RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 21:28:58)

Umm, to get to level 20 you have to battle 361 level 19 players and win. Its actually 19*19*19=6859/19=361 Remember, you're level 19 not 20 so its 361 battles not 400 battles.

I think it was discussed that if you purchased the package immediately and only battled when you had battle gems (105 per day) you would need around 19-20 days to Max level and would end up with just shy of 300,000 sparkle gems more or less depending on how lucky you get. I don't recall if that included the introductory gems you get with the upgrade or not? (Upgrade comes with 50,000 so I don't think so)

@cfedey/@A Dreamer: sorry for the confusion, hard to guess what goes where in non-linear conversations.


I think he's talking about Cupcake level. Not damage from stacked multipliers.

cfedey -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 21:43:19)

It's a permanent upgrade. I think it's required to get the adventure mode, so it's probably worth it. Adventure Mode sounds potentially fun.
The only thing you lose by not upgrading is all the extra gems. You still get experience after the 5-a-day battles. I'm not sure what you meant by the later fights being affected by only having 5 gem battles per day available though.

SladeJT -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 21:45:16)

Yeah, I realized that I posted the 20th Level max EXP instead of the 19th a few minutes ago. oops.

So the gems boil down to "enjoying the ride vs obsessive immediate completion". By my estimations, beating the game with no upgrade would take roughly 444 days. So roughly a year and a quarter. Compared to the minimum of about 20 days.

Math: (((1^3)+(2^3)+...(19^3))/5)-50
Math translation: Tally up the total EXP, divide it by the 5 daily gems, then take that and subtract 50.

There's an adventure mode? Or will be? Okay, should that come to fruition then the upgrade would be worth it for that alone.

What I meant by later fights being affected was how rapidly you'd be able to churn through the EXP requirements in each day.

cfedey -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 21:51:34)

I think you misunderstand. A Sparkle Gem Battle is not what gives you XP. The first 5 battles each day will award you ~100 sparkle gems, give or take. After that, you get no sparkle gems until the day resets. HOWEVER, you still get XP. The XP you get is determined by the level of the pony you win against (A level 1 gives 1 XP. A level 20 gives 20, etc.). XP battles are infinite. You can grind out XP as much as you want. Sparkle Gems are only for buying things from the store.

SladeJT -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 21:56:36)


OK, you confused me now. I never said that the battle automatically gave you EXP. I was doing the math under the assumption that each try was a victory and each try was against a pony of the same level.

Why do the battle gems have to have the same exact name as the money gems? That can get super confusing.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 22:02:09)

Yeah I have been meaning to post about that bit of confusion. The gems used to battle with are called sparkle gems and the gems used to purchase items in the store are also called sparkle gems but they are not the same thing. The first is used to battle with and the number is in the large battle circle to the upper right of the main screen. The second is in the center under your pony and represents the purchasing power of your pony at the store.

I would suggest the following change. Rename the gems used for battles "battle gems" and maintain the sparkle gem title for the game currency. This would remove the confusion. Also, you can battle and earn XP even when your "battle gems" run out, you just can't earn any sparkle gems in the process so you lose out on the purchasing power. The better pets and the cooler duds cost a lot. Just sayin...........

When advertised the add states "get more sparkle gem battles per day, +100" the confusion only lies in the game when the gems are labeled "sparkle gem battles". It would be better if it said "you are out of battle gems, earn more sparkle gems with a battle gem upgrade today" or something to that effect. It does, however, clearly state you can continue to battle to "level up" so that is very clear if you read that sort of thing. It's actually the first time I read it so I'm perhaps as bad as the rest. The add that pops up when you win and didn't use a battle gem says "you are out of sparkle gem battles, come back tomorrow or get more sparkle gems". Shouldn't that say "get more sparkle gem battles" or "get more battle gems"?

PlanesWalker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 22:15:21)

There are no gems to battle with. It's just a counter for your number of "Sparkle Gem Battles", only called such because they're your alotted battles that will reward you Sparkle Gems (when those are gone battles only give EXP). Maybe it's the upgrade package text that's causing this confusion, since it gives +100 "Sparkle Gem Battles" as well as 50k "Sparkle Gems".

cfedey -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 22:21:20)

Yeah, I got what you meant. You were saying that if you only did 5 battles per day it would take you 444 days to get to max level, which I guess is true if you only do 5 battles per day. I wasn't sure if you were thinking that you only had 5 battles per day that gave you XP. If that's what you were thinking, then that's not true. You have unlimited battles that give you XP per day.
If you were just talking about someone being super-casual and only doing 5 battles per day, then yes, you were correct. Sorry for the confusion.

