whackybeanz -> RE: Monsters - Read the first post! (5/31/2013 13:03:50)
Azamay Golem EFFECT ***Elements seeks between Light and Ice***. (Has element seeking capabilities. Based on GD reports, element selected is random. This portion is to be reconfirmed.) Below 50% HP, the Golem stops attacking and a fiery rune replaces any previous rune. It begins charging up power from this turn on. Once the Golem reaches ??% HP, it rolls towards you and self-destructs, dealing increased damage, based on the number of turns it was allowed to charge. This attack element seeks as above. DESCRIPTION A powerful construct from the Azamay civilization, it uses powerful runestones to utilise a myriad of elements and abilities in its attacks. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20Monsters/AzamayGolem_m.gif[/image] Settling. ~whacky New Monster Lightning Bug Energy Element DESCRIPTION Looks like it's time for this firefly to be cancelled. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20Monsters/LightningBug_m.gif[/image] New Tiers Death Worms Energy Element EFFECT May Poison (Energy damage, 1 round) you. The poison's power is based on the number of hits connected. New Tiers, New Skill, New elemental resistances ZapZard Energy Element EFFECT Regenerates «» SP per turn. If it has at least «» SP, it spends that much and unleashes lightning bolts on you, which may Paralyze you for one* or two** rounds, according to the number of hits connected. *CRIKEY! **DOUBLE-CRIKEY! New tiers released for Plasma Dragon. Thunder Cat EFFECT Its energy orb attack can give you Elemental Vulnerability* to Energy. You can resist** this effect. *The electrical assault overloads your defenses! **You endure the electrical assault! Level Adjustment: 100 > 90, 0 Gold, 0 EXP Circle of Doom EFFECT It may not attack you for that turn and instead charge power*, dealing more damage the next turn. *The circle charges its power! DESCRIPTION If you do not destroy the crystalline heart of this thing before its glow touches you... you will die! That is why it is a Circle of Doom. First discovered by atrus. Clowder of Thunder Cat EFFECT Just like Thunder Cats alone, its energy orb attack can give you Elemental Vulnerability* to Energy. You can resist** this effect. *The electrical assault overloads your defenses! **You endure the electrical assault! DESCRIPTION Fun fact: a group of cats is called a clowder! *rainbow* [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20Monsters/ClowderofThunderCat_m.gif[/image] Svadilfari EFFECT It has a Sleep Weakness penalty of -20. Regenerates «» SP per turn. If it has at least «» SP, it spends that much and surrounds you with an Energy blast, which may Paralyze* you. You can resist** this effect. The number of rounds you are Paralyzed depends on the number of hits connected. *The Energy overwhelms you, making you unable to move! **Shockingly, you shrug off the effects of the shock! DESCRIPTION A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless it's spent so much time around primal Energy magic that it's become a formidable monster. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20Monsters/Svadilfari_m.gif[/image] Krenos EFFECT If he has at least «» MP, he spends that much to radiate his shocking aura, which may Paralyze* you. His bite attack may cause Bleeding**, which can be further worsened*** if he uses the Bleeding attack again. Regenerates «» SP per turn. If he has at least «» SP, he spends that much on an Energy blast which may disable spell casting**** for four rounds. *Krenos' shocking aura leaves you stunned! **Krenos' sharp fangs tear into your flesh! You start bleeding! ***Krenos tears more flesh, and makes the bleeding worse! ****The massive Energy magic overloads your mana flow! DESCRIPTION The Prime Energy Dragon, Krenos is the mightiest energy dragon alive today! [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20Monsters/Krenos_m.gif[/image] All in process of settling. ~whacky