RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (Full Version)

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Algorithm -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 14:25:16)

Great story mate, This guy likes to write :O.

frogbones -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 15:59:02)


1)Abolish Varium for enhancements: Everyone pays with credits and they have to be earned in battle - therefore people who paid for their items only pay once and players will actually remain interested in the game (the more I play the stronger I get - interesting concept). [Automatically give the Varium enhancement rebate for all currently owned varium-enhanced items]

Amen, amen, amen. Great suggestions, gk.

The fact that there are virtually ZERO aspects of this game rewarding long-term play (leveling up is the only one) makes for a myopic gaming experience. When you compare an active player from Beta with a new player from Gamma, assuming both are similar level and have similar gear/enhancements, the older, more experienced player has little to no advantage because in ED, you can BUY your wins instead of EARNING them.

Therefore, making enhancements buyable only with credits (i.e., you earn them) would be a great step in improving ED. New players with deep pockets could purchase all the (overpriced) Varium gear but would not be able to enhance them fully until they fought their way up.


2. Make credit enhancement cheaper - so it becomes viable enhancement option for everyone and only the extremely lazy waste real money.

By marginally lowering the cost of enhancements, buying new gear wouldn't be so cost-prohibitive. The idea would be that old-schoolers would have enough credits to handle one iteration of the cost of new-gear enhancements (primary, gun, aux, and armor).

Of course, as brilliant, logical, and helpful these suggestions are, they will never be implemented, because pride, unfortunately, clouds certain people's sensibilities.

drinde -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:23:00)

Actually, wouldn't making Enhancements cost Battle Tokens be good? Even with Token Boosts, you still need to farm to get them. Around 750-1000 per Enhancement.

Laces -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:42:42)

You have great points, indeed. But I feel that this would be a major question/concern: If you take away varium enhancements and make the credit option cheaper, should you get refunded for the varium enhancements?

Also, making BTs for enhancements would be great. How about 1000 tokens for 8 enhancements and 1400 BTs for 10?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:44:05)

Please don't suggest insane prices. Thanks ;)

drinde -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:44:11)

Uh. If it were 1000 for 8 Enh Slots, wouldn't everyone just do Missions and end up with full enhances?

Maybe 450 for a slot.

Laces -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:46:20)


Yes. And actually that works towards my points. Its a free +8 enhancement for non-variums decreasing this gap between variums and non-variums. Also, the quests don't total more then 1500 free BTs I'm pretty sure. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thats a rough estimate. So its a one time thing but it helps both parties out. Then, you have to work towards winning BTs to add more enhancements.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:49:28)

I would rather have 50 tokens for the first two enhancements as yet another option. And the credit prices could be lowered to, say, 1000 credits for the first two slots?

PD -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 20:56:32)

Enhancements aren't inherently bad, it's just the way they work now wasn't the intended effect of enhancements. Ideally the way enhancements were supposed to work was that every enhancement stood for a level increase meaning that a level 10 weapon with 5 enhancements would ideally scale to level 15 power with no ability to go above your character's level. Example: If you had a level 20 weapon and it had 10 enhancements under the original plan but you were only level 27, you'd only have a weapon that would scale to level 27 power. (Once Standards are firmly established in the game, then this will become the way enhancements work in the future. Trust me, it's inevitable)

One of the reasons enhancements were so terribly bad is because they worked to EXCEED the power standards and case major disparities among the power scheme of all things, therefore creating the gap. Under the new system, enhancements would not power up weapons to exceed a power standard but merely work to bring lower leveled weapons up to par so that they agree with standards.

drinde -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 21:00:02)

Maybe just firmly 150 Tokens per Enh Slot? No increase or decreasing.

So are you suggesting that Enh Slots should decrease at higher LVs?

PD -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/27/2011 21:04:56)

I don't suggest anything on my last post. I's how it's gonna work. Enhancements aren't going to decrease at higher levels. They're there, you just can't use them. Think of it as like encumbrance where you can't use all of your power until you reach the appropriate level.

