them way off and giving the upper hand to them buddy cause i played mage since i started switch to blood after delta and then switched to merc not even a week ago and that rely rubs me the wrong way >.> I "never" played blood you should check the BSI cause i was one of the first to post builds of bloodmage to there.


they blame us the players because they say we suggested it.

Bloods did want it they wanted a defense ability and they got what they asked for.

Shadronica -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 19:37:27)

^ and that is exactly the problem is that they look for a quick fix instead of looking at each specific class as a whole to get quality.

As for Assimilation it was never very well thought out in the first place. I have already posted many times about that too but no notice is ever taken of common sense. ED has a way of listening only to the things it wants to hear.

Yo son -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 20:15:31)

Lol, just by giving Bm physical shiled, they went from pure junk to a decent class; now the chances of me losing to a Strenght Bh or Tac merc, isnt 1000 percent anymore. But the fact is, Tank Merc or Tac Merc is still Oped.

Ashari -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/15/2011 21:00:28)

@Shadronica: Trust me when I say the intent isn't to piece together quick fixes, however given the limited time frame between releases, sometime a quick "patch up" is necessary. In this case, Blood Mages lacked the crucial ability to increase their Physical defense or deal with Smoke Screen.

I know it seems like there was a lot of time for very little content this release, but a lot of what was done, performance fixes and security updates, were under the hood improvements that take up a huge amount of time and while they don't appear to be much to the player, they're very important to keeping the game running and playable.

This isn't the end of balance for the new classes -- now that the few gaping holes were patched up the time can be taken to fine tune each class.

Auron Leonheart -> RE: If this was a Nerf, then pigs can fly. (7/15/2011 21:07:16)

well they didnt really make a unique skill list for any one the classes.
Didnt BH get a new passive skill they are slowly adding to the classes to make them much more balanced it will take time to fix what has been done.
if you just up and change the skills completely your taking the hard earned credits or varium that those chars who switched to the new classes and spitting on it
i know they said they wouldn't give refunds so whats the next best option to a refund...... quitting all together and i'm sure that is not the intention of the devs.
if the had taken any skills completely away from the merc class it would have cause a mass quitting pandemic.
the blood mage really does need some defensive skills.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 0:06:37)

I have a new suggestion for hybrid armor replacement. Credit for the idea goes to Xendran.

Personal Shield: Adds a % of your base defense or resistance onto defense or resistance respectively. It would be approximately 40% at max. The skill starts out set on resistance. The boost is calculated before the battle and not effected by buffs/debuffs. The number added is rounded up. To illustrate: Say you have a tactical merc with max personal shield. He has 28-32 def and 16-20+8 resistance. At the beginning of the battle his defenses would be 28-32 defense and 16-20+8+8, the second +8 being personal shield. 16-20 resistance, averaged 18 multiply by .4, get 7.2 and round up to 8. If the mercinary is smokescreened, he can swich it to +12 defense. (28-32 averages to 30, 40% of that is 12.) Or if the mercinary had a physical armor, and 21-26+8 defense and 29-33 resistance, he would start out with 21-26+8 defense and 29-33+13 resistance. That may seem OP, but if that merc swiched to increase defense he would only get +10 defense. (21-26 avg. 23.5 x.4 = 9.4 rounded up to 10)

In most cases, I acknowledge that its not as effective as hybrid armor, but that's kind of the idea here.
Another thing to note is it would take careful planning to use properly, unlike hybrid armor. (That's a good thing.)

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 2:24:03)

the devs should have replaced super crap srry i mean super charge with reflex boost. and ch should get static charge to be passive. and tlc merc skill tree should be changed to this

TLC mercs skill tree modified
Tier 1: field medic, double strike, Hybrid armor
Tier 2: Maul,Blood shield/energy shield, Frenzy
Tier 3: atom,surgical strike, artillery strike
Tier 4: smoke,reroute,poison grenade

field medic-maul-atom-smoke
double strike- bs/es-surgical-reroute
double strike- bs/es-surgical-poison grenade

Bm skill tree should be like this

Tier 1: field medic, fire-bolt,reflex boost
Tier 2:plasma cannon,bloodlust, overload
Tier 3:zerk,intimidate,plasma rain
Tier 4:asim,technician/field commander,deadly aim


Field medic-plasma cannon
fire bolt-blood lust-intimidate
fire bolt-blood lust- zerk
intimidate-deadly aim
intimidate-technician/field commander
Reflex boost-overload-plasma rain

H4ll0w33n -> RE: If this was a Nerf, then pigs can fly. (7/16/2011 3:11:40)

What i don't want is hybrid to be removed from mercenaries, I think classes should keep one of their passives from their previous class. Buff the other 2 classes, stop nerfing. Making tactical mercenaries less strength based should be the only nerf it needs if it was nerfed since strength isn't really TACTICAL.

king julian -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 3:17:24)

@Giras its easier to times by 1.4 since it adds to and you get the end product much fast i know this since im asian ^_^.

@luna Surgical will be a the bottom since it requires lvl 10.

Shadronica -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 4:22:29)

@ Ashari.

I totally comprehend that Blood mages needed defense as I am not totally stupid myself. Defense alone isn't the only thing needed to fix mages of any variety. I am not going to get into this but honestly the more time I spend away from this game with time to ponder its progress or lack of ... the worse it appears.

I highly doubt from the decisions that I have seen made on this game apart from the 2v1 NPC that this game will ever get better.

It has regressed IMO.

theholyfighter -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 7:05:31)

@dendavex : i want to ask, what class u are and whether or not u're varium-ed

1. O come on BM need a skill to 1. Decrease their enemy''s defense/resis. Or 2. Increase their attack

The def/desks thing is ok now but the ATK is far from being offensive

Calogero -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 7:08:16)

Thanks to the AK that deleted my post but didn't give me a PM as to WHY it got deleted... nice to see my money is good spend.

All that Blood Mage needed is Intimidate Gone and Reflex Boost in its place. Assimilate should not have been removed.
What an Optional buff could be is add a %defence ignore on FireBall

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 7:08:46)

@ king julian
i if surgical is shifted back to tier 4 either smoke,poison or reroute must be shifted back to tier 3 my point of shifting ss to tier 3 is cause people rarely use ss and i want smoke and rerute to be tier 4 so that tlc merc cant abuse them easily.

Dendavex -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 7:33:57)

@Theholyfighter Im a Tactical Mercenary I wanted to be cyber hunter but something told its probably gonna be weak when I heard BH+Mage=Cyber hunter So I became Tactical Mercenary because I heard they removed 2 skills and I thought it was reroute and hybrid but i was wrong so Im a TLM even if they kill the class I dont care

theholyfighter -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 10:30:51)

oh ok.

Dendavex -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 10:34:23)

@Theholyfighter I got the fairest suggestion Remove technician and give us defense Matrix and change hybrid to start at energy resistance

altimatum -> RE: Becareful what you wish for. (7/16/2011 13:08:39)

was happy when i heard reflex was added.... changed when i saw it replace assimilate

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