RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (Full Version)

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Caststarter -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 18:17:17)

Hi golden(i see you a couple times)
How are you doing?
Fine, thanks! :)
When did you first became a Archknight?
September 11, 2011 (9/11! :O)
Whats your favorite color besides gold?
What did you do when you first came into the forums
I mostly read topics in this board, but didn't start replying until 3 months later.
Have you done anything helpful to the community
I help out bunches in MQPedia, so that's where I was first made an AK. :)
Why do you think silence is golden
Because silence is tranquil, tranquility is awesome, and so is gold. ;)
Thats pretty much it, bye =)
Seeya! :D
*Note this you have a whole set of unanswered questions if you didn't look on the third page
Not anymore~

tthorn4 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 19:35:05)

(A portal appears and a dragonlord steps out. you notice the portal is purple) :|
Hi there Golden!
Hiyas! Thankies for the tags! ^_^
I apologize for my, ah, elemental... attunment? It makes my magic purple...
If I were to RP walking up and stabbing you, how would you react?
Heal and stab you back? :P
If you're a girl on the internet, how many trolls do you get a post?
I've only had one, surprisingly, and that was in response to a post a deleted.
No thank you. :P
So, what's your fave AE game?
You remember that sammich? It was made of pony meat.
Ahhh! Glad I didn't take it then. ;_;
Well, I'll leave you with that thought. *must join this golden uprising*
Oh yes, you WILL! >:D Seeya!

SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 19:57:53)

Torture time... :3
I got just one question this time... PROMISE!
yay! :D
What's Stewie's (from Family Guy) favorite hoilday?
9/11? (My AK anniversary? :O Coincidences!)
That's it!
Good bye!
Seeya! :)
*logs off*

Rider of Firnen -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 20:11:01)

Sorry to bug you again.
Hiyas! No problem. ;)
Just a few questions this time.
Are you a red head?
And because of a lot of the answers you have put on here I have become very suspicious as to your identity,I think that there is a small chance that I might actually know you,especially if you answered yes to the above question.Are your initials J.E.C.?
:O No, unfortunately. (Or fortunately? o.O)
Thanks for your time. D
Seeya! :D
P.s.Theyou mentioned that you are reading Inheritance,great book by the way,a piece of advice,keep in mind as you read the end that he plans on returning to Alagesia in later books. :)

Hmm, that's definitely good to hear.

chris11141996 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 20:30:24)

about perry :3 i ment the lil platypus from that disney show lol
xD Agent P. is awesome, yes. Seeya!

zumosmorph -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 21:06:57)

Hiya Golden! Nice to see you in here! :D
Hiyas! Thank you! ^_^
So, on to business.
I guess its safe to say you watch My Little Pony?
*nods sheepishly*
Who's your favorite pony? (I'm assuming Fluttershy, cause she's the best)
Who's your favorite non-pony character?
What's your favorite type of tree?
Crape myrtle
Might I suggest the golden rain tree?
Yes, I've definitely heard of it. :)
SECRET QUESTION! What's your favorite AE game?
DF. Seeya! :D

Andodalf -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 21:17:03)

What up>
When did you start playing AE games?
June 2010
Do you still play any other AE games now?
Everything except for AQ/ED. I'm not active in AQ, and I don't play ED at all.
Do you like Warlics stash?
I don't really think it suits him. :|
Favorite DF Villian?
SRoD or BLoD?
What class do you use?
KAA/Entropy, depends on if I'm pressed for time.
Whats up with the name?
I needed something ambiguous for a username, so <random noun> + <random numbers> = perfect! ;)
(some one has started using my avvey, should i be scared?)
Nah, they're available to everyone. You could always submit new ones. :)
Thats all for now~
Seeya! :D

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 21:36:34)

'Lo thar Golden! It is good to see you here!
Hiyas, thanks! :)
It is hard being black amongst all the purple and blue nuts around here. I hope your goldenness prevails over them!
Oh, it will! ._.
And you are a brony! Aweshum! And you love Fluttershy too! [:)] 'Bout time she is getting the love!
*Realises he has not asked a question yet* What weapon would you choose to use? (heh that rhymed)
Blade of Destiny, if it came at a higher level.
You read books? Aweshum. What sort of books do you like to read?
Fantasy and Mystery mostly.
What kind of music do you listen to? (if you listen to music)
That is all for now! Bainow! *waves*
Seeya! :D

tthorn4 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 21:38:56)

Hi again.
Hiyas, thanks for the tags! :)
Remember when I stabbed you, you healed and stabbed me?
Yes...? o.O
Yea, some bad news for you, I don't feel anything. Ever.
>:| Blasted godmodding.
You sure you don't want a sammich?
Ewwww, keep that thing away from me!
This one is bacon though...
Ewww. >_<
So, what's your favorite meat? Mine's pony!
What's your favorite kind of magic?
Mine's magic!
:O Copycat!
SCIENCE! Seeya! :D