In summary, I advocate a rational holistic system based on mathematical evidence to arrive at answers.

ur going to fail -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 0:59:57)

I think its odd that the mods haven't posted anything on this.. Most do on very important and meaningful threads like this.. They need to spent less time chasing around trol-ers.. >.> .. There is a way bigger meaning to what I said.. I'm pretty sure most figured it out.

Gepard Acht -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 4:12:59)

enhancement prices are crazy, i spent an extra 8k just to get +2 health

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 5:31:20)

@ above

every1 feels that way. welcome to the non varium world where enh are expensive and if u do not get any enh u will be pounded to dust by the +116 stat variums.

Nice idea drinde why not make it duo cost eg duo cost=150 tokens+a reasonable amount of credits

okie here is a NEW list of the cost of enhancements. note: the token requirements should also be the same for varium enhancing but they should also lower the varium pricing.

1 slot- 3000 credits+150 tokens
2 slots- 5000 credits+250 tokens
3 slots- 8000 credits+350 tokens
4 slots- 10000 credits+450 tokens
5 slots- 13000 credits+550 tokens
6 slots- 15000 credits+650 tokens
7 slots- 18000 credits+750 tokens
8 slots- 20000 credits+850 tokens
9 slots- 23000 credits+950 tokens
10 slots- 25000 credits+1050 tokens

or the could just make each slot cost the same price eg 5000credits+250 tokens per enhancement slot. meaning if u want 10 enh slots u will have to pay 50k creds + 2500 tokens

drinde -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 5:51:01)

Wouldn't that pretty much make it worse?

I meant it like this:

1st Slot: 100 BTs
2nd Slot: 100 BTs
3rd Slot: 100 BTs

And so on...

Maybe add 500 Credits or 25 Varium to every level?

So it's like:

1st Slot: 100 BTs + 500 Credits/25 Varium
2nd Slot: 100 BTs + 500 Credits/25 Varium
3rd Slot: 100 BTs + 500 Credits/25 Varium

10 free Enh slots isn't too much. It would be like a starting gift.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 5:53:29)

@ above
not really since tokens can be gotten from most mission. u can get 1000 tokens easily from doing missions only.

zion -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 6:59:42)

^Those are one-time missions, so it would only help with your first item.
Also, most high levels have completed and spent the tokens already!

A modest amount of tokens would make sense in conjunction with credits - the Varium abusers will pay for token boosts, so Artix Entertainment (the devs don't make money directly anymore) would actually make more money.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 9:22:38)

note: the most enh a non var wep has is just 8 no more than 10 so basically u can say that non vars only use 1-8 enh slots only.

@ drinde

100 tokens and 500creds lolz that just a scam the devs would lose money i would make it 150 tokens and 1000 credits sounds nicer. with your suggestion basically every1 can have full enh without even trying and that wrong. and varium would rather use the credits option to enhance rather than using the varium option. my prices are reasonable because it still give varium player the edge. while helping us non vars.

Prices now

Mjolnir -6 slots=50000
carrierzooka-8 slots=110000
pirate blunderbuss-6 slots=50000
new city guard armor-6 slots=50000
Grand total:260000 credits

Note: wow that a lot of credits

Drinde idea

Mjolnir -6 slots=3000 credits+600 tokens
carrierzooka-8 slots=4000 credits+800 tokens
pirate blunderbuss-6 slots=3000 credits+600 tokens
new city guard armor-6 slots=3000 credits+600 tokens
Grand total:13000 credits+2600 tokens

note: u can get around 1000+ tokens by just doing missions. u can have round 1k plus tokens by just doing npc and 2v2 for 1 week and u do not need to be on the board just 1h-3h per day will do cause i did that when my faction was going for a flag.13000 credits is quite easy to get if u had play for 1-3h for 1 week. doing 1v1 will make it be even faster.

