RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (Full Version)

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PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 12:53:05)

I get it, protect Cinderella at all costs.

@Trans: wow you seriously bottled it after the hundreds of posts regarding balance. does it matter if its 10 days or 10 years, balance sucks.
as for personal lives, the balance team are volunteers, their are many other members of the community who would love to be part time
balance testers, free of charge. if Wiseman and Ashari can't handle it alone [they can't] then why not do applications for more testers?

@Kira: I never said perfect balance was possible, but when they introduce changes that make it 100% worse and give no explanation why
it can be very infuriating. clearly the passive armors have broken the game but rather than admit their mistake they dig a deeper hole and
then expect everyone to be happy. or anyone to be happy. they ruined CH and TLM for no reason it seems. I never mentioned profit either.

I know doing 100% balance updates each week doesn't increase profits as much as a new promo or slew of items but surely in the long run,
a more balanced game would bring more players to ED and ultimately spend more money.

No public test server, 2 balance testers. I don't expect balance to ever be achieved based on that <<

Calogero -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 12:58:50)

@ Isaiah...

BloodMages don't have a Good Debuff eather, nor do we have an Energy steal skill...
Stop complaining and Adapt... Get a Maul and Use that skill called Atom Smasher of yours...

You don't want Balance, you want TLM to be Overpowered. You said it yourself in that other thread ;)

XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:01:33)

And that will be remedied, and eventually the cybers will be knocked from their perch, until then you will just have to adapt, like everyone else has to, tacs are still much better than mercs, and still prolly a good bit better than us bounty hunters.
All you need is to experiment an find what works for you.
Seriously, if I can make a strength abusing techmage and still manage to win more than I lose, I'm sure you, who are much more experienced than me, could easily find a successful build.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:01:39)

Mind that, before anyone considers replying to that, here's a lot of information what the so called balance change for TLM is meant in Isaiah's post and what he wants with other classes:
He does not care if we suck and TLMs were at the top and we had to adapt, he wants TLM to be OP'ed again so he can compete with everyone including Varium players so TLM-era would be back, cares about his win/lose ratio and doesn't care yours will suck because of it as he's strong again.
Isaiah, show some reading skills and learn a fact: NO class can have - Passive Armor, Debuff and Energy regen. Two of them ONLY. Yes CHs have 2 and a half including SC which is still OP'ed but give it a time before you rant everywhere? Won't kill to wait. I'll agree, give TLMs Hybrid and leave class as it is. ;) If you badly want Smoke, say bye to Reroute which was considered to be gone from TLMs tree but they decided to take Smoke away.

Also people, you can see how a TLM who was OP'ed for whole 8 months is calling all the other classes OP'ed because he cannot change builds more than 2 times. We gave him tips how to counter them but the excuse was that he has a Sword not Maul so Atom Smasher won't work. Also did you know that in whole ED career, one build was supposed to kill everyone? And that TLMs are supposed to have no weakness but we are so they get easy wins? ;)
And we told you Isaiah, don't like it then quit like you yourself have said. You've been blind enough NOT to see our builds that we made to try and counter TLMs during their era and we still were losing. Now you finally open your eyes to call us all OP'ed without trying to change build, get different strategy or try different items. Yes because balance means ONE build will rule them all.

PS. Apparently TLMs have poor skill tree as they either take too long to kill people (like let's say SS build) or aren't effective against everyone! ;D

Isaiah, if you want to drop it then don't bring balance discussion in here. We all have enough of this and this should be focused on DNs in particular, there's different thread for Balance.

There's 5 Balance Team members; Wiseman, Ashari, Khimera, sometimes Hudelf, and Illuminator. I don't see you working any harder to get balance straight either, ideas might be good but are you good enough to implement them as soon as possible so you can please us? And if not, then accept the ranting and trolling?
Apply for more testers right? Okay. Now find someone who is trustworthy enough, has the skills and time; even hours every day, to work on balance. That means access to game's database. Easier said than done. Any other point to make except for speaking blately obvious facts that aren't easily done to please you? That means no points that focus on not having enough time, nor being harsh towards the Team. That's why Devs don't go on Forum, like Titan or NW - NW had a Livestream and had to BAN few people off it because they couldn't behave properly. Having seen 2 of Charfade's Livestreams with no such a behaviour, it's hard to imagine.