Fingerman -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 21:52:21)

It's me! Again! That's good, right?
No. ;_;
How's about something scary?
No. ;_;
Scary is good for the nerves.
;_; (Three in a row? :O)
My fingers turn to claws, then I pull myself in two from the head down, with my face twisted in a silent scream. The two body halfs ooze a black substance, the halves themselves deflating and finally disenegrating. The black substance forms into a circle under your feet, and you feel yourself falling into a black void (not the void, just a void) filled with bloodcurdling screams, evil laughs, and deadly ponies. You land hard onto a strange room, with walls made of a mirror-like material. You are tied up, and look at your reflection, and see... your own face, oozing a purple *insert disgusting thing here* all over, your eyes blank and responseless. No, wait, it's changing. You see Spongebob's face in the place of your own (see what you get for not liking Spongebob?). Now, you see Mritha, her face triumphant over her victory over the gold vs purple war. Then, you decide you can't take it. You hear my voice: This is what new AKs must suffer! Get used to it! It's your life: FOREVER! MWAHAHAHA!!!!
Did you like it?
Would you? D:
I went overboard with the story, didn't I?
Ohhhh yush.
But it was good, right? RIGHT?
LEFT? It was nicely...gruesome. :P Seeya!

extreme wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 23:11:13)

Hey there. Welcome to the new position!
Hiyas, thanks! :)
Are your ArchKnight chains comfortable?
I see. Let the questioning begin...
Uh oh!
What's your favorite band?
Favorite food?
Favorite color? (Gold, I'm assuming. :P)
Yup! :P
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (I must ask this in every MtAK, sorry.)
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Do you play any sports?
If forced into a zombie apocolypse, what one weapon or piece of equipment would you choose to take with you?
A nuclear bomb?
What is America? (This is a philosophical question; I'm not just being an idiot. xD)
It's supposed to be the land of the free...
Favorite movie?
Source Code
Is the cake really a lie?
And on that note, I'm off. Abuse Enjoy the new job! Bye!
Thanks, seeya! :D
(Side note: Do you notice anything strange about the two figures in my signature?) Hmm, haven't looked yet, as I'm editing your post at present. ;)

Yeah, that armor doesn't exist. I got bored so I stuck a Ranger and Technomancer together. It looked rather awesome, so I kept it and used it as a sig. I love spontainiety. And big words. Pneumonosilicoschlorosis. See? Bye again!

DarthTwiggums -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/5/2012 23:38:03)

Hiyas! :D
Do you know what that means?
If you don't, do you want me to tell you?
What if I say no?
Alright, you win - it means greetings in Tagalog!
Watch college football, or the NBA? What teams do you follow?
I watch a bit of NBA, but not much. Mostly the Lakers and such.
1231? Why not 1234? IT'S SO OUT OF ORDER!!!!!! */rips hair out*
Ordered numbers are so mainstream! :P Seeya!

margus20000 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/6/2012 3:09:15)

There's more? ;_;
....I Was speaking about fly agarics before, that makes you think that you are flying....
...Anyways back to questions:
Guess now, who was first Santa, who had flying reindeers with him...

Right answer: He was happy herdsman??
I probably will do fun Christmas story out of it :D
Why not?
Best memory about playing DF...(Did you achieved sth or you got a item that you desired or etc.)
Probably mastering all of the classes.
What is your favorite computer game(by that I mean games, what you can't play just logging into your account somewhere in internet like it is with AE games...) f.e Wow, Skyrim, Hitman...etc.
Don't play any, sadly.
Place in USA, where you want to go...

MAIN QUESTION: Do you had or have my thought out weapon in your inventory (look my signature :D:D:D)??
Of course, just I was always too high level to use it... D:
Have you ever won any contest made by AE Team...
A couple of contests for MQ, yes.
Sry...I can't respond...Don't know your answer...yet
Anyways...BY BY...
Seeya! :D
...and remember, if you want to get flying reindeers, then eat fly agarics with normal reindeers, and you will see that they will start fling :D:D:D
I'll...keep that it mind. ;)

Sainsbo -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/6/2012 10:41:07)

Hey Golden ;)
Hiyas! :D
Grats on becoming the newest AK of DFGD!
Thank you!
What do you like most about AE games?
The community
What's your favourite DF NPC?
Have you watched the film "The human Centipide"?
Sadly, no.
If you answed yes rto above, did you find it funny?
I wouldn't know!
Well, thats all for now. Cya :)
Seeya! :)

tthorn4 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/6/2012 12:17:43)

*slaps self awake*
Hiyas, thanks for the tags!
What do you get when you combine a high-voltage oscillating prevention stabilizer, a quantum dual-core invulnerability enlarger, an unpredictable precautionary thrust doohickey, and an artificial v2.0 death-ray field inside a liquefied safety iron casing?
A bunch of high-end technology?
Didn't think I studied science AND magic didja?

