=MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 20:43:34)

Hiyas all, I'm your newest DFGD AK, golden1231! Just call me golden. :) You may or may not recognize me, as I mostly lurk in these forums and don't post much. Here's your chance to get to know me better. For starters, I'm female, and am here to offset the recent purple corruption that has been invading the GD lately. >:|

The Golden Rules:
  • The Universal Rules apply
  • No more than 10 questions per post
  • I reserve the right not to answer questions I am uncomfortable with
  • This thread will close in a week, on January 9th, 2012 (Or whenever I remember to lock it...)

    I will be editing your posts in this color and font.
    If you want to add it to your posts for me, here's the code:
    [b][color=#C90] [/b][/color]

    Ask away! :D

  • Kain -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 20:53:24)

    Hiyas Kain! :D
    Are you silly?
    Maybe... :P
    That's all.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    See ya around gold!
    Seeya and thanks! :)

    Starstruck -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 20:57:29)

    Haha! I know you and you don't know me~
    What? No fair! D:
    It's good to see you are a mod here now, too. I know you'll do just fine. :)
    Oh, thank you!
    Out of curiosity, did you ever get those golden chains or are the admins keeping them on the far wall?
    Golden...chains? They're probably invisible. And intangible too. o.O
    I think we can tell your favorite dog and fish and bird (golden retriever, goldfish, goldfinch XD), so what's your favorite cat? :O
    How did you guess? I like calicos the best. ;)
    That's all I have for today, congratulations and I hope to see you around :D
    Thanks and seeya! :)

    Rhythm -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:00:46)

    High five! Us girls are less and less outnumbered ~<3
    Ya think maybe Mritha is a Chaos Lord?
    Hmm, that's an interesting theory...it might be true! o.O
    Doom or Destiny?
    Destiny, and not just because they're golden. Thanks! :)

    thornclaw -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:13:18)

    Hola! Hope you speak Spanish!
    Hiyas! I'm not really fluent, but yes. ^_^
    How's it going?
    Fine, thanks!
    Happy New Year!
    Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too.
    What's your favorite moglin?
    Twilly <3
    See yah later!
    Thanks and seeya! :D

    Razen -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:16:03)

    Finally, someone to offset this purple invasion. I greet you warmly, besides...we could always use some fancy-ness in this board. P.S. Meet me at the hideout, password is EEEEEE.
    Hiyas! Thanks for the tags...
    So, anyways, let's get down to business.
    First off, may I waste your time? It's traditional for me to ask this all by now.
    Sure? xD
    Regardless of what you say, it's customary that I continue.
    So, blahblahblahblahblahblah, and *Insert words here to stall here*
    blahblahblahblah *insert answers here*
    Also...where's your post to defend against the purple invaders?
    This whole thread is an attack against the purple mojo! :O
    And, I suppose I'm done. Now comes the necessary laugh and victory speech. I've successfully wasted your time with this! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Why? T_T
    There we go. Done. See ya.
    Thanks and seeya! :)
    Actually...I must ask, do you support Walruses? I do.
    Yup I do! :D

    Fingerman -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:17:10)

    Hello, I'm myself. First off, congratz on your AK-ship/ness.
    Hiyas! Why thank you. ^_^
    Do you go mad with power?
    Mad? I'm not ma - MWHAHAAHAHA - *ahem* Excuse me. :P
    Do you want to go to war with Mritha and/or M4B?
    I already have! :O *don't kill me for this, Mritha! T_T*
    Do you have a favorite flavor of pie?
    Lemon meringue
    Are you a fan of Spongebob?
    Not really...
    If you are a fan of Spongebob, are you a fan of Patrick?
    Can you guess what doodydot means? (No hints)
    Ummm, "....."?
    Am I random?
    If silence is golden, then what's loud?
    What's your favorite metal that's on the Periodic Table (Hmm, that's a hard one.... /sarcasm)
    Hmm, this is a stumper... >:| Thanks! :D

    jream -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:17:57)

    Congrats Golden!
    Hiyas! Thanks! :D
    time for questions!
    Oh no! >_>
    1. What does it mean when you mix gold and purple
    Worldy destruction! :O
    2. is it royalty?
    3. what is your favorite color other than gold
    4. is it silence?
    It's golden too! ;D
    5. can silence be a color?
    What do you think? :P
    thats all for now :)
    Thanks! ^_^

    SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:24:31)

    Hey Golden!
    Hiyas! :D
    What would you do for a Klondike bar?
    Be silent?
    Would you stand on one leg?
    Would you act like a monkey?
    ....No. :P
    Would you kill a man?
    NOOOOO! :O
    Do you like waffles?!
    Oh yush!
    Do you like pancakes?!
    Oh yush!
    Do you like french toast?!
    Black or White?
    Hmmmm, white
    To be or not to be?
    To be?
    Time for a trivia question! (For my last question...)
    Oh noes! >_>
    What's the name of Inuyasha's blade? <_< >_>
    I don't know, I'm clueless about anime! T_T
    I'm sorry if I'm being too random...
    That's OK!
    Well, that's all for now...
    Thanks and seeya! :)
    See ya!

