RE: Rewards (Full Version)

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Fay Beeee -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:07:39)

It is nice to see you back on the forums.
It would be nicer still if you stayed here. Rules have changed a bit. Hope you have read them all.? :)

Oba_2 -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:09:11)


Having said that, there should be a reward for those who have spent so much on this game.

That I do agree with aswell. Yet that is another discussion :P

goldslayer1 -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:09:46)


you may be right but leave the past in the past,

so is founder. why cant we leave that in the past?


how exactly is he cheating if the incident in which you are referring to happened ages ago lol?

ok u obviously dont understand my reply, im not gonna bother explaining it to u.

Stabilis -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:10:37)

Suggestion for appreciation scaling:

Alpha Founders/Elite: +10 Appreciation, yearly gift of ultra-rare value, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

Beta: +5 Appreciation.

Gamma: +3 Appreciation.

Delta: +2 Appreciation.

Varium: +1 Appreciation x # of Large Varium Packs purchased.

Free: 1 Appreciation.


Everyone has at least 1 point of Appreciation. The scale for gifts looks like this:

10+ Appreciation: 1 annual ultra-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

5+ Appreciation: 1 annual rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

2+ Appreciation: 1 annual seasonal-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

1 Appreciation: 1 annual inventory/buddy list upgrade gift for everyone. Priceless.

These are small gifts, but hopefully not big enough to cause havoc in the player-base.

DeathGuard -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:13:05)

@Depressed: Basically what I suggested but no one commented about it, such shame..

Stabilis -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:14:02)

^ Great minds stink alike.

BTW, I'm sorry I still have to send you that PM don't I?

DeathGuard -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:19:40)

@Depressed: Yes, please send me the link of it

Removed insulting comment. ~Ashari

wario the great -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 18:36:21)

why argue about a bike it doesnt change gameplay.
It is a sign of appreiciation from the staff.
We may have found the game first but we also had the guts to support an unstable game at the time.
Just because you paid more doesnt mean u should get more, thats just being greedy and inconsiderate.
if you keep supporting the game you will be rewarded.
We all got free invo slots a while ago and 1k var for betas so dont just say founders are the only rewarded.

nico0las -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 19:31:23)

Is this really of such great importance we need to be so uncivil to discuss it?
Don't want to be mini modding here, but I just want to remind you we're being watched and this won't end well.

MrBones -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 19:51:36)

It is quite amazing to see how many people are not seeing the big picture. Even adults, like Sparticus will say stuff like:' it is just a bike'. Of course it is just a bike. Of course it gives no battle advantage. We all understand that. The argument goes well beyong that.

Will founders keep getting more than the other players. Thats is the real question. No matter what it is. House items, bikes, cheevo.. How much will they get. Should I keep supporting knowing that I will never have as much as the others? After all, it is about money. It seems founder are getting alot more for their money. All this for registering sooner than me. Now let me make something clear: I do not wish for any special gifts based on registering date. No serious buisness will ever consider that.

When I was younger, I used to go to bars alot. I remember the look on people eyes as I was getting in the bar while they had been waiting for an hour in the cold to get in. Made me feel bad. Any founder who have some self respect would admit this is going to far.

Is Artix taking the lazy way in, by just giving simple gifts to program and code instead making new codes for rewards based on ranks, rating, gamer level or any other suggestions been made throughout the years?

This has been, and still is a very sensitive issue. Company descions like that makes me wonder if Artix really knows their players base. Because adressing a very small minority time and time again could be theire demise. How can we take them seriously ?

Cinderella -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 19:54:13)

Vegetix- there is such a thing as a "sore winner". Accepting a gift doesn't make you more "deserving", "worthy" or better than anyone else. Stop gloating. Seriously.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 19:56:17)

last i heard of artix, he was too busy talking about his right hand pinky nail being broken on another website design note.
i believed it was like 2 or 3 paragraphs on it.

and im here wondering, why is he talking about his pinky nail when there are important issues to be solved. (im not gonna state the obvious here because financial discussion of prices isn't allowed)

thank you.

Ashari -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 20:23:49)

Last warning, everyone please get back on topic. I'd like to keep the discussion about the Founder Bike and gifts in general open, but if I continue seeing trolling, name calling, insults or any other disrespectful posts, I'll have to lock this.

Let's keep this civil -- that means you shouldn't be flaunting that you got a Founder Bike, nor ranting that you didn't. You are not better because you are a Founder or Varium player. We consider every player equals here on the forum. I understand this is a legitimate concern, but it's also one you have to approach civilly or you risk angering many groups of players. Please consider this before you post.