I like trains.
Die potato!
if you didn't get those references I may have to join the blue side.
GIF's, I take it?
I lost The Game.
...Yes? XD Seeya!

Varen6398 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/6/2012 12:27:00)

Hello again.
Hiyas! :D
So I was wondering is golden a colour of dark yellow, or is golden some sort of mix of other colours?
If Mritha is around, golden is golden. Otherwise, it's yellow mixed with shades of brown. ;)
So do you like purple?
Not as much as gold, to be sure.
I'm starting to like purple might just see me posting in purple.

I like trains.

Die potato!

if you didn't get those references I may have to join the blue side.

*supersecretawesomehintofpurpleness* Type in ASDF movie into youtube...there are 4 of them...
So yeah, all I really posted here for was to stop you from joining the side of blue. Gold is a much more awesome colour. Plus it is shiny. So seeya 'round!
Thank you! Seeya! :)

colafan2 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/6/2012 20:34:03)

Hi! *insert smily here* Do you hate answering these questions? (not to be mean to other fourmers X_X)
Hiyas! No, it's actually quite fun. :) bored?? (lol)

god of insatily -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 11:57:48)

opens the gate to return and reality begins to warp
a dragon told me you like the Ineritance cycle
so who is your favorite Character(s) in the cycle
Hmm, probably Saphira.
do you want book 5
Not at this point, haven't finished reading it yet. ;)
have tou read the wheel of time or the malazan book of the fallen series
one healing potion of insanity if you know where this quote comes from


It's the
tags. ;)

Seeya! :D
stops reality warping by going back to the realm of insanity

Soulless Shadow -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 15:40:26)

hello. i am here to continue the interogation questions!
do you remember my true name?
Hiyas SS! ;)
how's inheritance going?
About a fourth through.
since last i heard you started last week, isn't grimmr the awesomest?
Who? :O *is a slowpoke*
what other non AE games do you play?
None, really, if you mean RPG's and such.
are you aware that i am a spirit?
Yes, soulless shadow. ;)
no further questions.
Yay, seeya! :D

and let us say


Seiyou -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 17:31:54)

And I'm back again! >:3
Hiyas! *snugs for tags!* :)
(Finally thought of a good question to ask.)
*rubs hands*
How long did it take for you to get titled/become an AK? Not since joining, but since you started posting in the boards you were titled in?
Hmmm...I started posting in MQPedia in the summer or 2011. After going on a 2-month vacation, I was titled in August and "Helpful!" for 3 weeks before Icy invited me. (How the time flies! :O)
That's all, thanks for your answer! :)
Seeya! ^_^

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 17:43:04)

Hello Golden, hows it going being an Ak?
Hiyas, nicely! :D
Goldenlocks, do you like been quiet??
Most call me Goldilocks, but yes, I do. ;)
Do you want some lemonade?
are you sure
I'm not giving you lemonade, Goldeneye
I was just asking if you wanted some, Goldenmember
And trust me I have tones more gold puns ^^
Oh noes! >_<
have a golden day
You too, seeya!

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 22:23:25)

Hiyas! :D
The Chronocorruptors shall rise and erase heroes from existence by rewinding time around them! >:D
JOIN US! [:)]
Nooooooo! Seeya! :P

RamDF -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/7/2012 23:58:14)

ChronoCorrupters and enTropy shall rise!!!
Yes? o.O
Anyways, congrats on your position :)
Thank you! ^_^

Seiyou -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/9/2012 17:35:28)

Hi there golden! I'm back, but with riddles! >:3
:O Welcome back! Thanks for the tags!
1. Until I am measured I am not known.
Yet how you miss me when I have flown.

Time? (Putting the spoilers at the very bottom, I see? Very clever, very clever. ;) )

2. What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
A river?

3. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space.
I am essential to creation, and I surround every place.

Oh, that's easy. The letter "e."

4. What does man love more than life,
Fear more than death or mortal strife.
What the poor have, the rich require,
and what contented men desire.
What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves,
And all men carry to their graves?


That's all for now, later! :D
*phew* Seeya! :)


1. Time 2. River 3. "e" 4. Nothing

plue344 -> RE: =MtAK= Silence is Golden1231 in DFGD! (1/9/2012 22:07:41)

Well.... Welcome to the group
Thank you! :)

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