Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 23:34:14)
*bounds foreward, in front of the place Voldo would land, and swings his own sword around himself in a swirl, sending a red blast wave, dispersing the purple vines, picoting at the moment he has his sword held almost certicle, pointing downwards, to his side, and lanching another such blast at Voldo, while he is still in the air, hitting before he could react, and causing him to have his focus disrupted* *teleports above him, and swings his black and red blade down into his back, along with an accompanying energy wave , rotating into the blow to increase the force* (Think of a guy doing a front flip, but with a sword, and an energy trail coming from it; Also wings; Oh, and I have to go to bed, now)