RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 21:45:55)

Ah, thank you for the assist. Quite a crude trap, one that I could have easily maneuvered out of, but still, many thanks. Alright agents, I said fast and clean. Dispose of the riff-raff that remains and airvac the last few members back to headquarters.

I'd like a word with Mr. Overlord, if you don't mind. And I won't be nice and ask for permission this time.

EDIT: We own this page. Just more evidence of our influence...

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 22:12:03)

please to post new med license chapter ASAP kthx. i said ASAP, not now.

anyway, i discussed the cyborg's new message with him, the one i never showed anyone, and it seems that he's starting to be concerned

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 22:13:38)

Mr. Drakkoniss, if, if you don't mind...
*The Ringmaster alters his facial expression into what is commonly known as "puppy-dog eyes."*
May I please keep his face?

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 22:24:35)

(ah the classic cuteness that is the puppy dog eyes... i'm not sure if that'll affect his decision though)

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 22:41:18)

Only if it hasn't been trampled so much that it is a smear on the floor, Ringmaster.


(I'd have let him have it without the puppy dog eyes, so you are technically correct)

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/5/2012 23:57:47)

Here, I made a new chapter. Just for you, Vector!

Also, I just want to say. I want this to feel more like a fanfic, as in it exists in the HeroSmash universe. Not some story that is a fanfic because I SAY SO. You know?

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 0:47:49)

And I commented. Nice.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:07:18)


Ah, thank you for the assist. Quite a crude trap, one that I could have easily maneuvered out of, but still, many thanks. Alright agents, I said fast and clean. Dispose of the riff-raff that remains and airvac the last few members back to headquarters.

I'd like a word with Mr. Overlord, if you don't mind. And I won't be nice and ask for permission this time.

EDIT: We own this page. Just more evidence of our influence...

*As Goldstein's agents finish with their clean up, Clown the Jester steps out from the shadows holding two razors. He silently cuts their throats, one at a time till they all lay on the ground. Dead.*

Heh heh heh...clean up...clean up everybody cleans up.

*Clown the Jester drags the bodies into a large pile and he pours a bottle of cleaning detergent all over the bodies. Giggling, the Clown strikes a match and holds it over the bodies*

Silly Goldilocks. You think you own this page?

*Clown the Jester drops the match setting the dead agents' bodies aflame.*

Heh heh heh....Just a warning...a very very...WARM warning. Next time....I won't waste my time with your goons. Understand? Hee hee hee hee.

*Clown the Jester disapeers into the shadows, his laughter echoing into the darkness.*


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:10:43)

You know Clown, you never comentated on my Case File. I know there is ONE fact that may interest you to do with Trasverwald... I use my Tales of a Spy thread for the comments. There is also an interesting note on the Allance of Shadows in said thread you may want to read.

Also, did not see that one coming. You really do pop up in the oddest of places don't you?

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:16:52)



...I feel like I would be wasting my breath to inform you that those agents had families. I would be wasting my breath to inform you that you are dealing with forces beyond your comprehension. I would be wasting my breath to inform you that I strongly disapprove of such actions. You either already know this or don't care.

But know this. You are severely underestimating the fragility of human life (for no matter how eccentric you make yourself, you are human, Mr. Clown.) If you wish to die in combat against Drakkoniss, so be it. It is not our place to intervene with such a thing. However...

IF you keep meddling with affairs outside your realm of influence, if you keep accumulating foes, if you keep meddling with MY ORGANIZATION, I will bring its full weight down on your head and YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE. Mark that, Mr. Clown. Any man would be crushed.

And you. Are. A. Man.

And it's Segreto. Not Goldstein. We have no dealings with that mad doctor.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:31:07)

...You know, I really need to find a way of turning all these grudges to my profit. I mean, a fight between a secret illuminati member and Clown gcould get me lots of cash if shown live or even recorded on a channel, plus I could analyse and sell the combat data in special robots or something that could be outfitted to fight certain individuals.[:D]

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:41:45)

I already paralyzed you all for 100yrs with my lightningbolt

do you want me to freeze you as well I CAN DO THAT I'M JUST WATCHING THIS LITTLE GAME YOU PLAY

you think you're so good with these petty organization and faintly brutal killings

well they suck i'm sick of it don't make me come down there!!!


Not evil

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:45:48)

*in Omnicorp HQ* (why did he telaport me there?) Groan oww my neck! Oww my beautiful face! All ripped up! CURSE YOU DRAK! Now I gotta go find The Dealer, maybe he has something to help with my injuries. Plus I need to pay him for the equipment I bought off him!
~Defeated Darkness

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:50:13)

Zeuzt: if I had to guess why people ignotred you, it's because you are basicly doing something known as Godmodding. Look at other posts and you will see very little actual actions, rather they almost always have some kind of warning, deal with one person, or lave room for the creative to manovere. To freeze everyone for 100 years is just something that will be ignored I'm afraid.