Lord Nub -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:16:50)


@Lord Nub- features like tournaments cannot be implemented until we have an excellent working balance. While our data suggests we're getting there, we still have to reach that state. I want tournaments probably more than you do.

I'm still forced to work around with mission features (eg. lack of "conversation" type missions, lack of random PvP missions, etc.) and other ways to advance the storyline not in real-time.

What would your solution be? Do you want the creative team to take off until we have x# of features? And every update needs to be 100% balance?


I understand there is only so much the "creative" team can do but also understand I didn't say anything referring to balance. There will never be balance unfortunately because there always must be a loser and players will always find something to blame that on other than being outmatched.

What I do not like however is how every release is either a weapon release, a mission release, or combination of the two.

Tournaments isn't the only thing this game needs either nor is it the only thing I post about or even mentioned in this thread.

What this game ultimately needs is more customization and more of a strategic feel. Unfortunately, it seems the developers prefer to release weapons and force class changes as a source of income instead of improving actual gameplay and keeping its player base. Adding new weapons all the time for new players as a source of income as the old players quit from boredom is not the way to go.

Hopefully one day someone will begin to understand the need for many of the suggestions involving customization and strategy but as the players are realizing, this is not the case atm.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:19:57)

@Lord Nub: +1

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:50:27)

@andy123 Balance in my eyes is me and the other TLMs being on top. @Trans Please. You people act as if you all truly care about all other players and have no concern with your win/lose ratio every single person is selfish to some extent. Stop acting as if you are any different then me. I want TLMs to dominate you want your own class to dominate. Stop concealing the truth by flaming me. Totally hypocritical. I'm done discussing about trying to adapt. I don't wanna adapt because I can't. I want it back to how it was when everyone was easy kills for me. I could 3 and 4 hit K.O everyone including vars. That was the days. And you want it the same for you so stop acting like you or anyone else is different. That shows you are a hypocrite. Have a good day sir. :)

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:57:32)

TLMs at the top? Right. 2 things to say on this - 1. You will not get it back. & 2. Tough.
You're being hypocrite yourself, so caring about the balance yet want TLMs to rule? Sure, that's what every single class jumper says! :D

XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 13:58:40)

That isn't balance, silly. You can't have balance if one class outweighs another. Your skill as a player should determine your ability rather than what class you choose.
And I can't understand how you can enjoy a game being so easy. I would get so bored and just quit, it isn't fun unless it's a challenge.

And forgive me if you were being sarcastic, it's hard to tell over the internetz ;D

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:04:44)

@Trans Well I'll give ED another week or 2 and if things aren't fixed bye bye Epic Duel. @Kirachan I was completely sarcastic about what I said about balance. I was not sarcastic about the rest of my post. I thought that was obvious.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:07:16)

@Isaiah: I have a mage with a Supercharge build that whups all the other Super Charge builds, Strength BMs, all TLMs and a lot of Cyber hunters.
it is boring and I don't enjoy being the favourite to win in almost every fight. I don't wanna lose every fight, but I don't wanna win purely based
on how powerful my chosen class is [and I have all the classes btw]

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:07:22)

We said it few times already, you won't see old TLMs anymore, at least not OP'ed. ;) So yeah, you can say bye bye right now, we won't mind. :3

To anyone else - Tweet from Charfade! :D

Charfade ‏ @Charfade
Ah, BioBorg Animations Done! Feels so good, and pretty proud of this one!

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:09:56)

@Trans: you can't really say that, no guarantee an update won't push TLM back to being OP.
did you predict Mages would become the no1 class ?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:10:08)

@Trans Never know. ED does have a nerfing/buffing cycle so maybe it will come back to us TLMs very soon. :) @Pivotal Exactly.

XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:12:16)

That's what I was thinking, but you never know, you could have been sarcastic saying you were sarcastic D:

Anyway, tacs aren't dead, thankfully for you guys, you have the luxury of trying a different build without losing efficiency, unlike us bounty hunters ;3

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:15:50)

Let's see.. CHs are currently still OP'ed and they brought down TLM, bring down CHs and ALL we will see is buffs. Besides Isaiah, I see you ranting over TLMs constantly:
We have NO data yet from Balance Tracker, perhaps it WILL show you're not doing well then what will happen - A) you will be happy and stop ranting, B) not be happy as Smoke isn't back or C) demand OP'ness again? And if it WILL show that they they are doing fine, what will happen - C) demand OP'ness again, C) demand OP'ness again, or C) demand OP'ness again?

That update would be leaving TLMs as they are but giving Smoke back. There's nothing else that can seriously buff them up as much as before unless you mean giving Maul, Frenzy v1, pre-HA and Technican. ;) Technican can be back as Smoke is gone, that makes one "useless" skill. If you tried to read as well, it will be getting a revamp. Although might be hard as whole point is TLMs being nerfed.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:19:33)

whatever you say Isaiah... but if there is a cycle, you won't be OP for the Next 8 months so enjoy

Btw, By just posting what you did, the devs will prevent that even more from happening ;)


@andy123 Balance in my eyes is me and the other TLMs being on top

That really made me Lol...

Algorithm -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:21:19)

"Well I'll give ED another week or 2 and if things aren't fixed bye bye Epic Duel". No one cares if you leave, the faster the better. We don't need people who piss and moan in the forums because they can't win, two words for you grow up.

Oba -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:21:34)


Balance in my eyes is me and the other TLMs being on top.

May I ask you if you even know what "Balance" is? If you look at the.. last 20 posts you've done on this forum have they all been saying that you want TLM to be OP to make it balanced again. I give you a tip, learn to play before complaining..

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:24:27)

@Trans Got that right. @andy123 Sure. @Algorithim No one cares about what you have to say. @Oba It appears you people really don't understand sarcasm. I know us TLMs ruling isn't balance. But that doesn't concern me. Only myself is what matters here. Understand?

Calogero -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:28:45)


Only myself is what matters here.

Here is something you probably don't know yet but here goes...
You aren't the ONLY ONE playing this game. This game is about everyone, Not you.

If you wanna be OP, Go make your own EpicDuel game, Make 6 classes and get the OP one.
Untill you do, stop complaining about balance updates being TLM getting the nerf they deserved.

Lord Areswe -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:30:22)

I think that the bio-borg should in some way heal the player maybe converting 30% of debuffes into hp/ep. dex and tech respectively
(so you have a debuff of -30 dex and - 40 use the bio-borg and it removes 9 points of the dex debuff and 12 points of the tech debuff while at the same time restoring 9 hp and 12 ep)
either that or a "rust" ability which reduces opponents weapon damage according to your focus level i.e. 1 focus = -1 to the opponents primary and sidearm
Hope I helped ;)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:31:28)

@andy123 That doesn't concern me. Besides you don't tell me what to do. I won't stop until something is done. I refuse to deal with being UP after all the time I spent being a active supporter of this game. I've been here since 2010 september. I'm not gonna just leave like that.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:35:45)

You told us you're non-Varium. Non-Variums are not supporters but players. Hmm. ;)
You won't stop. Challenge accepted. Don't cry if you dig your own grave. ;D

Calogero -> RE: =ED= March 7th Design Notes - Bio Gear Green (3/8/2012 14:36:28)


I refuse to deal with being UP after all the time I spent being a active supporter of this game.

Note, You are Non Varium so the only supporting you actualy do is being online...
Note again, You are as I said above a NON Varium, You are Not UP, You just can't make builds

You will not now, not ever be able to beat Varium players Easy just because you want to

Here, get yourself a Build or ask someone that knows how to, to make a build

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