RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (Full Version)

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Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/20/2012 22:07:45)

Well, Drakkos, on my alternate account (level 8 I think?) I was able to beat some level 20s :\

I wasn't even using PvP powers or rares. It is possible but if they're doing it consistently and EASILY than I suppose it could make sense.

They might just be very skilled.

orc orc orc -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/21/2012 1:22:45)

Super Atomic Smash's "Energy Drained" effect's duration should be extended to match with the term "SUPER POWER".



on my alternate account (level 8 I think?) I was able to beat some level 20s :\

Perhaps it might be because of the level 20 opponents' lack of decent powers, their lack of energy/mp thus leaving them vulnerable or your powers were incredibly balanced!
Tremendously tasty... [8D]
~orc orc orc

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/22/2012 0:24:20)

naw anti is a skilled person and is able to use basics with it dosent sirprise me he can take a lv 6 and beat ppl who dont know a thing who are like over buffed children :l

coodoos to ppl actuly knowing how to put builds together that are "newbie" and winning those are ppl i like to be around

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/23/2012 8:20:13)

do you know how hard it is for someone with a account lower then 15 to beat a lv 20 now a days? dude you know you made a strong build and are very smart when maken builds if you can do that...

someone merg my posts please D: i look like spammer when someone deleates thier post....and im left looken like this

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/23/2012 23:42:36)

No need to get hostile, I literally just conceded that you may have a different view on it than myself.

It's civil discussion, don't assume that because you cannot defeat a level 13 that everyone else can't do it either.
As I said, it's your skills.

To put things bluntly and lightly at the same time...
Just because you are having problems with PvP doesn't mean it is unbalanced. Don't be so quick to pull the "unbalanced" card, as it could just be that you are not very good at PvP.
I've never heard of other players complaining about this situation, so I am, unfortunately, inclined to believe that this is the case.

I don't see how I'm being stubborn, but I'm not going to dwell on this any further.
You clearly can't handle defeat, and there's no use in me walking into an argument you clearly have interest in, whilst I do not.
I'm also fairly certain you are the only one who sees any of what I've said as, quote, "Stubborn" and "like a brick wall". Please quit making random, rather silly accusations just because I claim that PvP is okay right now in regards to your situation.

I'm done with this conversation now, before you attempt to escalate it further.

Well normally high level players don't lose to lower leveled players at all...

It seems this is the exception. Hence why I fail to see what the problem is, lol.

Ah well, it's perception. You may see what I don't see and vice-versa.

I can honestly say I have never lost a straight up one on one fight with anybody below level 20... So...

If they kill you in Royale it makes sense?

I hate to ask this but are you sure it isn't just you who needs just a tiny bit more practice?
Posts merged due to clear up. ~Digi

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/24/2012 1:44:32)

I hate to say it, but he's right. Lvl 13 players aren't a challenge for me at all. Even lvl 19 has a pretty big disadvantage against lvl 20. If you're losing to low level players you really should consider the possibility that you need to improve your game.

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/24/2012 6:49:10)

There is also the possibility the lower player was abusing the DoT/HoT bug, or lag, or any other random factor.

PvP shouldn't be all about numbers. Yes, for the most part, a lvl20 should beat a lvl13. They have more hp, more energy, higher auto-attack dmg, and higher dmging skills. However; if the lvl13 has skills that counter the style of play the lvl20 is using; ie using the resist skills from Bhod against a power type build, or messing with haste against a big dmg/high cooldown build, then the lvl13 has a much better chance of winning then if it were a mirror match (with lvl appropriate skills).

Figure out a play style you like, but be aware that there are builds that can easily, to an extent, counter your own.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/24/2012 8:41:38)

Good points. I do wish they would hurry up and fix that DoT bug. :/

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/24/2012 10:11:54)


I'm not anti's friend and let me tell you this
the powers in herosmash get better at higher levels
but how you stack them or put them depends on you
I also like how i can beat some people higher leveled than me
cause that means you need skill not just hours of play in herosmash
unlike most AE games[&:]

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/24/2012 19:12:46)


MMOs are supposed to be hours of grinding.
Oh. No.
I am NOT letting another person get away with saying this.
MMOs do NOT have to be for no-life "hardcore" gamers.
(In fact, hardcore gamer is almost an oxymoron.)
Part of the point of AE as a company is to provide games that can be played and enjoyed without WASTING hours of your life every single day.
Part of the point of the game, at least in terms of PvP balance, is that you can usually beat people below your level, (which you can) but without a good strategy or build, you are totally useless. The POINT of creating a build is that you can use superior strategy and intellect to beat people who do nothing but play the same game for hours and hours and expect that to make up for a general lack of strategy.
Being able to use tactics and a better setup/better knowledge of the game to beat someone who has played longer than you is not a balance issue. It is a sign that the game is working as intended, and that it hasn't devolved into "Play longer= linear power increase. No other modifiers," which is the WORST thing for a game to be.
I apologize for ranting, but you cannot honestly believe that a game without strategy or the abilities to exercise that to beat people, no matter how much they play, could possibly be a good game.
Just because people disagree with you does not mean that they are conspiring against you.
I mean this with ALL DUE RESPECT.
-Question Mark?

