RE: =ED= Balance Discussion VIII (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion VIII (6/3/2012 13:27:43)

So staff, why does a class that has an energy passive armor have a debuff skill that lowers tech/resistance as well as increases damage even on regular strikes while the other two new classes don't have a debuff to lower tech or dex and a way to increase damage?

Two new classes has large energy draining skills and energy regain skills while the other has neither. Then people will say Blood Mages has health regain at level 10 Blood lust equals level 5 reroute, the Blood mage skills don't use health all uses energy.

One serious matter other than the weak multis, especially Plasma Rain, dealing with balance is blocking. Either a non hunter player with lower dex blocks me or a hunter class player with higher dex and max shadow arts blocks me but do I block them no? The formula has to be redone, you can't have the same formula when more variables are involved.

SMGS -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion VIII (6/3/2012 14:13:48)

30 page lock, new thread is up.

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