Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 22:30:39)
Yay, beagle RP!!! (lol; I understand what you mean. ;) ) O.o 14 (square) millimeters worth of bots (est.)... Oh, and it's not that we aren't paying attention, Voldo. We were just preoccupied. quote:
Protocol:17583:Fix_This_Supid_Mess Spelling failure. XD *makes a "tut, tut, tut" sound* Oh, Clown, it seems you have finally managed to escape, after all these years, once the nanites' power negation capabilities wore out... *in a somber voice* Unfortunately for you, the last command my master gave me was to keep you in here... forever. *lights flash and the illusion of Super City as it once was many long years ago fades, showing a dank cell, with Clownthejester lying on the ground, after ages passed by with him containted in that little room* I'm sure you'll learn to love me, Clown... and to have the same type of fun you used to have with him... after so many years alone, I needed someone to spend time with. They wouldn't have even stopped, if I hadn't prevented more from coming in. *pouts* But I don't want to be alone... not anymore.