goldslayer1 -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 15:56:07)
It should NOT be their last reward. Let me see you say that in MechQuest or AQWorlds' board. aqw has upholders. which is annual and a 1 TIME REWARD. not buy 1st upholder this year and get rewards every year forever for just spending $5. (yes i know people that spent $5 for 1st upholder) and founders in AQW, get a pet dragon each year. they didn't get a weapon or anything that affect gameplay as severe as founder armor did. for 2 years founder completely outclassed every other armor. while the rest of an unappreciated bunch had to keep buying the new best thing to keep up while founders all they had to do was equip their founder armor. and since they had no need for another armor, that means they saved varium on other ingame armors at the time. allowing them to get more weapons and enhancements at the time with a single package, than the regular non founder. this also includes the huge rating bonus of founder achievement. its by far the biggest achievement in the game (tied up with elites) and not even war general has close enough ratings compared to that. and war general, (if u were using super bombs) cost about $1000. wheres the fairness in that? a cheevo that could cost $20,$35 (with insanely Op armor at the time), $50 (with armor aswell) completely outclasses war general which cost $1000 in super war bombs, and an insane great deal of hardcore grinding efforts (which no one has done, due to obvious reason of war being rushed) to get. did i mention how the armor outclassed everything else? how about the bragging rights? the "i am founder, we're better" so called line that several founders have used in the past. then later the buffs on the armors as request of founders, because a new line of released armor had 1 more resistance point, because they "felt" ripped off. i dont think u felt ripped off, u just didn't want to buy a new armor like everyone else. and please dont compared ED to AQW or vice versa, because they are 2 completely different games, created by different staff, and these are different situations. quote:
Again TRANS, if you took the time to read my posts, you would know this discussion is not about the bike itself. You would also know, as I pointed out in a previous post, that the previous rewards/perks founders recieved and wheter they were enough is for another debate. dont bother trying, i tried to explain it to him thats theres a difference. he just brings up the bike, and the cindy quote.