RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 3:06:33)


Hm, I also wonder what happened with Shadow's Tiering. Sure took him a lot longer than he expected, unless he just forgot of course...

I was rather distracted, I'll resume work on it shortly. In the meantime, focus on your time portal.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 3:12:05)

Alright, just glad to know it wasn't forgotten.

Time Portal...if only I had the resources, and negative energy...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 3:28:22)

Gla: When have I ever forgo-*explosion in the background*-...Okay you win this round.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 9:11:15)

Ah, yes, Drakkoniss, I remember now. The China Lake and my Mother.
I find it funny that you, the Champion of Good, would lob a grenade into my beloved Mother...
All of the Chudlings mourn, weep, and shriek for her.
All because of you.
Interesting that you would do that.
But it matters not! Momma Chuds has a very large mouth, and produces a lot of saliva, so, even after death, it would be possible to collect a bucket full of her saliva.
The new Momma Chuds, a Shrieker Youngling, of course, will be selected by me, soon.
Sad that you had to kill Mother... Me and her... had a very... close... relationship. Heh.
All's fair in love and war, though, Mr. Drakkoniss! When my device is complete you'll be the first to know.
*begins to weld the pieces of metal together with Momma Chuds saliva*

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 11:28:52)

*cringes at the phrase 'close relationship'*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 11:34:24)

What exactly is a "chudling" anyways?

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 11:50:18)

Chudlings are greenish-blue little... people.
These are Chudlings:
Momma Chuds
Iiiiiiiaah am half-chudling. *bows*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:05:23)

Ah, yes, those were the days. To be fair, I technically am an NPC, currently, though not one you can interact with. At the time, they had a contest going, effectively, with the people supporting in the park war the most, among many other categories, slated to become large leadership figures in the HS world, which resulted in Antares and Rocker, though I got close to being the side of Good's representative, as can be noted by the fact that I am in the War in the Park's final cutscene, a possition reserved for the most active and devoted of players. I believe I was one of the top three, with regards to Good.

Even now, I am both extremely well-known and regarded in the HS community at large, both in the active players of the PvP community, and the forumites, along with many of the active players in general.
I have a weapon in-game, which happens to be one of the most popular in the entirety of it, if not THE most popular weapon in the game, and I am rank 10 Good, as well.

I was one of the founding members of the Order, a coalition of many of the most powerful PvPers in the game, dedicated to maintaining a code of honor, and politeness within the community, along with the major testing and development of PvP strategies and builds.

Needless to say, I think my chances of becoming an NPC are still rather good. Perhaps even better now than they were then, though of course that's hard to say, with the contest going on, and my getting so close.

I distrust Antares. :/ ; I've never met her, but there were many players back then who both played as good and evil, and with her evil version of the Heartbreaker sword, as the main Good NPC, and the fact that you had to do quests for the side of evil to unlock it at the time, if I remember correctly. I, on the other hand have never gained a single point of evil rep, though in order to gain Elastic Fists, I sadly went against my normally extremely high moral standards and defeated Demolicious in combat, who I would never fight to begin with, in most cases, and I have in the past accidentally destroyed or killed normal APBs and a Jetpack patrolman (before I knew they weren't evil), which I deeply regret.

I am willing to forgive her for anything she's done in the past, I suppose, though I would very much like to meet her personally, to figure out who she really is. Even the distrust in her I have is regretable, IMO. You should be able to put your absolute confidence and faith in the ability of someone who's supposed to be the symbol of all that is good, which is undermined by her equipment, and the fact that we have lost so many of the recent wars, which I partially blame on her, just for the fact that she is in a possition to influence things more than she has.

Enough about that, though... I have good hope for the future, and I enjoy reading such tales that the writers of this community make, though I have been unable to read all of them. I try to give constructive criticism, and give ideas I have about where the story's going, among the rest of my honest thoughts I express in such things. Though not as much as Clown, I have certainly spoken and collaborated with Gray, both while he was in the forum, and when we were in-game, together, forming ideas about the background of the HS universe together, and discussing story-related matters quite a bit. There were semi-famous case files he used to write, which I helped influence in many ways, discussing what the game actually hinted at, among other things.

