RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:47:07)

Think what you will... It doesn't change the truth... He's gone. He has been for years. *sounds like crying echo through the chamber*

I don't even know where, or how. He just.. left me.

(Well, that seemed rather finite... So, all that actually was in this universe was in fact destroyed, but then recreated, alongside another... Hmm... [oh, and my base existed outside of the effects of that's occurance, so the original Clown the Jester is still actually there, uneffected, and without his Drakkoniss, untill... one or the other of them breaks, really {if that is canonized}])

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:50:34)

Heh heh heh...I'm not in your time my dear...well...not all of me..50% of my nanites went back in time to moment Drakkoniss sent me to prison. The other 50% at up your universe...let the last thought to pass through you is knowing that Drakkoniss never loved you.

He's no more cappable of loving someone other than himself than I am.

He merely played you as I play others..

That's the real joke...your nothing...and and soon I will be everything.

I know its hard to admit that I easily outsmarted you and because of your overconfidence I am using your creation to uncreate the universe...heh heh...

That always was Drakkoniss's problem. always thought he was one step ahead...meaningless when I'm two steps ahead of him.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:51:20)

Soo... Are we gonna set a specific date/time for the reboot?

And am I correct in saying the following: When we reboot, it'll be like taking a clean price of drawing paper, with no overpowered characters, no complicated stuff, just the city waiting to be filled with characters.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:54:40)



xD But isn't Yog'Sothoth the super Eldritch horror?

Anyhow. Guess this is my intro into the new Universe.
Corona wakes up in his time. It's the last time he'll see it, because their Sun has deemed them unworthy or something. He doesn't really understand, but apparently he's the only one left who can help. He prepares for his journey. He won't be coming home for a loooong time.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:58:23)

Supposedly Question Mark already set it up. And yes, that is the idea.

On another note, there's a chance that I'll be making some fundamental changes to Swamp Croc in the new universe...

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:01:45)

GOD! I still can’t believe you all think its ok that we have to recreate our characters just because you decided to create characters not as powerful as ours.

I mean…its not like you didn’t know that we would be powerful. It was your decision to make your characters less op than us. WE DIDN’T FORCE YOU! Yet now you sore sports are forcing us to remake our characters?


What you all don’t get is…you can overcome OP people without OP powers…ya just gotta actually think.

I refuse to ruin my perfect character to please the jealous people who think its more convient to recreate a universe rather than change their characters! NOBODY CHANGES CLOWN THE JESTER BUT ME!

ITS STUPID! I understand that some people want to stop doing the RP cause of this…but I’m not gonna ruin Clown the Jester because somebody feels like its unfair that they decided to make their characters less powerful than mine. I didn’t make a rule saying Clown the Jester has to be more powerful than anyone else.

It upsets me. So much. I understand when a single person acts way to OP…but ya don’t tell everyone to stop using characters with amazing abilities.

Every time people whine over this cause they think they have a right to complain about someone else’s character. BUT…YOU..DON’T! NONE OF YOU! NOT EVEN ME!

I understand that some people want a fresh start…but not all of us wish to do this. I mean…Its ridiculous.

Maybe you guys should spend more time developing your characters and less time leasoning ours. It makes me sick how people won’t let this go.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:05:14)


What you all don’t get is…you can overcome OP people without OP powers…ya just gotta actually think.

As Croc explained, you can defeat an OP character, but a godmodder will simpler say "I am immune to what you just did." We're simply trying to prevent future problems, not ruin anything Clown.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:07:45)

If someone says their immune to an attack...then just ignore them and move on.

This won't solve anything. Even if we make ourselves lesser...whenever a person tries to do anything clever...the less clever people will whine saying that they did something OP...and then we repeat the same cycle.

This isn't fixing later problems...this is creating more problems and at the same time ruining characters.

Dress it up however you guys wish...this is still ruining characters.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:11:39)

Ok, I can understand why you don't want to change your character. You've put a LOT of time and work into him.

I can NOT however, fathom how making someone unable to bend the universe as they please (or whatever power they have) RUINS the character. A character should be good based on who they are, not what powers they have. When it comes down to it, it's the story that matters, not whatever universe busting, time manipulating, person destroying powers they may have.

It all comes down to whether the story is good. I do not think this reboot ruins any character because it does not change the actual character, just brings their power to a level that a new RPer won't suddenly be nuked as soon as they step foot.



It was your decision to make your characters less op than us.

Point is, we're not trying to ruin anything, we're trying to prevent leaving. We WANT everyone here to be able to enjoy the character aspect. No-one should be forced to make their character a godly...thing.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:13:17)

Gees guys I`m still getting caught up here!
There was a fall of Herospire in my story! Voldo helped in it too.
I am in favor of Natinol Power Revealing Day!
I have mixed feelings about letting the thread die.
I think my chars don`t need a reboot. There not to OP and I quite like them.
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................As for the to much evil thing. I actully have 5 hero chars, that I shall sart useing more often.
WAIT! I`m confused has the reboot happend yet?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:15:40)

I believe Question Mark? posted it on the last page. However, we are still in debate whether or not to go through with it, but the majority of us lean towards it.

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:15:47)

Clown didn't talk in purple, this must be serious

But all this fighting, all this Godmodding, if I lose the rp, lose too much friends and have too much fights between people who are supposed to be a friendly online community then I'm out of here.....And then use magical sparkly powers to bring Star Screamer, Darkness King and other friends with me for some party stuff, with cake, and party hats!

