Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:46:41)
Idk, Clown. That would be rather confusing and difficult to keep up with. Idk how many people would actually want it to stay the same, at least in the forums. I can understand you and Gray wanting to finish the stories, and they would still be very interesting, and we could RP them in-game, but on the forums, it seems the best thing to do. OC is disappointed in how his character is, David left the known universe forever, Atroxia and Artisa apparently abandoned Herakaris, who was not mentioned in their leaving *dramatic music*, and most of the big players who it would really effect agree to it. Star Screamer hasn't said anything yet, and a few other people that it concerns/deals with the most haven't chimed in (Ancient Darkness has previously shown a willingness to scale down his character, btw), but still. I think it or something similar needs to be done. I wonder about Velmur, Jae, Raeven, and Carly/Achillea the most out of the remaining ones, though I think Raeven would do well in the new universe, and probably would accept it, and Achillea would probably, as well... Maybe we could try to keep this universe up for a while, but I very much doubt it would survive the leaving of quite a few of the integral characters. @Edit: Woot for bizarreness!!!