RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/14/2011 20:49:55)

Hey guys, i just made an amazing +28 chain attack! Here's the link to the screenshot: screenshot. I am really enjoying the game, despite the fact it seems more like a girly game then a game a "boy" would play, but who cares!

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/14/2011 21:16:01)

Nice work! If you make your pony mean looking perhaps you'll feel more like a stallion and less like a gelding. I like my mean pony, he seems boyish I think.

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/14/2011 23:00:45)


Nice work! If you make your pony mean looking perhaps you'll feel more like a stallion and less like a gelding. I like my mean pony, he seems boyish I think.

What items specifically would i need to make him more angry like? I'm only level 3, but i plan on getting to level 5 soon.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/15/2011 11:25:25)

mean looking smile face, short or odd tail, nothing pink for sure, I'd say get to at least the level 10 shop before you buy anything, save your gems and then check the stuff in that shop. Getting to level 10 shouldn't take you too much longer so Good Luck!

I'd tell you exactly what to get but since you don't have access to the shop yet it would be a spoiler for you so play on and when you get there I can be more helpful.

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/16/2011 0:16:47)

Question about the wild toasted pastry, how exactly does the pet work is it's bonus automatic or do i need to press something to make it work? Also are the stats for it correct?

Mustang Shop
Wildberry Toasted Pastry
Attack +100%
3000SG <---???
Cost ???

Also i would like to know if anyone wants me to setup a wiki for the game, as players keep asking for the wiki with no response which leaves me to believe the wiki may of been abandoned.

cfedey -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/16/2011 15:37:02)

It basically makes your pet attacks equal to your normal attacks. This pet has a one-to-one ratio of orbs to damage, whereas other pets (like ones that have 25% instead of 100%) do less damage with, say, 10 orbs than the Pastry would do.
Example: If you connect 10 yellow orbs you do 7 damage. If you connect 10 blue orbs with the Pastry you would also do 7 damage. If you had a 25% pet 10 blue orbs would do less than 7 damage.
Also pet damage bypasses shield the opponent has up, whereas yellow damage does not.

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/16/2011 16:55:27)

So basically instead of blue orbs doing nothing like they are at the moment, they will give me an automatic additional unblockable attack when i link 4 or more orbs, is that correct?

PlanesWalker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/16/2011 17:07:20)

That's correct. Pets are win.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/17/2011 4:53:51)

I must add if you are having issue winning even with a 100% pet, try a confuse pet!

And you want some angry eyes, punk looking hair, and gladiator looking cloths to make your pony mean LOL

The Hopeless -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/17/2011 20:44:41)

Hey, guys~

I was curious as to what items are in the Mustang Shop, but dont have the money to look into it myself.
Would anyone mind taking a few screen-caps for me?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/18/2011 14:03:30)

All I can say is this:

Needs more Pony


Uhaspha -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/18/2011 17:16:02)

okay so i'm new at this pony vs pony there only this one puzzle for fighting other ponies?

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/18/2011 18:35:53)

@Where do i find those items?

@Hopeless Sorry we're not allowed to reveal that on the forums as thats considered a spoiler.

By the way was a PVP wiki ever started for this game and if not do i have permission to start one myself?

Womba -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/19/2011 15:05:35)

Yep... I'm gonna agree with Ultrapowerpie here.

Definantly needs at least 20% more pony. :P

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 2:01:07)

I don't agree, i think it has enough pony already. In other news does anyone want me to start a wiki for PvP and if so do i have permission from the creators?

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 5:46:21)

Wiki = Spoiler = No

And yea, who can get enough of those cute ponies.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 14:33:40)

When the Adventure mode comes out there will be at least 110% more pony. Until then I suggest we all "pony up" and support the game.

mbecerra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 15:04:50)

@gormans There's nothing forcing you to view the wiki. It's your choice wither you want to visit it and spoil the game or not. Plus every other battleon game has it's own wiki so why shouldn't PvP?

And yea anyone who hasn't upgraded yet should "pony up" the cash so the staff can create a better game.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 15:58:27)

@mbecerra: If I remember correctly someone already started a Wiki entry for PVP but when they posted the link to it, the link was removed. I don't really know why. A Wiki entry would not constitute a spoiler since it's not on the forum. Posting a link to it might. Otherwise I don't know what happened to it.

lore778 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2011 21:06:51)

This game is now about 20% cooler now that I watch MLP: FiM. Now to try and win a fight in 10 seconds flat... Done with a 42 combos :D (will link pic soon)

slayer2503 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/21/2011 16:30:28)

hey guys i just tried this game and am getting really pissed off. I simply cant attack like enemies start and continue till i am dead. is this the way its meant to be or is it my computer. i would love to try this game but i cant attack as it says attck 20%. i dont know what tht means

Womba -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/22/2011 3:17:37)

It's like connect the dots. Get 4 of the same gems lined up and you activate their effect.

Jay -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/23/2011 3:05:58)

Before I thought Pony VS Pony was kind of meh, so I didn't really play it too much. Then I bought some BattleOn Points (mainly for DragonFable) but had enough spare to buy myself a Pony-Up Package. Totally worth it.

I'm really getting into PvP now more than ever. Before my pony looked really ugly, but now I don't think he looks too bad. I guess his appearance before was kind of putting me off playing with him. Today I've been farming a lot and have made my way from Level 7 to Level 10, and I'm still farming. I still have over 300 Sparkle Gem battles to use, so I plan on getting to Level 12 tomorrow. [:)]

Here's my Pony Page:
My friend code is 730-D708—add me! I'll accept all requests. [:D]

Naj -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/23/2011 17:11:42)

Finally hit level 20 and checked out the level 20+ shop.

Still a long way to my one million gems, just in case they pull a Star Sword type rare like in AQW....

My Pony:

Wildroses -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/24/2011 7:05:43)

Decides to try out Pony vs Pony.

Get to level 5 and uses up all Sparklegem battles in one sitting.

Has 6993 sparklegems. Knows she should buy a pet, but gets heart set on 8000 braided mane.

Checks Battleon Points: 300 away from 2000. Never uses AExtras as I trust none.

Agonises over whether to buy a pet or save for the braided mine.

Thinks: "Oh screw this" and buys 5000 Battleon Points.

I'm not terribly good yet. I'm not very good at paying attention to two different things, so the other pony frequently surprises me. But I'm having fun. Now I have bought the mane and tail of my dreams and a nice looking pet (the pet of my dreams would have been feline), I think I'll use up all my sparklegem battles then go on a shopping spree among the shops currently open to me.

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