RE: Founder Evolves With You (Full Version)

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ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:22:21)


Problem is they don't keep asking for an infinite buff that will keep on for all stages of the game

free players have been begging for buffs since the day i started playing


You guys just sit there and hope for a buff. We actually have to farm credits to get the armor.

id do that over forking 35 bucks to get one

Lenofor -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:23:11)

I have yet to see those demand topics from free players, all i see is nerf TLM and buff other classes

edwardvulture -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:23:34)

@ajs Hell no. We wern't complaing during the time of the founders. The game was acctually fair back then.

AxeOFury -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:25:02)

So where is my thank, i've played since december 2009

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:26:29)

F2P's ask for things becuase we get outdated gear once a month im sorry but its fair for us to ask for somehting

unfortunitly Founders ask for a buff every time an armor that rivals them comes out becuase the players feel that they were promised the best and the Devs admit Founders were never promised to be the best of any stage

Wraith -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:27:42)

If you say founer is up, I'll trade all my LQS armos for it...

Lenofor -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:28:29)

In my view Founder armor is supposed to be just a bonus, bound to get outdated and forgotten as time passes and new armors get released, just look at the beta and alpha weapons, they are obsolete! People only use them because of the stats but in terms of damage there are better things on the market

ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:29:25)


ajs Hell no. We wern't complaing during the time of the founders. The game was acctually fair back then.

for starters, i dont like arguing with indecent language, and second, so... your saying it was ok then because they made non vars as good as variums? well that doesnt make sense?


I have yet to see those demand topics from free players, all i see is nerf TLM and buff other classes

thats because they get deleted, there were even ones where they demanded their 50k back because BM sucked etc...


F2P's ask for things becuase we get outdated gear once a month im sorry but its fair for us to ask for somehting



unfortunitly Founders ask for a buff every time an armor that rivals them comes out becuase the players feel that they were promised the best and the Devs admit Founders were never promised to be the best of any stage

i dont think its so much the armor as it is they gave the impression we would get something later on, i remember reading to my dad as a reason to get founder was because of the bonuses later on

DeathGuard -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:30:32)

If devs make a system to buff 1+ res your armor, I won't complain, reason? You're paying for it so I don't care about it, gl getting the buff [;)]

Lenofor -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:34:40)

If the devs do that ,wich i can pretty much promise you that they will never will, they are just damn lazy, why would they perma buff an armor? That way founders will never have need to buy new armors, just keep enhancing Founder armor. That is plain unfair with us that needs to constantly upgrade our equipment and please don't start with that crap "support the game" talk

AxeOFury -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:35:04)

Founders are not outdated

Deboise -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:35:20)

@ Aj....if your like me you would be fine with paying to upgrade our founder armor right?

and if your like me you mostly just want to show it being able to upgrade it would just enable us to be able to use it for a long time while steal being able to battle with the players with the better armors..

SO IF AJ IS LIKE ME....then we aren't asking for much..just the ability to wear our armor and show it off.. Hell we would even pay for it.

ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:36:06)


Founders are not outdated

a new non varium armor was just released that competes foudner amor, how is that not outdated?


@ Aj....if your like me you would be fine with paying to upgrade our founder armor right?

and if your like me you mostly just want to show it being able to upgrade it would just enable us to be able to use it for a long time while steal being able to battle with the players with the better armors..

SO IF AJ IS LIKE ME....then we aren't asking for much..just the ability to wear our armor and show it off.. Hell we would even pay for it.

not my first choice, but yes i would like the option to atleast keep it updated
Nightwraith did such a beautiful job on it i just cant stand to see it die out

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:40:33)


a new non varium armor was just released that competes foudner amor, how is that not outdated?

So let me get this straight you want a buff becuase an armor competes with Founder sounds to me like you are asking for the best armor in teh game to be a lv 25 armor that only a handful of users have. Where i come from that is greed

Craneo -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:40:44)


i see the better solution for this problem is if Titan could somehow create a slot for Skin

so you can use that wierd new Tesla Armor but have founder armor as your skin

Founders get to keep showing off their pride and joy and we dont have to hear about you always wanting a buff

absolutely brillant

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:40:50)

We founders have never asked for a free buff. If they do buff the armor I would gladly pay 50 dollars, to upgrade it and make it playable. Money isn't a problem for us founders, so what seems to be the problem?

As for non variums trolling us, you guys should be grateful that your even allowed to play this game. Why should our armor be weaker than yours? The answer is it shouldn't, we payed and you didn't. We payed to win, it's as simple as that.

AxeOFury -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:41:33)

No armor competes with founder.

While we are on topic, the flight armor needs a buff too! :D

ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:41:53)


So let me get this straight you want a buff becuase an armor competes with Founder sounds to me like you are asking for the best armor in teh game to be a lv 25 armor that only a handful of users have. Where i come from that is greed

again i dont want to hear about this greed when i paid for something that now i can nearly get for free how is that greedy?


No armor competes with founder.

BunnyBorg? Space warrior? seriously??

edwardvulture -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:42:17)

^THe thing is it isn't better than yours.

ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:42:58)


^THe thing is it isn't better than yours

its close enough taht i would have rathered this armor then paying for it


As for non variums trolling us, you guys should be grateful that your even allowed to play this game. Why should our armor be weaker than yours? The answer is it shouldn't, we payed and you didn't. We payed to win, it's as simple as that.

well paid for a better chance to win anyway, i hate to agree with angels, but i think im gonna this time

Lenofor -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:43:01)

You founders are the greediest thing i ever saw....Well by the way, the "skin" a la dragonfable idea seems more plausible to me

ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:44:21)


You founders are the greediest thing i ever saw

like angels said,

how are we greedy, its because of us you can even play

edwardvulture -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:44:58)

You know it's been almost 2 whole years. You can't expect it to last forever.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:45:04)


As for non variums trolling us, you guys should be grateful that your even allowed to play this game.

glad its not you who decides who plays and doesnt.

Just buy a new armour and mourn the loss of founders ffs.


how are we greedy, its because of us you can even play
er no. we would still be playing without your money thanks :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:45:14)

Angels remember Desert Marine armor(and all those other less important varium armors) Founders asked for and got a buff on Founder armor so it was better then Desert Marine

@ajs yes and i paid for Desert Marine armor with my good money it got outdated(by founder armor) and i dont go around asking for a buff on it so your saying that you paid for it is a null statement

@craneo glad you like the idea i stole it from Spiral Knights

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