RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 22:25:59)

I have no reason to trust you,hero. You could be feeding me bad advice to weaken me! Though you`r point is slightly vaild trusting you could be my downfall! I SHALL DISCUSS WITH MY ADVISERS FURTHER!
~Darkness King

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 22:26:45)

Hmmm, in my entire time here I havn't really achieved myself as a big threat.

I may have helped out Darkness once and I know I'm Star's partner in chaos, but I don't think I've done anything big to trouble anyone.

I hope to become atleast as powerful as Star and close to Questionmark.

Now what would be a good starter....any suggestions [;)]

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 22:30:34)

Being my adviser?
~Darkness King

You could also unless the hazards on the city!

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 23:06:25)

You know that idea isn't that bad, but since the heroes already know the abilities of the BioHazards I'm thinking of using one of my newer minions, no one knows much about them and I havn't introduced them in my story yet so they would be perfect...

Now I need a goal....unleash something onto the city that would cause more damage? time for some thinking *ponders*

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 23:08:55)

Trust me, it is HARD to figure out who is part of my organisation.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 23:18:22)

3 days, Darkness. If any of the higher officials in this country disappear for 3 days, you die. This is the limit of my patience with such things.

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 23:24:11)

-buries 5 more chaos carnies-

Nothing I can do. I'm just a tombkeeper and undertaker. =\

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 23:28:52)

Rest assured, Drakkoniss, no one in my organization will die. Unless he resorts to random killing, in which case, he will kill but one but one before everyone is placed under maximum protection, at which point your assistance in...dealing with Mr. King will not be required.

We do not tolerate people putting our people in peril, Mr. King. Remember that.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 0:23:47)

Random killing? PAH! . I will not kill any officials,unless it is completely necessary! Plus they still have some use to me! Probing there minds,provides useful information! As for the Illuminati members,I will free you`r members,AFTER we negotiate! If I free you`r men the Illuminati may not in any way aid in my downfall,and I get to erase any secrets that could help defeat me from there minds! I promise I will touch nothing else!
~Darkness King

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 0:55:49)

You wish to probe their minds, eh? Is that what you wish to do? Go right ahead. You think we haven't already wiped their minds? All memories are safely with me in this unassuming thumb drive. A quick uplink, and they have it all back. But now? They don't even remember their names.

And we do not negotiate. Release our people, or incur our wrath.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 1:20:39)

Expect a new chapter in my fanfic sometime tomorrow! I decided to do sporadic updates on it, rather than one a week or something like that. Like HS, only it'll actually happen.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 2:05:21)

As long as you keep your word on it, or as well as you can. I don't have a regular update schedule for American Lions, frankly.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 2:17:57)

I've pretty much got it finished, I just need to clean it up a little bit, upload a picture or two, etc. I even found a title for it.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 2:43:15)

you're all paralyzed bam
for 100yrs
end of story

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 2:46:48)

Zeuzt: Can you Atleast TRY to sound helpful?

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 3:18:49)

[HS] Tombkeeper: Case Study.

Witness account and personal account.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 3:32:37)

What, no comment on my Case Study?[:(]

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 3:39:15)


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 3:44:46)

Previous page.[;)]

Hey, Acint Darkness Arachnid,and Doctor Nflueza, if you could write a chapter for the Death games that would be good. We can't start thewm without you.[;)]

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 5:12:29)

This trial ended faster than I expected.

What say you?

@Kyle: The Dealer certainly isn't what he seems, if those notes are any indication. Or we could be mistaken and he's just a mere man after all.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 8:58:37)

Are case study s the new fad around here? Maybe I should write one for Darkness King.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 9:16:55)


Am I a wizard when it comes to starting fads or what?

Not to brag...well...kinda brag...ACTUALLY A LOT FOR THE SAKE OF BRAGGING!

1. I co-started the trend of writing Herosmash stories with Gray Silhouette by writing Comedy and Tragedy which led to a number of amazing mindblowing crossovers and sequals.

2. I started the trend of taking Herosmash characters and placing them in a different time period In The Good, The Bad, and The Chaos.

3. I started the trend of having events on the forms with my daily chaotic presents Smashmas day when I created a deadly pathogen, kidnapped all the good little boys and girls, planted bombs on a fault line, a giant chainsaw armed polar bear in a too too.

4. And these niffty little case file ideas.

God, I love you form guys and gals! Everybody is so supportive and contributing to ideas to make what seemed at first so so ideas turn absolutely epic!

It is a pleasure to RP with so many creative and intelligent people like you guys.

Oh Dealer: I really want to comment on your case file. I'm just having trouble finding the discussion page.Give me a link and I'll comment till my fingers bleed. Heh heh..and then a little more. Oh yes you will be in L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N. Case Files Mr. Dealer.

I have a very important idea for using your character.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 9:32:33)

Clown: I use my Tales of a Spy thread for all my tales thus far. You see, I is a spy in DF hence the name.[;)]

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 9:54:05)

Hmm with The Dealers golden tongue,he could be the as Clown said it "the popular kid" around L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.

I claim this page in the name of overlord Darkness!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 11:41:17)

@Kinzvlle's demands in the negotiations for the freeing of the Illuminati members: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really think that saying such a thing will get you anywhere? It in fact does the opposite, and makes you seem MORE of a threat. YOu are treading dangerous waters, my enemy. If you continue acting such as you are, you are going to get yourself killed twice over!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooh... that was good.

Indeed. Just like the United States did not use to negotiate with terrorists untill Obama apparently decided it was a good idea to release 5 of the most dangerous members of the Taliban from Guantanamo to bolster the negotiations with the Taliban in Afghanistan, even as our troops were set to leave Afghanistan early, after all the work and money we've put into getting that far, and how close they were to extermination, so do the Illuminati not deal well with people who threaten them and attempt to impose ridiculous agreements upon their organization. Yes, I am irritated at his policies, and can only hope that it is a ruse, and not the idiotic mistake it would be, but considering his recent track record, I have quite a few doubts in that, IRL... but enough about politics. That was just a tiny rant to let off some steam.

*chuckles at Jessa's phrase "like HS, only it'll actually happen"*... but sadly, I feel similar sentiments on that matter.

I'll comment more, later.

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