Also, I would like to point out kindly that such large fonts are not allowed on thse forums. The largest allowed is three. i would recommend looking at thge Universal Forum Rules before doing anything else. I will proviode a link ASAP:

Although, I would like to ask what your main gimmic is, and what seprates you from the crowd if you don't mind. What makes Zeuzt so special?

Also, allow me to introduce myself. The name I use in this part of the fourms is The Dealer, and i sell merchendise of questionable legality to those who want it.[;)] (Note: not actual items or anything)

Celestin123 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:51:22)

Paralyzed for 100 years? And by a lightning bolt, of all things?
I'd like to point out the unlikeliness of that situation by stating that one single
lightning bolt would most likely not be able to paralyze us all at once, considering the
fact that we're all in different places and whatnot, among other things.

And I am not surprised that you can freeze people, but I'm not entirely sure what that'd accomplish...

After all, that wouldn't do much for most of us.

Anywho, I'm assuming that you're new here, so welcome to the H.S. forums and have a great time here!
Do not take everyone's posts too seriously, since we're known for our RP-ing.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:52:18)

So everyone, what the heck did I miss?

Don't expect a new chapter in anything soon, still addicted to Skyrim...

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:57:10)

]You see this is what i'm talking about!! Omnicorp HQ pfft...

just pathetic... ugh..[&o]

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 7:57:11)

Were you here when I annonced The Ommicorp Death Games?

Above: ...I would appreciate it if you did not insult my company. It's put me on the HS forum map.[;)] WHat is your unique thing?

Immortales -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 8:11:12)

To Zeuzt

I know you think you're so strong but these guys have a point go down if you have the guts punk!!!

this is a fun story

I think his special thing is bragging about his stuff megakyle

Those lightning bolts take time to build huh? Zeuzt


Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 9:52:22)

@star: just curious, did you ever think you could keep playing skyrim for "just a few more minutes" as most people believe?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 12:47:28)

Zeust, I am pretty sure those font sizes are illegal on these forums. Secondly, I very well can and will ignore you, because you do not show the class to attempt to actually play fairly and keep godmodding to a minimum, and we very much dislike over godmodders.

If you choose to not play by the implied rules, you can very well post all the threats and rages you want. You hold no sway over me, or anyone else on here, because you are acting like a spoiled child. Reminds me of DaVinci. We hate him, too.

If you wish to actually act like a civilized human being, instead of a barbarian in some wild tribe roaming the country side, you might be able to join in, but explain who you are, and pull yourself together, because the way you are acting now, noone will like you. You could very well be banned from the forums for flaming and raging against us, if such things continue. If that happens, well, that will leave nobodyhappy, other than us, that is, for being rid of a nuisance who had been ruining everyone's fun. Act as if you were mature, and not here to be a troll, or GET OUT!!!

Up till this time, we have effectively remained civilized and nice all within this thread, other than the occasional RPing rage fit, and Anti godmodding for the lulz of it, not expecting us to comply or take it seriously. I have the shame of actually seeing you enter this thread with such an attitude, and being the first person I can remember actually not wanting to include in any of this, and it sickens me, and only serves to increase the ammount of people who feel distaste at your actions. If you really want to join in, feel free to, but don't act like you can just enter and kill everyone else off or anything. You know we hate that.

Sorry if that sounds overly rude, but still. Such things need to be said. He insults us and our creativity for no reason, and acts as if he is better than us. If he just acted like this, without trying to make himself seem all-powerful, that would be fine. Arrogant evil people (even if he claims he isn't, he still acts evil, and if he's hero, he's horrible at distinguishing friends and foes, which I very much doubt he is, anyway, even if he claims it; If he is neutral, good for him, he doesn't need to act like a jerk) are relatively common, but if he's going to add godmodding into the equation, we don't need people like that here. They ruin things.


Oh, and Darkness, I placed a sticky note on your back. It says, "P.S.: You're welcome."


Oh, and Dealer, I expect Zeuzt is supposed to be a parody of Zeus in his mind.


No, I do not see what you are talking about, because you're not making sense, and acting like a rage-filled fool.

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 15:48:58)

-goes to the sewers to kill some chaorrupted chudlings-

Chaos. It's pathetic. Waste of time.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 16:17:45)



You know Clown, you never comentated on my Case File. I know there is ONE fact that may interest you to do with Trasverwald... I use my Tales of a Spy thread for the comments. There is also an interesting note on the Allance of Shadows in said thread you may want to read.

Forgive me friend...I'll comment soon enough.


You see this is what i'm talking about!! Omnicorp HQ pfft...

Incorrect Mr. Zezit Heh heh...I find Dealer's organization down right brilliant and this is coming from me, the egotistical self supremacist. Don't you see Zzit? He's making dough off the petty squabbles of good and evil. Heh heh...genius.



