RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (Full Version)

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Rayman -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/29/2012 23:27:20)

How much BTs are you thinking for class change then? I still think credits for class change is way better since everyone usually donates all the tokens and at the end they won't have enought to buy class change with tokens.( these are just the ones that don't pay and dont play all the time)

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/29/2012 23:30:23)

Trizz: No they shouldn't. You get the game for free. Cosmetics and convenience are at a cost.

Rayman: Not sure. And that's a player choice. I'd like to see more important choices with battle tokens, such as choosing to donate them or spend them on yourself. I don't really know how many battle tokens, probably something moderate actually.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/29/2012 23:36:31)

@xendran: talking with you is useless, all you want is to shine above all non var players and make them look bad.
the DEVS are wiser than you ppl, and im 100% sure of that,

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/29/2012 23:40:49)

Trizz: Cosmetically, yes. It's not to make them look bad, more to make varium players look unique. It's the most common form of ethical microtransatction, and is actually a very wise marketing decision, as it will raise their income. One of the biggest barriers into varium entry is the feel of needing to buy a ridiculous amount of it to get a full set. With this, somebody could spend a few bucks on a 500 or 1000 varium pack and still get 100-200 armor customizations (5 varium per customization), or a couple of weapon skins.

RageSoul -> RE: =ED= Top-Secret Details Revealed! - November 29, 2012 (11/29/2012 23:58:01)

Yep , can't wait !

legion of souls -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:01:31)

Artix Entertainment never fails to impress....

Good job ED team :)

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:01:57)

only you are not happy, i have seen many variums and non varium being happy about buying the hair style once and for all and not wasted varium on it everytime you feel that your color doesnt match you weapon, how unique can we look with colors? we will only look unique infront of non vars but in front of vars we are not so unique, its a worthless feature if you ask me. most of us are trying to save varium while looking good at the same time, imagine if everytime you change 5 varium goes out of you pocket and if you change 5-8 times in a week(alot of us does this) it would still be 40 or 25 varium wasted. the current system is good as it is. suggest something that will help the game play. i already feel guilty to 3 hit KO a non var and we do not want to rub more mud in their face.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:04:00)

These things are in exchange for variums losing their power advantage. You honestly sound like you personally don't want to pay for it, i havent heard any F2P players getting all riled up.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:05:49)

Im not sure if some1 asked this but, does this mean, you buy weapons in omega without any stats and damage?? you gotta purchase them, depending on ur lvl? or you get with stats and u can either change them or upgrade more on it?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:10:16)

i dont want to pay for it? i am up to date with all the current promos. and i have played this game for ages, with this now weapon upgrade system variums still stand a huge advantage. and most of the cool houses are varium only, cool bikes are varium only, promo weapons are varium only, cool bots are varium only(gammabot is way cooler than infernal android), name change is varium only, fine if you want variums to have more features than non vars, how about lets make jugg battle varium only, class change varium only, and bots varium only. thse varium only features will make varium players get bored easily, to me i like non vars to put up a challenge and i do not want to see a opponent in battle that does not look bada55.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:14:23)


lets make jugg battle varium only, class change varium only, and bots varium only

These are all extremely important gameplay elements. Coloring your armor is not. It is a cosmetic element.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:14:59)

Let me get this straight.

I buy a Weapon. I can enhance it basically however I want (with some moderate restrictions). On ANY weapon I buy, at ANY level, to fit the level I am currently at?

Well, that's...awesome. I expect to see some really new and interesting builds for each class now that there arn't any restrictions anymore.

Changing up defense and resistance? Awesome again. +5/+5 Armors have a bonus, as they get to distribute 10 "points", while most other armors have +8 or +9 :)

Well this will be interesting. Very interesting.

theholyfighter -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:18:54)

-Love the DNs
A few questions:
1. So weapons only differ from Enhancement Slots right? ( awesome )
2. So basically all we have to do is NOT to put all modifiers into one stat then for the rest we can do whatever we want to do?
3. No more stat requirements for weapons, right? ( awesome )
4. Armors no longer have a difference between P and E right? ( sounds nice! )

Angels Holocaust -> RE: =ED= Top-Secret Details Revealed! - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:19:13)

I wouldn't get too worked up about this phase of the game yet. This game is a lot like communism, great on paper but terrible once implemented. I'll wait and see what happens before I get my hopes up. Lord knows I've been disappointed with the way things are going with this game for 2 years, best not to make any assumptions about the future. A persons' actions are best dictated by looking at the past, and this game doesn't have a good record to run on.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Top-Secret Details Revealed! - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:23:33)


Lord knows I've been disappointed with the way things are going with this game for 2 years,

This, so much. Omega looks promising though.

legion of souls -> RE: =ED= Top-Secret Details Revealed! - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 0:25:16)


I wouldn't get too worked up about this phase of the game yet. This game is a lot like communism, great on paper but terrible once implemented. I'll wait and see what happens before I get my hopes up. Lord knows I've been disappointed with the way things are going with this game for 2 years, best not to make any assumptions about the future. A persons' actions are best dictated by looking at the past, and this game doesn't have a good record to run on.

Been wanting to say this for the last 2 pages.

ngshuyi94 -> RE: =ED= Top-Secret Details Revealed! - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 1:21:35)

This is going to be so cool. Hope that they allow us to use tokens to upgrade the items too. [:D]

Mdmarvel -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 1:45:26)

So... I can use newbie weapons and pwn in the high lvls? No lvl requirement for using cool-looking weapons? "Upgrading" your current wep to match your lvl's capability? Congratulations, I now declare ED's Omega release, AQW-fied

JariTheMighty -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 1:58:38)

Question: Will upgrading items replace enhancements or will they both still exist after Omega update? Looking at Rabblefroth's answer at page 1, looks like enhancements will be gone. What will happen to previously enhanced items?

Reading everything properly seems to make understanding the text easier...

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 2:02:04)

So with stat freedom, the weapon with the best value is the one with a good special effect.(i.e: Frost Destroyer's Frostbite effect that drains mana and stun gun with a stun effect) I can't wait for this update but how do you "upgrade" this item? Is there an experience bar for a weapon for it to level up?

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 2:51:06)

Weapons with effects should have lower stats than weapons without.

Vegafire -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 2:54:37)

This is not a suggestion or Debate topic it is a Release notes preveiw lets keep it as that please,

As for the concerns about the Enhancements i think they may merge the current enhancement system into the new system meaning those enhancements are already purchased + more? deppending on the costs in the new system, for example 5 in the new system could cost the same as 3 in the old system.

Either that or the enhancements will stay as they are (extra enhancement slots) and the new system will allow you to modify and add initial enhancements to the weapons so it will still work on the (+x +y) basis when looking at items?

If it is this second idea that popped into my head then it wouldnt be leveled and just art, depending on the cost of the item and its rarity it would have more slots available to purchase compared to a weapon of less value at the same level, meaning the promos ect are still worthwhile.

But This is for the Dev's to decide and they havnt released any more information on it

Would be a shame if the varium spent on enhancing the current items we own went to waste.

Thank you,

ninja.fighter -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 3:04:30)

atlast a reason to be active again

Vegafire -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 3:07:48)

First thing that ran through my head, Oh no 2v2 is going to be packed with Supp build Mercs again :P took us about 3 months to work out how to beat them at the begining of ED, should be fun im keeping my build the way it is, just adding any extra stats where i can :P

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012 (11/30/2012 3:14:52)

@xendran so you want to nerf promo weapons now? promo weapons are supposed to be more powerful than normal weapons and with a special ability, if you made it like that no one will get them.

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