battlesiege15 -> RE: battlesiege's item suggestions (8/27/2012 23:52:52)
Drakewood Wand Level: 135 Power Level: 135, Mastercraft Price: 5,059,008 Gold Sellback: 2,529,504 Gold Location: Dragonspine Quest? Element: Wind Type: Magic Damage: 15-29 BTH: 17 SPECIAL [You point the wand at your enemy and an outline of a dragon flies towards your enemy, dealing one hit Hits: 1 Element: Wind Type: Magic Damage: 505% Base and Random Stats: 991% stat BTH: +17 plus stats Rate: 100% Note: This is treated as a normal player attack. EFFECT (trigger) The weapon gets a 1.02* boost for no special special. Against "Dragon" or "Dragon-kin", the weapon deals 105% damage. In addition, the weapon has a 50% chance of element seeking to the monster's weakest element (standard 8 elements only). (But as a result of being such a broad category, this attack only deals 107.5% damage). If WIND is the weakest element, then the attack triggers and does 112.5% damage instead because the element does not change. DESCRIPTION A wand whose magic is infused with Dragonsbane, this weapon can occasionally unleash a weakness seeking attack or a more powerful wind blast against dragons and their kin. Appearance: It's a wooden wand with a tip that resembles a dragon's head. A standard 100% magic weapon. Deals 90% of a normal neutral armor attack. The MC bonus is invested into a trigger without a down-trigger. The trigger is not as much as like the DB because there is a 50% chance to element seek with a slightly boosted attack.