Luna idea

Mjolnir -6 slots=15000 credits+650 tokens
carrierzooka-8 slots=20000 credits+850 tokens
pirate blunderbuss-6 slots=15000 credits+650 tokens
new city guard armor-6 slots=15000 credits+650 tokens
Grand total:65000 credits+2800 tokens

note: the token amount is about the same just that the credits is way higher but it is still reasonable comparing the prices now.

Overall my idea is more logical and compared to your which is 20X less credits+2600 tokens. The varium players will complain as most non vars would have full enh so easily using your idea. my idea requires reasonable game playing not unreasonable playing like the current system. it would take your more than 3 months to farm 260k creds. it will take round 1 month of casual play 1-3 per day to get 65k credits.

see this post u can earn round 140k credits once u hit lvl 33 read post number 4 the table ashari provided to find out how much u credits a non var can earn while lvl up----> clicky here

so if u follow the table in the tread u will have round 160k if u do 1v1 only. 1v1 includes npc. so 160,000-14,000-2210-12,500-20,520=110770 credits left ok lets minus 5000 for retraining so 105770 credits left for enhancements. 260000-105770=154230 credits. this mean u will need to farm 154230 credits right now in order to get full enhancement if u make a new file and if u do not change weps from lvl 25 to lvl 33 but u can equip most weps above by lvl 28.154230 credits wow that a lot of credits and is like around 2 months of playing ed and npc like mad during power hour.
my idea will allow players to enhance fully if they play correctly. the current system does not allow players who play properly to even get full enhancements. that is unfair. while your idea will allow noobs which waste credits to have full enh at lvl 33 so i dun think your idea is reasonable.

did u enjoy the long post filled with calculation. i can put the calculation for varium weps enh with credits if u want XD just ask and i will post XD


true but u can always farm tokens way easily then credits think bout that. the current enhancements system is kinda harder compared to a credits + tokens system. see data above to see the bigger picture.

Gepard Acht -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/28/2011 9:38:10)

drindes prices were way to cheap and if lunas enhancement wouldve happen, i would already fully enhanced everything which saves lots of money

xxomegafaustxx -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 2:23:20)

I second the motion; I think that both options are feasible regardless (at least it's better than what we have now, which I think it's completely ridoncolous). As well, I'm for standard not culmative prices. Ex: 2000 credits for one enhancement slot onwards not 2000 , 3000. 4000 etc as you enhance more slots. Additionally, I think the idea of incorporating tokens to levy the prices will not only make duelling more fun but challenging providing some value to the unused token currency.

As far as I know, the only value of tokens currently is faction capture flags, arcade mode and achievements. Invoking more features within the already established token system will create much more multidimensional avenues allowing the ED user a greater sense of flexibility, challenge and also goals.

I hope the Devs look into this, a problem like this will only continue to magnify dissent.

kittycat -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 3:15:31)

It seems to me that the developers aren't really that interested in player opinions.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 4:26:23)

@ above

our suggestions is are always ignored by the devs its like peeing throwing 1ppm of iron solution into the sea. Y peeing throwing 1ppm of iron solution in the sea does nothing because the sea is big and the pee iron solution will just dissolve away like our suggestions. hmm least hope the devs hear some of our suggestion so that suggesting to the devs would be like peeing throwing 1ppm of iron solution into a swimming pool. if a 100 people pee throwing 1ppm of iron solution in the swimming pool at the same time the pool would be umm u know. better than 100 people peeing throwing 1ppm of iron solution at sea the same time it does nothing wat so ever.

HS Prometheus -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 4:38:11)

and for some reason im suddenly afraid to swim in any type of water..

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 4:39:39)

@ above
lolz srry i cant think of a more nice way to say it maybe i should chance it to chemicals instead

HS Prometheus -> RE: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower? (10/29/2011 7:01:26)

lol thats better,now *grabs his swimming trunks* beach party?

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