Goony -> RE: =ED= May 1st Design Notes (5/5/2012 23:52:10)
Hey midnight, as one of those new mods I really don't see how you are giving us a chance to prove our commitment to help the community and the game to grow. It's not good for us to be cast as being better than or worse than the players. The new moderators have different aspects that they will bring to Epic Duel. I, personally, will make sure I am available in game to battle and take on board players comments and questions. The game still has to evolve or die, so change is always going to, either be good or bad in the eyes of the players... I have seen Rabblefroth taking onboard a lot of the concerns that players have regarding balance and it will slowly filter into the game. I hope that we can all be a bit patient. There are some new features and improvements based on player feedback coming and looking back at how the game has evolved from Beta it's what the community wanted in the main. So, talk about the new mods all you like, but don't judge them by what has happened in the past! Edit, got ninja'd by Cindy :)