Sparticus -> RE: Founder Evolves With You (7/22/2011 21:52:13)
After I reread the thread twice I felt I should say something. Angels simply asked that the Founders armor should be upgraded. When level 30 was the cap, a level 25 armor with such great stats was really great. As the cap drifted up to 33 and new armors were sold, the Founders armor fell into disuse. Most founders find other armors more useful for all but the most dedicated STR builds. I seldom use mine and I have made/published dozens of new builds. The fact that non varium armors are not comparable has nothing to do with this discussion, non varium players should never get the same quality equipment as varium players. The discussion of keeping the Founders armor competitive is based on other varium armors only. If you have a gripe about non varium armors and non varium players being disadvantaged by a Founders upgrade then start a new thread about it, don't hijack this thread. I agree with the idea of paying for an upgrade to Founders armor. Make it a one way upgrade, choose to make it a level 33 P or E version and make the stats total +16 with any distribution they see fit to make and have the DEF/RES set at +8. Make the upgrade slots +10 so the armor is on par with other level 33 armors but still have a +2 enhancement edge(this makes the upgrade worth a good amount of varium and thus worth doing from a business standpoint also) 3-4 word posts which are off topic and don't help the discussion along are usually just ignored.