TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:10:16)
i dont want to pay for it? i am up to date with all the current promos. and i have played this game for ages, with this now weapon upgrade system variums still stand a huge advantage. and most of the cool houses are varium only, cool bikes are varium only, promo weapons are varium only, cool bots are varium only(gammabot is way cooler than infernal android), name change is varium only, fine if you want variums to have more features than non vars, how about lets make jugg battle varium only, class change varium only, and bots varium only. thse varium only features will make varium players get bored easily, to me i like non vars to put up a challenge and i do not want to see a opponent in battle that does not look bada55.