    Jackalope -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:25:23)

    Hiyas, thanks! :D
    Are you having a good time as an AK so far?
    Yup, it's been a wonderful 4 months!
    Will you make all of your posts golden?
    I sure will!
    I prefer silver in decorations over gold. It seems more elegant.
    Do you live in Canada, Australia, or NZ?
    None of the above!
    If so, what did you do for Boxing Day? (I have no idea what people do on that day!) If not, then I'm disappointed.
    I dunno, ask my Canadian cousins.
    Also, do have any idea what year the Battle of the Red Cliffs took place in? I need the answer to get a blade in Fruit Ninja!
    Erm, sorry. :/
    K, I'm out of questions for now, but,

    I'll be back!

    Oh noes! T_T *prepares to lock the thread* Seeya later! :)

    Evil Torn -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:28:33)

    A new face, eh? I'll be watching you....
    I'm not one for hellos, but I respect females. Hello.
    Hiyas! That's very kind of you. :)
    "Silence is golden, duct tape is silver."
    Oooh, my new motto!
    Be wary, my friend.
    ....What? o.O
    Seeya! ~golden

    Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:43:33)

    *spots a shimmer of gold and mounts Odgne with the calm of a purple warrior. Flying high, dragon and rider vanish into the clouds far above where they can be seen by none, save the birds flying near. Dismounting her beloved black and purple dragon, Mritha dives down from the clouds like a bullet on a sugar rush, aiming straight for the golden light directly below. Snapping open her wings at the last possible second, Mritha crashes into the beautiful golden woman and carries her high while snugging with congrats, then crashes down into the purpleness of Ravenloss in a purple filled glomp of welcome to DFGD!!*
    *snuggles muchly for the tags! <3*
    SQUEEEEE I'm so happy to have you here! :D
    I'm glad to be here! :D
    Don't think I didn't notice your little comments about overthrowing purple, because I did. YOU SHALL NEVAH PREVAIL! PURPLE MOJO RISES WITHOUT PAUSE!! :D
    No worries, the golden is rising, one post at a time... o.O
    And of course I am not a ChaosLord! I am a Lady ^^ Lords are for duuds
    You admit you're ChaosLady then? :O
    For now I will only ask one question, but rest in fear, because purple will haunt you again before this thread closes ;) If someone jumped out from behind a tree and aimed a nerf gun at your face, what would you do?
    Laugh, because nerf guns don't hurt anyone! :D
    Tis all for now, see ya round and welcome to DFGD! *snugs!*
    Thanks and seeya! *snugglepuffs* ^_^

    Lady Aleua -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:49:47)

    *rolls around Golden*
    Hiyas Serenity! :D
    Magic or science?
    Favorite animal?
    Favorite DF saga? why?
    Bacon Orb Saga, because of all of the spoofs!
    BLUE or purple?
    Hmmm...If Mritha is around, purple. If she's not, blue!
    Congratz of your AKship!!
    Thanks and seeya! :)

    Faerdin -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 21:55:23)

    *Tosses Golden a congratulatory blueberry muffin for her DF GD AKness* Hiya Golden! I've seen you around and you seem awesome, so welcome! ;D
    *omnomnom* Thanks for the tags and the compliment! ;)
    Well, now the questions begin. *Cracks knuckles*
    Oh noes! >_>
    1) Do you know the song SonicTbear was referencing to?
    Obviously not. :P
    2) What herb cures all ailments? (Riddle time!)
    3) Are you excited about being a DF GD ArchKnight? Why?
    Yush, because I can finally fight purple corruption. ;)
    4) Which do you prefer, Dragonfable or MechQuest?
    That's a pretty hard choice. DF came to me first, so I'd have to choose that.
    5) Herpdaderpderp?
    Anyways, those are all the questions I can think of for now. It'll be nice to have you as a new ArchKnight here!
    Thanks and seeya! ^_^

    Shaiyal -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:03:39)

    Heya, Golden!
    :O Hiyas Shaiyal! <-- There ya go! ^^ (Don't worry about the different colour code, it's still the same, but my OCD went off because it wasn't six characters :P)
    Did you paint your new chains golden? I know they chain you guys up :P
    Yup, even though they're intangible :P
    So you're against purple, are you? Good! We need you in our army. The enemy is growing too strong!
    *cracks knuckles* Who wants to start recruiting? ;)
    Well, I guess that's all for now! If you need backup for the purpleness.. You know who to call [;)]
    *Salutes* Thanks!
    Seeya! :)

    Seiyou -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:11:06)

    Hi there golden! :)
    Hiyas! Thanks for the tags! :D
    I have no questions for you, just my heartfelt congrats!
    Seeya around and good luck! :D
    Seeya! ^_^

    Orian -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:11:35)

