ajs777 -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 22:11:29)
I'm a person with common sense -.-" and as i said before, if you pay the price of a full var armor it could happen, but a free buff for every phase? No way never know, everyone said no way to many things that came quote:
Man people are so dumb. Founders want a Buff, we will pay for it. We're not asking to be Overpowered like you guys think. We're asking for it to be still usable in the future. Be on the same levels as other amours when new amours come in, when a +10 comes, let the Founder pay an Amour price to buff our amour to +10 & so forth. Greedy? how is it greedy? It's greedy to pay for a amour to be buffed? No, it's greedy when people ask for stuff they don't pay for & want more. REMEMBER. Founders will pay the same price as it is like buying a new amour, I see no problem with it? Ah, it's cause We have the amour & most people don't. =( its called non founder rage