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 5:10:17)

@Drakkos "It is usually one power alone that trumps."
Errrr, You gonna name that power, or just stay with obliqueness? If you can't then surely that means PvP is balanced?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 5:21:26)

He's upset that an inferior leveled player beat him in PvP, so he's not going to elaborate nor is he going to concede any sort of incorrectness.
This discussion is going nowhere, guys. Let it die. Talk about actual balance issues, such as the ability Fire Lash. It doesn't even do what it's supposed to do...

The haste reduction is incredible, and doesn't only affect the specific powers it is supposed to. Something should be done about that.

Also, Super Intellect + Fashion Sense still has a significant coding error. The healing capabilities are far superior to any other power or powers. This should also be fixed.

Instead of nerfing/buffing the already decent powers, let's concentrate on getting powers to do what they are meant to do.~


blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 5:52:10)

From what I have seen, any power type DoT/HoT gets boosted to around double the number is should be when used with a same power type buff. Hence why Super Intellect is so popular because it allows rediculous dmg and heal from Siphon Life (~450-600 from what I've been hit with) and as Fashion Sense is a Mental power, it's HoT becomes insane. No numbers on that 'cos I don't use it, and those who do arn't keen to part with such information.

First time I saw it, the player using them had +15k heal in a fairly short Battle Royale. Not cool.

The obvious problem is this makes power type DoT/HoT builds very overpowered, but the hidden problem is that we don't know if anything else is OP due to them being overshadowed by this all-consuming bug. It's starting to feel like another Ice Barrage.

Yes, fix Fire Lash's haste nerf to be only Mental and Ice as that is what it should do, but I feel the DoT/HoT bug should be sorted out first as that is messing with play more so then Fire Lash.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 8:32:39)

I already reported the DoT/HoT bug once, but maybe I didn't explain it well enough, or maybe the staff wasn't even paying attention at the time. It should probably be reported again to make sure the staff even knows it's there...

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 9:32:55)

After testing out different builds, I came to realize I was wrong. That is all.

Insane2201 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/25/2012 17:32:59)

PvP is NOT fun at all. The way they set up this garbage it's perpetual motion of PvP muscle heads gaining stronger powers not allowing new players to it to even get any. It is even less fun when it's completely one sided. People do not like to play matches where it is a landslide victory ON THEM. As for this battle poll crap, 3 votes for 1 is kinda backwards.

Though yes I will say this, where is the stuff for the members that make them strong in PvP? I don't see any. All I see is SC pushing instead. As AQW has been trying, where is the benefits to being member here? Esspecially in this unbalanced mess of PvP that has nothing but overpowered PvP warring "jocks" that think they are better then everybody because they were able to get the powers. Let's use this as an example "little billy" over here had to get his butt kicked in several times, losing EVERY match because it's a cycle. One person gets overpowered with these PvP powers, then goes on to ruin it for the people who want the same power.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/26/2012 1:15:27)




linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/26/2012 9:42:29)

@insane, for the most part a lot of imartue players act that way...but the noramal/higher ranke (not score based) as well as a lot of founders of pvp are rather nice and fro the most part "pvp smart" and will and can take advantage over any power in game from simple lv 15 moves to some random OP move like super intel (this also shows thier morals in pvp wither they like to use "only stronger" moves or be smart and make powerful builds from simple things)

for the often one sided team based games that going to happen to the AE staff find a way to seperate higher/stronger players and the wear/lower lved players...for things like brawl or singles...lols if your haven one sided wins in that coodoos if you losen uber hard..rethink your game play style and ask for advice instead of complainen about losen about every game (i dont know if this really dose apply to you)

i loled when you said pvp jocks, yes thiers jocks of smashdome...stay away from them noramly they are aragent boastful and just flat out in thiers going to be jocks at every aspect of life learn to deal with them ,

@zeuzt please dont blntly point out

thats for another ice barrage i think the AE staff understand the dangers of putting in a haste buffer that strong in game...and has been nerfed long ago

and yes please do somen about the HoT/DoT bug..this is by far redunkuless healing 500 HoT with added 300 HoT then doing 400 DoT.....i can tell when and how this started (for the like 5th time...)