    Congratulations on your DFGD AK(ship) Hiyas and thanks! :D
    ok here goes
    Uh oh... o.O
    1.Bronies,Ponies,or Pwnies?
    2.What would you pick a pony or a golden moglin?
    I'd pick the pony only if it was golden, like Fluttershy. :3
    3.What walks on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs at day 3 legs at night?
    Whut? :O
    6.Dark,mint or caramel chocolate?
    Dark chocolate
    7.What was the first questtion I asked?
    Bronies, Ponies, or Pwnies?
    Twilly! <3
    10.There ya go,wait?
    [:D][:)] :O
    Let's see how you go hehe :)
    Thanks and seeya! ^_^

    Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:12:51)

    Hello! Congratulations on being asked to work over here!
    Hiyas! Thanks for the tags! :)

    Short post here, have fun and good luck!
    mmm, that's OK! Thanks and seeya! ^_^

    Corvus Corax -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:25:27)

    *Waves at Golden* Haloo newest AK of DFGD!
    Hiyas Corvus! Thanks for the tags! :)

    Personally, I think the colors purple and gold compliment each other perfectly. Ils sont trčs bien ensemble! (They're very good together!)
    Hmm...*considers signing a treaty with Mritha*

    But now it's question time:
    Oh no! D:

    Are you suddenly breathing manually?
    I hope not, or else I'd die in my sleep!

    Have you ever ridden in a speedboat?
    Just recently, yes.

    If you could change one thing about yourself, does that mean you have magic powers?

    What's your opinion on paper plates?
    They're handy for all kinds of crafts.

    How often do you wear hats:
    Whenever it's sunny.

    And finally, if your best friend gave you a wrapped gift, what would be inside it?
    Money! >:D

    Purple and Gold, yeah it's perfect i know, the first one's for royalty, the gold's for the dough. Purple and Gold, it's a serious theme. You see that its synonymous with luxurious things. Congrats and good luck Golden! Corvus out! *drops mic*
    Thanks Corvus! Seeya around! ^_^

    Wraith -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:43:34)

    Hiyas! :D
    Gratz on AK!
    Why thank you!
    Dunno what to annoy you with...e_e you iz luckeh.
    Erm, yay? o.O
    Have a great new year!
    Thanks, you too! :)

    IsabelWithBells -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 22:58:50)

    Another AK! And a girl too! YAYZERS! Hihihihihihihi!

    Hiyas! (Thankies for the tags! ^_^)

    1) Do you like pie? Pumpkin pie? 0__0

    That and lemon meringue. Mmmmmm...

    2) I still don't know if it's called ArchKnightShip. Is it? But even if it isn't gratz on becoming one. ^__^

    I usually call it AKness, but that works too. Thanks! :D

    3) Do you like sports? American football, more specifically?

    Don't watch much, and when I do it's basketball.

    4) Do you sleep like a normal person? (I don't.)


    5) Favorite armor/class in DF?


    6) Can I ring my bells for you?

    Sure, why not?

    7) Like to read fantasy fiction? If so, what are your favorites?

    Lord of the Rings <3

    8) Well, apparently I'm not feeling all the bouncy/creative tonight.

    Aww, that's too bad. D:

    9) So baibai! Gracias para el invitación a molesta Usted con las preguntas. (Thanks for the invitation to bother you with questions. ^__^)

    Sure, anytime. Seeya! :D

    ShadowWolfGirl -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 23:31:10)

    Thanks! :D

    Verethragna -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/2/2012 23:37:41)


    and am here to offset the recent purple corruption that has been invading the GD lately.

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexcuse me?
    Yush...? :P

    Hey, Golden!
    Hiyas! :)

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. [;)]

    Oh noes! ;_;

    Kyouhei -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/3/2012 0:00:08)

    hiyas! Hiyas! :D
    random questions :P :O
    1. if i were to smack you, right here and now, what would the first thing you would say/do be?
    Smack you right back? :P
    2.if some random person asks you for a couple dollars to refill his stranded car's gas tank, what would you do?
    Give him Monopoly money!
    3. what do you think the meaning of life is?
    4. oil or cream?(whipped cream type)
    Olive oil
    5. do you drink coffee? if so, how do you prepare your morning cup?
    Nah, I'm not the caffeine type.
    6. favorite flavor jell-o?
    7. P---m-- g---a c---- em' ---! fill in the blanks!
    Pokemon gotta catch em' all! :D
    8. do you cheat at scrabble?
    No? o.O
    9. favorite sci-fi movie?
    War of the Worlds
    10. are you a NEAT FREAK!?!?!? *Gasp*
    Yes! *Gasp* Thanks and seeya! :)

    Womba -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/3/2012 1:40:21)


    and am here to offset the recent purple corruption that has been invading the GD lately. >:|

    You... are.... my... hero.
    hehe, glad to help and thanks for the tags. :)
    Surprisingly don't have much to say...
    That's alright.
    Especially since I have a bunch more of these. *pulls a bunch of ticking orbs from a pouch* Oh well...
    Ahhhhh! You can have 'em. :P
    Gratz on moar duties. /brohoof

    Thanks, seeya! :D

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