I would like to think that I have played a good role in helping the HS writing community stay active, by commenting intellectually and often on their stories, mixing in my ideas, telling them where they had made mistakes, or things didn't make sense, and generally being nice and contributing to our RPing, which has added alot to the stories, over the time we've been doing it.



Good to know, SL9K.

Someone might want to attempt to look into the stories and char discussion threads, eventually, and document our storyline, correlating time periods of stories with events then, and writing down what has occured in the city in the time period of Opperation Reborn, which the RP arc of still hasn't concluded with regards to, and has rather grown slow... however... I would guess that was because of working behind the scenes, and the fact that Syrena would seem to have defected from the Mastermind's side.

I don't look kindly on the existance of the chudlings. Sorry. ._. (also, Momma Chuds will likely regenerate from that blow, considering her extremely active healing factor)

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:14:40)

Regenerate from the blow?! You tossed a grenade into her stomach! Most likely killing the Chudling Younglings that were forming there!
I hope you are happy, Drakkoniss, having killed innocent children, and their mother.
Sleep well, Drakk.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:16:55)

Not tossed, lobbed. There is a technical difference.

Also, considering the drain on the resources of the city, along with the fact that you led an attack of chudlings personally against the city, I feel my action was adequate.

There are consequences for your actions, and yours directly led to mine. Deal with it.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:17:56)

I want your blood.

Fair enough, Drakkoniss.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:18:56)

I edited my previous post.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:25:40)

Now THIS gives me a good idea!

Ever hated a hero or villain? Do you have an ongoing fued for some reason! Then come to the Ommicorp DUEL DOMES! A new course of fighting by the genius that gave the world the Ommicorp Death Games, the Duel Domes are intented to solve ongoing conflicts by having the two opponents duel to the death. They can be reformed for a variety of different fights depending on your needs! Want to fight using guns? We got em. What a clash of massive powers? We have appropriate arenas. Just want some good old fashined fisticuffs? We can disable powers. For those who REALLY hate one another, we even have the HIGH RISK ARENA, where the loser is wiped from the very universe itself, soul included! SIGN UP FOR USE NOW!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:28:24)

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *points at the Dealer*

Ooooh... that's good.

...I do not support soul destruction. If this is not completed, or the policy is not changed, it shall be destroyed, sheerly for that, just because I hate the idea.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:31:06)

Fair enough. it's always good to get feedback. But we will need something else for the High Stakes Arena that will be threating, else it's not high stakes. Any ideas?[;)]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:32:55)

Kyle: Lobotomy? Limb removal? Mind Break? Sandvich?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:37:00)

Because of the fact that duels to the death are stated to be involved, I'd say that a combination of that and seizing off all/the majority of the person's property and assets would probably be a better move, though whether or not duels to the death as a mode of solving conflicts in a presumably soon to be extremely popular program would still be morally and economically acceptable, as you will want to commercialize it. Thusly, I would recommend that being emphasized to only be for very deep conflicts, in which both parties agrees to the match, and its consequences. (also, SANDVICH!!!!!!!)

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:39:43)

I'd like to sign up for a duel to the death with Drakkoniss.
Guns, no powers.
If I let you inspect, take apart and put back together, my gun, may I use it?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:40:43)


where the loser is wiped from the very universe itself, soul included!

The only thing I don't get, no-one's strong enough to do this, and it's not like our tech is THAT advanced to actually latch onto the SOUL.

Besides that, I approve.


it shall be destroyed, sheerly for that, just because I hate the idea.

Waitwhat? That seems a bit...harsh. You can simply call of his idea? Unless I am VASTLY misinterpreting, which I hope.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:42:06)

... If you had no powers, wouldn't you sortof... instantly die, being undead, and with many of your organs not functioning?

Oh, no, I'd destroy the building utterly. It's a little thing called leverage. They made a TV show about it.

Besides, he decided not to go with the idea.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:46:24)

Oh. Same point stands.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:48:29)

It isn't all powers that keep me alive... I'll be fine, don't you worry.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:56:51)

(... Really want me to assassinate your character that much? ._.)

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:57:20)


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/16/2012 12:57:50)

Taking their lands and assets upon death is just as good.

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