I've deleted several posts here that contributed nothing to the discussion already. Any more will also be deleted.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 20:31:53)

Thank you :)

rej -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 20:52:24)


Suggestion for appreciation scaling:

Founders: 10 Appreciation, yearly gift of ultra-rare value, sells for no credits, no varium.

Varium: 1 + (1 x # of Large Varium Packs purchased) Appreciation, yearly gift up to ultra-rare value, and as low as seasonal-rare value, sells for no credits, no varium.

Free: 1 Appreciation, inventory increase yearly. Possibility of a buddy list increase.

These are small gifts, but hopefully not big enough to cause havoc in the player-base.

I absolutely love this idea, there is just one small thing I would add.
Testers (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta. Player must be in possession of one or more of the promotional items associated with each of these): + 5 appreciation each.

Stabilis -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 21:27:58)


Indeed. I will change the post to this:


Suggestion for appreciation scaling:

Alpha Founders/Elite: +10 Appreciation, yearly gift of ultra-rare value, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

Beta: +5 Appreciation.

Gamma: +3 Appreciation.

Delta: +2 Appreciation.

Varium: +1 Appreciation x # of Large Varium Packs purchased.

Free: 1 Appreciation.


Everyone has at least 1 point of Appreciation. The scale for gifts looks like this:

10+ Appreciation: 1 annual ultra-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

5+ Appreciation: 1 annual rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

2+ Appreciation: 1 annual seasonal-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

1 Appreciation: 1 annual inventory/buddy list upgrade gift for everyone. Priceless.

These are small gifts, but hopefully not big enough to cause havoc in the player-base.

MrBones -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 22:46:24)


I understand this is a legitimate concern, but it's also one you have to approach civilly or you risk angering many groups of players. Please consider this before you post.

Thank you Ashari for that quote.

In a way I feel even some of the staff are feeling a bit akward towards this new reward. Not to put put words into Ashari's mouth but the concerns ARE legitimate.

What a bad choice by the devs. Knowing the history and bitterness towards founders gifts and buffs they choose to go foward with new ones. Why making everybody in a bad mood when you are about to launch your game publicly ?

So much to do still in the game and they come up with a new npc for housing. Shameless advertising for selling their varium houses. When you sit down and ponder about all those little things, legitimate concerns are the least we can have about the health of the game.

Colarndo -> RE: Rewards (2/24/2012 22:54:47)

Thank you for the bike ED Staff! It was a nice gesture (although I prefer screaming eagle)
I will wear my founder armor for a week with pride :p

MrBones -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 6:58:07)

Thank you Corlando for your trolling. Come on my thread and wave your prize in front of my face. Your attitude gives my point alot of leverage.

Ranloth -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 7:01:06)

Oh so he cannot thank them? What if it's your thread? He has right to post whatever he wants as long as it isn't against the rules, so it isn't trolling.

Oba -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 7:44:38)


Thank you Corlando for your trolling. Come on my thread and wave your prize in front of my face. Your attitude gives my point alot of leverage.

LOL. Seriously. He thanked for the gift, as we should...

MrBones -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 8:39:49)

The purpose of this thread is to discuss rewards. There is a few threads where you can thank the Dev. This is not one of them.

If you have nothing new to had to this subject, please refrain from posting. Let's move on.

Thank you

Stabilis -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 8:51:26)


I would have to say that this thread could and could not be the correct place for appreciation as the title could be misleading. Dbag, if you edit the title to "How I view founder rewards", then it more clearly becomes a discussion for different stances.

I would say that there are more appropriate threads to post a thank you, such as the congratulations or acc/dis thread.

Remorse -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 8:57:26)

How about no one gets any rewards (Its obvious it cuases too much trouble to handle)
Gifts however could be allowed.

But as a comprimise the game becomes ALOT cheaper!


I for one vote to remove enahcments on Guns and AUxes to be removed! (a sell back for the gun and aux enahcments also added)

That would be the best gift the game could give!

Stabilis -> RE: Rewards (2/25/2012 9:07:59)

My gift is along ^Remorse's^ lines.

However, it would be her suggestion from awhile ago in balance discussion.

"Remove ALL enhancements. Allow players to pay varium to unlock your weapon or armour. With unlocked equipment, you can reallocate the item's stat points to however you wish. Example: Frostbane = 8 DEX, 8 TEC, 8 SUP... Unlocked Frostbane= 24 SUP...

You may then customize your gear any way you prefer."

I say this because the game has SO MANY STAT POINTS.

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