And as far as different gems go, there are only Sparkle Gems. You get those for winning and only have 5 per day unless you upgrade, and you only use those to buy stuff. Nothing more. They're called "Sparkle Gem Battles" because you win Sparkle Gems from them. Not because you use Sparkle Gems to battle. The number in the largest bubble on the main screen is just the amount of battles left that will award you Sparkle Gems. All battles, regardless of the amount of Sparkle Gem Battles left, will award you xp equal to your opponents level should you win.

Sparkle. Sparkle. Sparklesparklesparkle. Sparkle is no longer a word. O.o

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 22:26:26)

Yep, very confusing. I understand whats going on but I'm sure I am not the target audience for this game LOL

As an aside, I reached level 17 just as I ran out of sparkle gem battles today so I have ~970 battles to go to reach level 20.
Assuming I stick to my plan of only battling equal or higher level opponents and only with battle gems available(my wording)
it will still take me 9 more days to hit level 20. This means level 17 is about half the distance to Max or that there are about
as many battles to get to level 17 as there are to get from 17 to 20. That puts damper on your level up for sure.

SladeJT -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/26/2011 22:36:37)

Yep. I thought the gems were needed to fight. Not that they were the victory money givers. Derp.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/27/2011 5:30:28)

If you're determined enough, "in theory" you can be level 20 (from level 1) in 1 day.
(Of course in reality, your hand will sore playing that many games!)

The gem battle only give you gem to buy things
But at the moment, only pets have a function and you can get a pretty decent pet for a small price.

biterboy -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/27/2011 21:02:44)

I watched Friendship is Magic, and now I'm scarred. Not in that it was horrifying, scarred in that I want to keep watching.

Alaina -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/28/2011 14:19:08)

Oohh, didn't even know there was a thread up for this game! ^^

Anyways, if you have the time, it is fairly easy to level up quickly. Battling a pony of an equal or higher level seems to do the trick, but it's still easy even if that's not the case. Not all of the ponies I have battled have been my level. A few have been lower levels. Even with the mix of lower, equal, and higher levels it has worked out. It's just a matter of not giving up! :)

As for the gems, I understand the two gems. One is to help in battle as previously stated. It's near the top and a bluish color in your candy battle jar. The total of sparkle gems you get after the battle for winning is the other you use to purchase items with in the shops. All of this has been stated I believe, but even typing it out again for myself helps to make it clearer.

Digital X -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/28/2011 16:10:04)

I'm a little behind on levelling still, i'll have a bit of time tomorrow to see to that, though.

Funyarinpa -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/29/2011 0:33:18)

Are there any plans for this game to actually become Player vs Player, or will it be forever Player vs AI.

The game is fun, but fighting computers forever isn't. I'd rather gain exp from fighting real people.

Insane2201 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/29/2011 3:44:24)

My views on the game:
The game is fun for a while till you face ponies with cupcake levels of 110+. It's a fun MINI-game kind of game as it stands currently, but I see nothing to keep drawing my back to keep playing when the difficulty curve gets so steep. Sure they probably are going for to make it brain numbingly hard to make you faster at moving but with some of these AI levels, me having a friend who has the 120 cupcake level which is the level that varies their speed makes them either to fast or difficult to beat. It also doesn't help that leveling takes far to long after say level 5. Also doesn't help now on the AI that they can ALSO use the multiplyer orbs upon their already BUFFED damage. I would settle for them taking the multiplyer away from the AI to make it easier since there are so many cupcake lvl 120 ponies in the game. Heck, I would even love for them to bring the cupcake level to 115, which is more resonable.

Yes, I know this is a new game and pointing out flaws in it is like pointing out how a baby can't do anything, but it is suppose to be FUN, not brain numbingly hard.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/29/2011 4:51:38)

A game is more fun if it takes time to get to the end, and determination and difficulty
Imagine a game which asks you to draw a stick man and then after that, draw another stick man, and then you win, there are no new content, no new equip and no new stick men to draw!

There are some players who find the game right now being easy, and some player finding the game challenging but fun
Yes, it is frustrating to not win your enemy after re-trying over and over again. But are you using the same strategy or different approach?
I appreciate right now there is much you can do to variate that. But the board locking strategy and planning ahead of your board is what you need

Oh i forgot to mention, what pet are you using?

Insane2201 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 4:15:32)

My Pet? I use Skelly the Skull pet which is confuse and +3 MP.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 6:26:52)

Time your confuse well and you should find the game rather easy
Play around and check it out :)

Insane2201 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 16:30:03)

Trust me I have, but when the AI gets a hold of a mega attack combo and uses the same skelly pet, it kinda owns you. Also doesn't help the AI is faster then me, Which is sad since I spend a lot of time online and find my reaction time fast and twitchy at times. Though the thing with the AI is it can quickly fully anlyze the full group of orbs it has in a second and go straight for the combo when I'm looking for the four orbs to start a new set. I think the game needs a shuffle option or a new group orb button, that way you don't get stuck on "where the heck is the orb group" while the AI is doing a "mega combo" with it's attack bonus.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 18:34:25)

The board auto shuffles once locked
When it does, you get a 50% bonus on the last orb you used to appear more often in the new board

xxNecrotxx -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 20:57:41)

My pony is called Moonbeam Blueberry _ forgot last part.