Uh...yep...pretty sure we can. Well at least I know I can...frankly its pretty easy...I'm not ignoring you now cause...I want to set the record straight.


Act as if you were mature, and not here to be a troll, or GET OUT!!!

Lets not get hasty...I like the fact the guy expects us to freeze our characters for ahundred years and flat out except him. Heh heh...makes me wanna laugh. AW THE HECK WITH IT, I WILL!



show the class to attempt to actually play fairly and keep godmodding to a minimum

Heh heh...yeah...cause I uh...I never do that...Hee hee. Fair square kinda guy...heh heh...thats me...HEE HEE HEE!


You either already know this or don't care.

Don't be silly Segreeetooo. Of course I care. seeing the pain and look of absoultly bewilderment on your face. Makes me wanna laugh. Heh heh...


...I feel like I would be wasting my breath to inform you that those agents had families.

OH THANKS FOR REMINDING ME! I plum well forgot about the wives and kiddies..heh heh...I'll have to drop on by and give my...heh heh...condolences...WHERE'RE MY RAZORS? Oh...left em in me heart...heh heh...only way to not loose the dang things...tried filling my weapons but the D.I. Folder got full after day one. Heh heh heh.


I would be wasting my breath to inform you that you are dealing with forces beyond your comprehension.


...makes me wanna laugh. AW THE HECK WITH IT, I WILL!

Wise words Clown the lovable rascal you! HOO HOO HOO! But back to the matter on hand. Heh heh...the comprehension question.

Oh...heh heh heh...Love hearing that line...I repeat it to the guys who say that to me as I crush them like a grape. I'll let you in on a little secret. SHH! SSSHH! HOO HOO!

Don't tell anyone...heh heh...but you know how the world see's me? They see an uncontrollable, demented, wacky serial killer who just keeps slashing and never asking questions later. Heh heh...they see a freak show inside and out.

Those are the stupid people. The ones who truly do not understand what I am. Ya wild crazy side...I like to think it's an act...heh heh..perhaps an act that I'm completely emersed myself into...but I'm more than murder and guts and gory glory. HOO HOO!

I can see everything my friend. Not literally ya know...figurativly. I'm not as control freak as Drakkoniss...heh heh...I'm just a simple freak. I know how groups like your little organization work. Heh have any idea how many groups like you have threatened me? MORE THAN I CAN SHAKE A BLEEDING STICK! Ya see...I know how to bring em toppling down.

Cause every corporation has one weakness...anarchy. Anarchy's like a forest fire. All it takes is a spark...and when that spark is burns everything down. Especially leaders of Organizations. I'm told they burn real bright. Heh heh heh.

Your goons may be loyal to you now...heh heh...but it wouldn't take much for me to turn em against you...just a wise word here and there. Heck...even the goons that know I murdered their friends would turn and start working for me. Heh heh...just leave em alone with me for five minutes...and they'll be all mine.

Remember that the next time you promote someone. You might wake up one morning to find em standing over your bed with a razor. HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA!

Dark you think? Heh heh have no idea.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 16:52:00)

Those are inspirational words Clown... I mean, even made Clown the Jester feel good.

Most odd thing happened to me today, I was just going through the Overlooks and BAM!
I meet someone named StarScream... and it's not me!

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (2/6/2012 17:24:17)

Erhm...I have lost my composure. I apologize. My...unbridled anger was unbecoming. Now, for the response.


They see an uncontrollable, demented, wacky serial killer who just keeps slashing and never asking questions later. Heh heh...they see a freak show inside and out.

You're right, Mr. Jester. Only fools would see as sch, especially after the riots. I...we, see you as what you really are. A cold, calculating man with the dangerous charisma found in people like Hitler, Stalin, Manson, Pott. Of course, to compare you t them would be an insult against you. You're so much smarter than them, aren't you? You're still around, right?


Cause every corporation has one weakness...anarchy. Anarchy's like a forest fire. All it takes is a spark...and when that spark is burns everything down. Especially leaders of Organizations. I'm told they burn real bright. Heh heh heh.

See, you speak as if we are but some business, posting stocks and making profits. We are not beyond your comprehension. That was arrogant of me. We have been controlling the very course of human history for centuries. Every scientific advancement came into existence because we allowed it. The winners of wars are chosen by us. Famine and disease are but tools of control for us. In the past, they were crucial for our continued existence. But now, as the world becomes more open-minded, we've been able to slacken the reigns. But we are still strong.

You think anarchy is something that's new for us? We've sailed through turbulent waters before. One man can only do so much. We are vast. We are a collective of minds. We are not to be toyed with.

Not many can kill seven of our agents and get away with it. Leave their families alone, Mr. Jester, and we will not seek further retribution. There is no reason for us to feud. Do not search for one.

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