What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (Full Version)

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InceptionAE -> What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 18:54:20)

Waaay more skill in the game.

Let me explain. I changed from Tac. Mercenary to Bounty Hunter and found that it's pretty hard taking down an str merc. Especially how they all focus on their STR/Supp instead of Def. As mages and bounties need to put on a defense matrix/ Reflex Boost. Not only does that cost you energy and a turn. It means you have to find a way to have atleast 1 or 2 attacks to have an opponent dead. Mercs all start of easy. They care nothing about defense and just kill you in 1 or 2 turns. Big difference here because if you we're bounty and put on reflex boost, they can easily just take off atleast 20 health if they're not blocked. By the time you have 1 attack on them you'd be left with 35-45 health. Ow, right? Here's an explanation if Merc's had their hybrid removed:

If a merc were to lose Hybrid armor, they're going to have to sacrifice their turn/and mount of energy the same way Bounties and Mages do. Meaning more skill is involved, much better balance, and the game is fair, not to mention there'll be less whiners on the forum. Basically meaning everyone will be happy.


Sipping Cider -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 18:56:42)

I like this idea a lot. I would think that it would have the same stats, not cost energy, and you just activate it passively. In this sense it would be like blood shield, except it would not cost health and you could only do it on yourself.

Laces -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 18:57:37)

The ED Community would be ticked off. Personally, I don't think removing Hybrid is the solution. I think maybe nerfing the Hybrid Skill for TLM only would be better then removing it. Personally, I have no idea what to do for balancing the classes. Perhaps give them new skills. But I have no other ideas.

Sipping Cider -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:01:29)

Remember, they would not be removing the skill (this thread topic title should be changed), but simply changing it to be more on level with other defensive skills.

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:02:31)

I was thinking of removing hybrid and putting in Reflex Boost, but because Tac. Merc's have Reroute, instead of Reflex giving 15% energy, it will be giving 15% health for the duration of the reflex boost.

But nerfing hybrid armor won't cause fairness or balance. ALL the classes have to waste energy to increase their defence/ dexterity except for us Merc/TLM. I'm pretty sure this idea would probably make alot of balance in the game.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:04:07)

This idea, would cripple mercs just as it did to the mage class. The difference between tactical mercs and mages is that we have a shield.

Laces -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:04:28)

Wait so do you mean Hybrid would be like a defensive skill as it is temporary in battle?

How bout making Hybrid cost energy and not make it a passive. It lasts for 5 turns and you can still change it between Resistance and Physical but its no longer a passive.

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:08:58)

@Angels Holocaust

Um, yah mages has a shield. Do they start with it, Nope. They have to waste a turn. With that turn, and STR merc/TLM could hit again ATLEAST 20. Also I don't see that many people that have higher than 110 HP. So that amount of health would be screwed within 3-4 turns. All a mage could probably take down 40 health.


That's actually a pretty good idea.

.PinkMoose. -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:11:00)

@ laces that would be 2 wasted turns....

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:12:53)

Of course those who doesn't want hybrid to be removed from tact. mercs. are the ones who own it. They defend the removal of hybrid by suggesting a not very good solution like nerfing it. Also they keep comparing the nerfing of one class to another (ie. "BM has only been nerfed once and they will nerf TaM twice?")

Talk about unfair. There's so many selfish people here that definitely just wants to keep winning.

classifiedname -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:13:08)

removing hybird would completely ruin us and everyone would change to BH or BM thats wut would happen

Laces -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:13:44)

@Moose, Its actually one as you usually only add it to a either the Physical or Resistance, whichever needs it. Look at the ups, it lasts longer then any other defensive skill, and you can change it between Physical or Resistance. And the game takes more skill all of a sudden :o

PumKing -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:14:00)

Hybrid armor only needs to be removed from the TLM, not the merc, and needs to be replaced with def matrix. Also, all the attck skills that TLM's have need to be modded to be more expensive

(I.E. like the mages have <---check out how much a lvl 1 skill cost like plasma bolt and compare to a lv 1 smoke which not only is an attck but debuffs an opponent and the effect last a few turns, then once your done realizing the inequity of the cost with out reroute, look at super charge lvl 1 cost)

or lower the cost of attk skills for TMs

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:15:17)

Who said Hybrid will be removed from mercs?

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:15:26)

@Pink Moose

I'm not selfish, I'm also a tac. mercenary for your information. But I guess you don't care about the fairness and the balance it would bring to the players and the game.


Nope, we'll end up being mages, with a few different skills.

@Third Eye

I never said it will, I said what IF.. Read the title correctly next time.

It's NOT already balanced. Only a mage and TLM can get energy back and can waste energy to put up a shield. A bounty can't. It'd just waste his energy and all he can gain is Health for damage. Mages and TLM have no problem wasting energy to help them in battle. Bounties need the energy, and have to use it efficiently, same goes with Cyber and Mercenaries as well as Blood Mage.

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:18:21)

Wait so you mean it is already balanced?

Theclown -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:23:28)

dude stop crying on the forum pls it wont happen u can dream on u only want that u win alot u only care about urself there are good bloodmages that can beat tac easy u only need the brains to get a good build l2p pls

Angels Holocaust -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:24:32)

@ Mages are the worst class in epicduel, they may have defense matrix but strength bounty hunters rip right thought it and rage and massacre them. If we take away hybrid tactical mercs we auto lose and a lot of players will be forced to class change again. For the love of god, just drop this pointless discussion, we all know that if a class gets nerfed it dies completely.

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:26:51)



I'm sorry what? I'm already a TLM and I have no problem losing or winning. It's you that's selfish. You're scared to lose your hybrid. Man I've been Merc. the entire Beta/Gamma, and now TLM for Delta. I'm pretty sure I know how to make a build. The sad thing here is when you think about the other classes, it just proves a point that all Merc/TLM's are is just some fools hiding behind some skill...

@Angel Holocaust

I will accept the fact that a class could die if it can never enter daily. Besides, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a class dieng. You know that don't you? This topic is also not pointless. It's more of Balance change issue. Besides, Merc/TLM don't even focus on their defences which brings Bounties to have waste some few stat points on dex, while Merc/TLM have the time of their life wasting barely any stat points and only spamming STR/Supp. Also, if you were a high supp. Mage, your defence matrix would give you +40 I don't see how a bounty would rip through that. Don't lie. It could only do 3 dmg a hit.

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:27:28)


@ Mages are the worst class in epicduel, they may have defense matrix but strength bounty hunters rip right thought it and rage and massacre them. If we take away hybrid tactical mercs we auto lose and a lot of players will be forced to class change again. For the love of god, just drop this pointless discussion, we all know that if a class gets nerfed it dies completely.

Also, I'm a mage and I can kill some TaM's.

Can anybody answer how besides Angel?

SpeedNfs -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:34:05)

How about this: in order to use hybrid, you must activate it, costing you a turn.

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:34:27)

I like it. That idea was posted a lot.
Angels Holocaust will just spam-rage us for it to be "Un-fair".

Third Eye -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:36:19)

Also make it expire for about 3 turns like every other buffs.

InceptionAE -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:36:43)

Ok, I'm supporting that idea. Atleast waste 1 turn.

Wootz -> RE: What would happen if Hybrid was removed? (7/21/2011 19:40:02)


Also make it expire for about 3 turns like every other buffs.

I'd make it 4 turns.
Since Reflex Boost is 5 and DM is 3. So in the middle ;) Or 2 turns.

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