RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:01:21)

Let's see if I can do this on the first try

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:01:54)

thereby unofficially requiring characters to have special powers, or suffer death. good thing i thought twice about my self-insert then [&:]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:03:10)

Exactly, a big cycle. If there were tougher good guys, I wouldn't have to worry about being HAXNUKED.

Though, I suppose if threatened Corona could just hop out of time. They can't reach him there.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:21:10)

@Drakkoniss: Far too many ideologies have been knocking around in my character's head, from his princess, to clown then to grey then to you then to clown again and then to you again. Truthfully my character was doing pretty good until his last conversation with Clown after his vision, Clown's words made David Blitz doubt himself even more then he already did despite all the training he had push himself through. The vision made it clear to him that he wasn't strong enough so he decided to train harder, but Clown's words were the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak due to the fact that David Blitz was at his lowest point after having to be the best man at his princess's wedding ontop of the fact that they crossed into an entirely different dimension afterwards, leaving him behind(at that is what he thought). Once David Blitz began to doubt himself everything else went down hill (lost of zero energy, thoughts of sucide, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, etc...etc). You can't blame him for being this way when so many things has happened to change him. You stopped him from wallowing in darkness of his past so he decided to *program* a purpose into his existance. But anyway to make a long story short, he will be this way for the rest of the duration, though due to the large of amount of feeding on different energies along side white chaos X prime's powers are changing too.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:26:51)

Not tougher, Glaisaurus; More. If there were more people on the side of good, you would not have to worry so much.

If the government played a larger part in things, I suppose it would help, too, though that is largely my fault... comparatively. They still do alot of behind the scenes work, but they used to play a much bigger hand in management of smasher affairs. Meh. I had a good reason, at the time.

Might make an agent character, or a group of them, but I might not be able to keep track of them all, if I have too many... I have quite a few characters already, and I don't even insert them into the majority of situations. *facepalms and sighs*

Oh, yes, and remember how Darkness was handed over to Stargate? The government deals with aliens, now.


@DB: The duration? (I think I know what you mean, but I wish to ask, anyway)I know far too little about the conversation Clown had with him for my liking. :/ (On that note, did you have to be the best man at the wedding of the girlfriend you had for so long, but do not seem to, currently, with your going to college, and saying you do not, anymore? This may be a bit prying, but hey, I am curious about such things, and I have doubts as to whether or not that is terribly likely, anyway; Thank you for presumably answering; XP)

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:31:30)

Ancient Alien Government. Awesome.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:40:02)

The duration meaning until I leave the HS forums or at least stop playing HS. Also to answer that X prime is no longer a persona of the Original (Seeing as he has cut him off from his power and removes his attributes from X prime). I created this whole storyline for him via my creative imagination, the only DB that reflects my irl self is the orginal and I won't ever write about him PAHAHAHAHA.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:41:31)


the only DB that reflects my irl self is the orginal and I won't ever write about him

That sense. Why have a character that no-one will ever know about? I don't quite get your logic here, explain?

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:46:21)

Its a personal thing xl, I created him to be the main character of his own video game series but idk if I'll ever actually create him even though I'm becoming a game dev(personally I have a certain image of him and I don't believe any regular artist can draw him without being able to read my mind....I can't explain him that well) He is suppose to mirror my personality and morals, serving as my living story of my life, but idk x3 its far too personal for me to explain more.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:47:22)

In that case, I don't quite understand why you put him in an HS story. I mean, wouldn't it be simpler to keep your own personal Verse and the HS Verse separate?

Or rather, is there any specific reason you put him in it? Guess my first wording sounds slightly rude...

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:51:17)

I never put him in a story (there are 4 personas and one orginal) I've wrote only about the Smasher, the Summoner, Nexus and the Zero(Who is now not a persona and has the name of X prime). I may speak as him at times such as my current story which is narrated by him but never will I actually write about him and his life on the forums. Also none of my stories are in the AE universes (except X prime's bio which ties in with C and T) they are all in random universes I thought up.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:52:22)

So...he basically doesn't exist?

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 20:55:37)

He exists, but none of you will never actually see or meet him and he won't interact with the AE universes at all. So in a he doesnt exist here.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:02:55)


Well, I guess that's, I would say settled, but it wasn't a debate or anything sooo...yeah.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:08:03)

Actually, you did put him in a story: The last tiny bit of the second to last of your stories had him as a fetus at the end, and the current story you are working on has him as the nararator, and you give a bit of background information on him.

