Remorse -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion Thread (1/27/2012 11:06:18)
New ,Skill/Passive robot special abilaty/consumable sheild, idea. POWER ARMOUR. Provides a certain amount of armour to both defence and resistance depending by how much more damage your oppenent did to you in the previous turn. Lasts until your opponent takes off any amount of damage. (in most cases 1-2 turns) Does not provide bonus armour if you out damage your oppenent in the previous turn. Bonus armour does not add to rage given to the opponent. For example If you hit 10 damage on your opponent and your oppenent hits 20 damage on you, your opponent outdamages you by 10 damage now in this example you have a power armour of 10%(of the damage diffrence), in this case your oppent outdmages you by 10 therefore 10% of 10 is 1, so you ge a bonus 1 defence+res on your net oppenent attack. If your oppenent masscred for example and outdmagaed you by say 50 damage and you had a max power armour skill providing say 30% bonus then it would be plus 15 defence/resistance until your oppenent hits you without giving them bonus rage from the high defence, which means you can stand a fighting chance say if your oppenent crit mascres and you dont die you will get ALOT! of defence on their next attck so you can catch up on unfair ground and you wont have to worry about them rageing straight after, it also means if you get blocked alot, an upside is higher defence as long as you oppenent hits during that turn. Reasoning? With this idea you can cut out many balance issues such as first turn being so influencial as if your oppenent gets the first turn you get armour quicker for your next turn without factoring you attack,(this means if you opponent gets first turn it asumes you had a turn before which did not do any damage and is calculated on only the oppenents dmagae with out subtracting your own therfore you get more then usual defences on thier next attack) It means sacrisifng a turn for things such as sheilding, energy drains, using robot effect wont cost you the game as much. Bad luck facotrs and effects are GREATLY reduced, blocks will enusre high defence as unless your opnent doesnt attack or is also blocked you will get defence, if you get crited you will most likely get higher defence deflects same as block, STUNS will become very manageable as if you are stunned you automatically get defence based on the damage of the stun attack since your turn was skipped. It also solves many issues with current builds which can kill almost all builds simply by starting effortlessy. It lessons the gap between varium non varium and gives lower levels a better chance. NOTE: this will not make tanks more powerful, why? because they will barely ever get the bonus from this as they would most likely be the player doing higher damage. Infact it would be a major disadvanatges to tanks because their oppenent would be getting constantt power armour defences sisnce tanks rarely ever get outdmagaed.