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:17:33)

OK, everyone seems really confused, so I'm going to clear up a series of things.
1. The Reboot has happened already.
2. The Deus Ex Machina that prompted it was a multiverse-monitoring AI called The Providence.
3. It was essentially a 1-time gimmick, so don't go trying to corrupt it or fool around with it or whatever you might want to do.
4. There are now two universes.
5. The old universe is called the Beta Universe.
6. In there, things are continuing exactly as they had before, but the world is not ending.
7. The Alpha Universe can be populated with new characters and alternate/rebooted versions of old character as we please.
8. These two universes cannot interact, with statement #10 being the exception to the rule.
9. There is no alternate Clown.
10. Clown may move between Alpha and Beta as he wishes, but cannot bring objects from one into the other. (Unless he does something really weird.)
11. The point of the reboot was to give people a blank slate to try and redo their characters or create things that would not otherwise have fit into our canon. Essentially, it is a place to test out new ideas and new story-lines.
12. Clown's point about over-powered players is totally correct.
13. However, we still hope to keep the Alpha Universe a lot more peaceful than the Beta, and more realistic to boot.
Well, I hope that that made everything quite a bit more clear!
I look forward to seeing what you create!

-Question Mark?

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:17:48)

*sighs, and leaves to go find more useful events to attend to*

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:29:35)

Everyone is contradicting everybody else. I thought we just ceased to exist....

I just.


Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:32:04)

Eh it no longer matters, do what you wish. What's important is the fun aspect, we shouldn't be arguing over this.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:37:21)

Sorry hold up I need to go take some horribly illegal controlled substances so I understand whatever happened.


The reboot needs to wait just a little bit for things to finish. Shame that your epic post was used already

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 23:59:13)

*Sees Clown's objection*

Well, R.I.P. thread...

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:04:39)


Well, either way, I don't think my future stories should be terribly effected. The Reboot does make it more difficult to defeat the Eldritch Horror living inside our Sun though.

Obviously, I was inspired by Question mark there.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:06:37)

May the Nine Divines have mercy...

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:09:50)


GOD! I still can’t believe you all think its ok that we have to recreate our characters just because you decided to create characters not as powerful as ours.

I mean…its not like you didn’t know that we would be powerful. It was your decision to make your characters less op than us. WE DIDN’T FORCE YOU! Yet now you sore sports are forcing us to remake our characters?


What you all don’t get is…you can overcome OP people without OP powers…ya just gotta actually think.

I refuse to ruin my perfect character to please the jealous people who think its more convient to recreate a universe rather than change their characters! NOBODY CHANGES CLOWN THE JESTER BUT ME!

ITS STUPID! I understand that some people want to stop doing the RP cause of this…but I’m not gonna ruin Clown the Jester because somebody feels like its unfair that they decided to make their characters less powerful than mine. I didn’t make a rule saying Clown the Jester has to be more powerful than anyone else.

It upsets me. So much. I understand when a single person acts way to OP…but ya don’t tell everyone to stop using characters with amazing abilities.

Every time people whine over this cause they think they have a right to complain about someone else’s character. BUT…YOU..DON’T! NONE OF YOU! NOT EVEN ME!

I understand that some people want a fresh start…but not all of us wish to do this. I mean…Its ridiculous.

Maybe you guys should spend more time developing your characters and less time leasoning ours. It makes me sick how people won’t let this go.

^ Clown has once again said what I have been saying for the longest (Though due to my kindhearted nature I hold back from hurting people's feelings). I have said this at least 10 different times...but it doesn't matter now, whats done will be done and I'm glad it isn't my problem to deal with anymore...I mean how asinine can this situation get until the others quit. I weakened my character a hundred fold from what he used to be as a zero energy being..and does that matter...nope. I removed my character from fighting on either side...did that help nope.....I weakened my character again and even placed out a list of pros and cons I didn't even want to make...did that help...nope. I'm not even sick of it...I'm done with it. If you guys want to place your character on this planets standards then fine do you.. and Ill do me. /thread

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:18:22)

Clown, sir, with all due respect, I think you misunderstand. You don't have to create a whole new version of your character. This is just a chance to fix him.

See, I own/mod/admin for a few rp sites. I've seen this happen before. A character comes along who is really OP, but still a very good character and everybody loves him/her. But this ruins the RP, because this character almost always wins.

Yeah, we could all up our powers to match yours... But really, that's cheating to me. I mean, if everybody has god-like powers, then there's no fun. No challenge. No winning or losing or death or anything else like that. It would just become a bunch of people constantly trying to one-up each other.

Now, yes, it's fun to have a character such as yours... But it's not fun for everybody else. It would be SO much better, in my opinion, if we just leveled the playing field and, for once, gave everybody a fair shot.

Edit: David, it's kind of you to try and tone down your character, but if I read it right, before you quit, you claimed to wipe the powers from every Smasher who hit their power from Pandora. That, my friend, is OP.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:20:56)

Kay well.

Saturn has eaten an Apple and it reacted negatively with his immune system and made him completely omnipotent.
He controls matter and energy completely now, at the thought, and his weaknesses have been removed.

Game set and match.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:23:13)


Yeah, we could all up our powers to match yours... But really, that's cheating to me. I mean, if everybody has god-like powers, then there's no fun. No challenge. No winning or losing or death or anything else like that. It would just become a bunch of people constantly trying to one-up each other.

And what I tried to say the day I got here. I don't want to ruin anyone's fun guys, I only aimed to make it enjoyable for everyone, and to try to at least explain my point of view. Jessa is obviously more qualified to explain this of course.

@Anti:*Brings in aforementioned joke character who always wins*

The end.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/20/2012 0:25:49)

Lol. That was me saying goodbye to RPing here.

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