LANDIS -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/30/2011 22:03:50)

Lilly got a great start on a list of pets and their stats below but there are still a lot not included. If you own a pet not on this list and feel like posting about it for me to edit into the list below go for it. Be sure to include 1. the pet's full name 2. its stats and 3. the shop you can purchase it in.... And please use spoiler tags for anything from shops above level 2, thanks!



Hi everyone!

I compiled a list of a bunch of pets and their abilities. It's not all pets, but it's most of them up to the level 10 shop (because I'm only level 10). If there's a pet you're dying to know about, let me know. Pet abilities will be posted in an upcoming release, so this info won't be needed much longer.

Also, just a warning, don't use this info as a permanent bible. These are the pet stats as of today, September 19th, 5:11pm Eastern. Things could change!!


Level 1
Bubble Buddy 20% 5+
Boisenberry Pochi 20% 5+
Lemon Ice Pop 20% 5+

Level 2
Ozzie Koala 20% 5+
Charming Cupcake 20% 5+
Oh My Onigiri 25% 4+

Level 5
Baby Blue Java 20% 5+
Racky the Racoon 25% 4+
Babbaloo Bear Pet 25% 4+
Blushing Cockatiel 25% 4+
Skweekers Pet 25% 4+
Barkley the Brown 50% 2+
Red RAZberry Ice 50% 2+

Level 10
Peggy the Piggy 20% 5+
Snoozy the Sheep 25% 4+
Fuzzy SugarPlum Bunny 50% 2+
Cinder the Orange Tabby 50% 2+
Smokey the Grey Tabby 50% 2+
Sweet Strawberry 50% 2+
Frosty the Polar Bear 100% 1+

Level 15
Fluffykins Kitty Confuse 3+

Strawberry Toasted Pastry 25% 4+
Farley the Black Sheep 50% 2+
Snuggly Snow Bunny 100% 1+
Wildberry Toasted Pastry 100% 1+
Posi-Bolt 100% 1+
Ding Dong the Red Confuse 3+
Fluffasaurus Rex Confuse 3+
Barney the Pink Elephant Confuse 3+
Skelly the Super Skull Confuse 3+
Nega-Bolt Confuse 3+

And the game is crazy addictive, my compliments to Rolith and the whole PvP team! ;)

~LANDIS/Lord Fluffy Friendship

PlanesWalker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/1/2011 1:05:26)


Pony Shop (Level 1):

Attack 20% - Boysenberry Pochi, Strawberry Pochi, Blueberry Pochi Pet, Lemon Ice Pop, Lime Ice Pop

Cupcake Shop (Level 2+):

Attack 20% - Sunny Peep Pet, Ozzie Koala, Apple-icious Pet, Blue RAZberry Ice Pop, Cutesy Cupcake, Charming Cupcake

Attack 25% - Oh My Onigiri

Sprinkle Shop (Level 5+):

Attack 20% - Purple Java, Pretty Pink Java, Baby Blue Java

Attack 25% - Racky the Racoon, Blushing Cockatiel, Skweekers Pet, Babbaloo Bear Pet

Attack 50% - Barkley the Brown Puppy, Red RAZberry Ice Pop

Sunshine Shop (Level 10+):

Attack 20% - Peggy the Piggy

Attack 25% - Snoozy the Sheep

Attack 50% - Woofington the Black Puppy, Sweet Strawberry, Fluffy Pink Bunny, Fuzzy SugarPlum Bunny, Lil' Bunny Blue, Smokey the Grey Tabby, Cinder the Orange Tabby

Attack 100% - Frosty the Polar Bear

Buttercup Shop (Level 15+):

Attack 50% - WOAHful Watermelon

Attack 100% - Scarlet Macaw, Pure Java

Confuse: Magic Happy Cloud, Gloomy Sad Cloud, Whoolia Owl, Whooobert Owl, Chauncey Kitty, FluffyKins Kitty, Supreme Java, Orange-a-tang

Heal Alpha - Kermiopi Pet

Starlight Shop (Level 20+): ?????

Mustang Shop (All Levels):

Attack 25% - Strawberry Toasted Pastry

Attack 50% - Farley the Black Sheep

Attack 100% - Wildberry Toasted Pastry, Posi-Bolt, Snuggly Snow Bunny

Confuse - Fluffasaurus Rex the Parrotlet, Barney the Pink Elephant, Ding Dong the Red Panda, Little Lord Puppington the Purple Puppy, Skelly the Super Skull, Skully the Sensational Skull, Nega-Bolt

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/1/2011 12:54:07)

I thought we arent allow to post spoilers?
Otherwise, I can let you know what's in the lv 20 shop

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