Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/4/2012 14:40:38)
*flies in and glomps the golden one to the floor!* *snugs the purple one!* No, I am not chaotic at all. Chaos puts eyeballs all over you, it is absolutely hideous. Drakath gives the color Purple a bad name, just like Sepulchure gave Red a bad name. Agreed. ;) Now on to the questions... muahahahaha ;_; What is the primary weapon for fighting Purple, and what is your primary defense against it? *is totally NOT asking these questions for sabotage purposes* Purple weapons of course, because you couldn't possibly think those could be used against you! >:D Do you prefer the mountains or the beach? Beach What is your favorite kind of flower? Orchids If you had $100 to spend on whatever you wanted too, what would you buy? I'd probably save it for birthday presents, as I'm not very spendy. :) If you could have a custom AE T-shirt, what would be on it? The RuneHawk logo, as I've always thought it was pretty. And something gold, of course. ;) I see there is talk of a truce between Purple and Gold, and I like the idea. We can cover more ground in these forums if we work as a team; besides. Its Yellow that is evil, Gold I have no quarrel with. (Please don't tell Verlyrus I said that >_>) What are your thoughts? :) I'd happily accept! *reads the fine print* And to show our goodwill, draketh99 made you a gift. I HIGHLY doubt you will ever use it, but just for laughs, here it is Gahhh, what IS that??? D: I'm sorry, I really couldn't resist doing that XD ;_; *is scarred for life* For now farewell, see you around the forums :) Yup, seeya! ^_^