Wave 3 Balances:

Damage over time effects are now properly affected by resistances.
it all started when dumoose or who ever messed with that system of resistance....thier i pointed out where to look shoo and work work work work :P

Cookielord12 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/26/2012 12:50:02)

Lol all of this is no use when the teams arent even fair. i mean

Team Match

Level 20 Level 17
Level 20 V Level 7
Level 20 Level 11

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/27/2012 5:40:58)

Yes above that happens a lot I always get NOOB because of that hehe
but the player base is a problem for now
and as for my rudeness
i am incredibly sorry for all that hehe
yes but look at fire lash it's uhm another ice barrage in some ways
also these balances won't really make the game pvp less laggy fix it aqworlds has thousands more players but pvp isn't that laggy
especially since most events of herosmash are now PvP based
read this post fix your server speed

Labyth -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/27/2012 19:00:25)

alright i was thinking about the super skills was reading through the post well it turns out that if both players use surge and the other guy use surge an one cast plasma net they both cancel each other damage and make regular damage to each other with plasma net now fire lash has tenancy of breaking the debuff barrier what i am saying is that the people who use gravity wrap and then taser and chuddling rash u can;t go any lower then that much haste buff fire lash makes it go lower i think that might be glitched it makes the power quite strange and perfect for it being over use as abusive of it it will e nice if the skill info match what the skill does cause the debuff haste also affects ice and radiation and darkness and and lightning skills which makes non sense when the skills says the unbalance fire lash

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/28/2012 7:32:19)

lol anti

@ lab ill say this again and again thiers a cap on how much you can lower haste and increase haste....warp (cooldown is 60 sec)slowers haste of your foe by 90% and you gain 90% haste (the cap of lowering haste is 100% and you can increase haste by 100% as well no higher, as well when you max haste debuff someone and then they max haste buff them just gose back to normal 2 sec auto...) taser as you know lowers haste by 90% but has a chance of missing also has a faster cooldown time then warp at a rate of 45 secs, fire lash on the other hand can lower haste by my guess is....70% every 18 secs and can be looped becuase the effect lasts 15 you see a odd pattern when it comes to the other higher haste redution powers?

lols for peat sakes i love haste and i tryed many times and many ways if not all way to mess with ppl and htier haste and to over buff my own i had the best chance to over buff my haste when ice barage was op with the 80% haste buff it gave me...i tryed adding on warp i tryed adding other higher things and then tryed to use smaller haste buffs i got the same minor results


...if both players use surge and the other guy use surge an one cast plasma net they both cancel each other damage and make regular damage to each other with plasma net

it dose not cancle out the damge done or the effects of plasma only reduces the DoT damge considerably and (the person with plasma net on them) will continue to miss every shot for the same amount of time....please gawd its a pet peeve when ppl dont look further in skills or powers, lab please actuly do reserch on your "facts" befor posten "thoughts" and theorys

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/28/2012 12:15:41)


...if both players use surge and the other guy use surge an one cast plasma net they both cancel each other damage and make regular damage to each other with plasma net

This is due to Surge adding Energy resistance to the caster. If both use Surge, they both buff their own Energy dmg and Energy Resist so it seemingly cancels out the buffed Plasma Net dmg done by each of the players.

Just out of curiousity, what browser are you using? I know that Firefox 3.6 (yes, I like 3.6, so sue me) has a woeful time staying connected, where as the latest Chrome works pretty well. Only the odd disconnect and that is generally due to high APM from my end of things.

Just a thought.

Labyth -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/28/2012 22:22:27)

linky do u have problem with me i mean seriously this is just to state powers not to fix other on their way of seeing things i have the powers i how how they work and i know how i see things doesn;t mean other see it like that so get of my case and watch urself not me what i say and post is for the mod to judge not u

i would like to apologies since this post has nothing to do with power balancing i just hated when i can't see thing my way cause when i try to put thing my way their is always someone that want to change them into making me see the things his way we are all unique and difference we might have different perspective but we all know when things are unfair so as long as we have something that matches u shouldn;t worry about how someone see something

fact are facts but think carefully if what u call fact ins;t an opinion. after all i can say something looks blue to me is fact to me that it looks blue ,but i can be color blind and in the end the fact that it is blue is just a thought of an opinion not a real base fact in the end isn;t blue and the fact that i believed is fact isn;t fact if ur bright as i think u are i know u will get this example.

Leviathan creator T.^

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Power Balancing for PvP (updated Feb 9th) (2/29/2012 14:18:42)

lab i dont have a problem with you, i make sure the right info about powers gose across to other players...go ahead post your thoughts but make sure the facts are right .-. it bothers me when wrong info gose out includen my own *when im told about somen i go test to see if it gose with my current numbers about the power if im wrong ill say i am, if not ill correct the other guy*, i understand each person see thigns in thier own way...if that wasnt the case i wouldnt be questioned soo much .-.

watch urself not me what i say and post is for the mod to judge not u
lol i cant help but watch my fellow players and the mods only look at this for many "opinens" that go about and look for a recurren pattern that means if enough ppl complain about somen they are going to follow suit becuase they want/try to keep thier fans/ paying custemors happy so they stay around longer

and im just replying to lab's post .-.

as for his everyone see's things in thier own way, that might be true but facts stay facts no matter ones perspective .-.

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