I know far more about him then most do, or possibly ever will, but still. A very interesting story he would make, and a very sad thing to hear that's what you actually meant by "the duration", though that was one of the two things I had thought it might be... a great pity, indeed.

If my heart was not so hard, and my emotions so controled, I would cry, in real life, tears of remorse and regret, at what he could be, and what he has become. My body even reacts as if it might happen, the feeling one would get before sheding them, though even at the deepest levels of sadness I have trouble shedding them, anymore, though they might come in anger.

One of the few times I have ever cried for someone or something that has been related to the forums or HeroSmash was at the thought of Zafara's death- she who I truly love, despite never having seen her face. The thought has filled me with deep grief. Even now, with my emotions more controled in that regard, and my refocusing of my moral core, my eyes just wet a tiny bit, though a single tear did not flow down my face. That feels both sad, and good, confusing my body. :/

*sigh* But I digress. I wish the best for you, David, even if your character does not reform, as I would wish. I retain hope, concerning that, and hope you acknowledge the fact that many, many, many different things could occur in the span of the time you remain on here, both related to me directly, and only including me because of the role I have played with regards to moral advice in the past, for him, because of the fact that his mentality and modus opperendi may change to deal with the situation at hand, during that later period.

Edit: He has actually interacted with the HeroSmash universe due to my actions, in the past, which David seems reluctant to state, but regardless, it does not matter too much, other than leaving the possibility very slightly more open.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:10:22)


If the government played a larger part in things, I suppose it would help, too, though that is largely my fault... comparatively. They still do alot of behind the scenes work, but they used to play a much bigger hand in management of smasher affairs. Meh. I had a good reason, at the time.

Might make an agent character, or a group of them, but I might not be able to keep track of them all, if I have too many... I have quite a few characters already, and I don't even insert them into the majority of situations. *facepalms and sighs*

I actually have a agent char Agent K Lightingale. He works for a agency that was founded by the CIA and FBI, to deal with the smashers, monsters, alleins (they work closely with Stargate when it comes to alleins), and etc.


Oh, yes, and remember how Darkness was handed over to Stargate? The government deals with aliens, now.

I assume by this you mean Darkness King should have been kept in the custody of the Earth (US in this case) government. Well meh, I have had the idea of Stargate in my head for a while now so I thought that would be a good time to indurcue it.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:14:34)

It's fine, Kinz. I understand.

It is just my thought that the interactions have been few and far between, when they should be an integral part of such a society.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:31:59)

*drags the bucket full of Momma's saliva, and a bag full of Chudling bones, as he scurrying along the sewers, picking up scraps of metal*
Meheheh... MEH! HEHEH!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 21:35:56)

I wonder if you heard the explosion...

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 22:00:08)

Heard... What, explosion?

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 22:02:33)

Wait explosion? Unless you are still talking about the nuclear bomb,I missed something.


Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 22:03:08)

The one involving a grenade launcher and Momma Chuds' gut.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 22:05:31)

Yup I missed that.

Doom Desirer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/15/2012 23:44:12)

Ahh.. Around a year ago, the great raging war of Good vs. what Clown calls Chaos, had just begun. Drakkoniss came onto the field, expecting to recruit a legion of members and have his character established as an NPC. It was a coincidence that Clown came to recruit a few minutes later. Drakkoniss informed Clown that he would stop Chaos if he needed to, and thus started the great war. Two hours later, I joined the fray. I grew angry at Drakkoniss's logic and dubbed him a brat, so I joined forces with Clown. Ancient Darkness and a Chaotic David Blitz joined the fray. The war went through, and David kept joining and turning against the Chaos Carnival. Velmur came along and was almost insane enough to align his guild of peace Clown. Then Gray Silhouette came along and changed the world of Herosmash literature. I doubt that if Gray and Clown had not plated those seeds of literature, none of the stories would be here now.

That's all I feel like recalling of the olden days.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 0:56:30)


none of the stories would be here now.

This is actually hilarious, because Drakkoniss is indirectly the reason I came here. Go figure.

To be exact, his constant L&L activity made me notice there seemed to be some ongoing HS verse. While I'd much prefer the DF writers start collaborating, I figured I might give HS stories a try.

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