=AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Answering life's mysteries (No more questions please ^_^) (Full Version)

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Katy Kat -> =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Answering life's mysteries (No more questions please ^_^) (8/14/2005 10:49:52)

Note: Starting Aug 14th, ending Aug 21st. (at 12am EST or when the next mod posts their thread)

Cold gray mist swirls around you, the surroundings are quiet and calm. Suddenly a large gray wolf, with black purple-tented fur and deep nighttime sky colored eyes shows up in front of you. The wolf gives a strange look behind herself, as if waiting for someone, or something. Before you have time to puzzle why there is a wolf in front of you another being appears! This time it is a woman with brown hair/eyes and cat ears, plus a tail. She looks directly at you, smiles and says: Welcome to my meet the mods thread, forum wanderer! Rest, take a load off, and ask whatever questions are troubling your mind!"

Heh, ok enough of the RPing style from me. ^_~; *Switches to a more serious mode* Welcome to my meet the mods thread! You know the drill; you ask questions about me, the secrets of the universe, whatever; And I answer them! ^_^

*You find an item on the ground that looks to be made of paper*
Picture #1 me in a fancy nice looking Asian outfit, and my cat fidget, playing AQ (taken yesterday)
Picture #2 same as first pic, slightly different pose. (taken yesterday)
Picture #3 good headshot, no glasses (taken yesterday)
Picture #4 Picture of me and my dog butch, informal (taken a few months ago)
Picture #5 High school graduation goodness! (Taken a few months ago when high school ended)
Picture #6 High school graduation goodness take 2!
Picture #7 My cat Cassie (since she was not featured in any of the pics with me, but my other pets were)

Oh ya, just letting you know: I am slightly dyslexia ( click here for general info on Dyslexia, from the pros and cons to what it is), and while I have by this point in my life mostly mastered the problems related to this condition (esp. with the help of the MS word spell checker j/k), I cannot grantee that my grammer/spelling will always be prefect. I apologize in advance for any mistakes related to those areas on my part ahead of time. ^^;

Last thing: Please do not edit your post after you make it until I have first edited it (so you do not erase my edit if we happen to edit at the same time >.<)

This will be the color for my replies! ^_^

Neon Nemesis -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 10:53:22)

Hiya Kat,
Hallo! :-)

General Q's

Where are you from?
Petersburg City, Virginia (USA). Though more commonly I like to just say 'from the moon' :-P

Do you attend university?
I am about to start my freshman year of college on Aug 22, 2005; So yes, in a few days I will be attending University! *Is nervous and excited* I am going to Emory and Henry college (at least for the first year...with the big scholarship they game me I can actually afford it! ^^; But I might be switching over to VA Tech for the second year, still deciding).

Or do you work a job?
I have been working a summer job as a receptionist/office worker at my mom’s internal medicine office (she is a doctor. Want to know more? *Points you to her mom's well-written blog*). I also worked a bit in the Adult day care center, but I doubt that counts as a true job as I did not get paid >.< (was volunteer work).

What music are you into?
I like all types of music really, though the styles I listen to tend to change with my mood. Though I do have a special place in my heart of Native American, Celtic, Middle Eastern & ‘Bollywood’, Electronica/Techno, and all forms of Jazz! (yes my taste of music is odd -.o). Oh and anything made by Yoko Kanno or Yasunori Mitsuda is good!

What are your hobbies?
I <3 to read books in my spare time (any and all books ^.^)...I also read some manga/comics/web comics as well. I like to draw, write stories and poetry sometimes too (plus I have been working on a novel I plan to write (donno if I will publish or even let anyone else see it though >.> it is just something to do for fun), though right now I am still do researching/world and character building for it. Got the first chapter down as well, though I might be redoing once I am done fleshing out the story in my mind) Also video games tend to invade and take over my life from time to time. I like to do self assigned projects and research areas I find of interest (like computer science related stuff, biology/evolutionary biology, paleontology *huggles the dinosaurs*, Archeology, History (esp. Native American history, early cultures, or civil war, and WWII related things), engineering, and architecture (gained a love for these last two in high school…I was a tech major so I got to take two engineering courses you see ^^;). *science and history channels are my best friends*. Examples of ‘projects: I am currently building my own computer (almost done, got all the parts in it just need to connect the wires to the right places then boot up and install the OS), I went (like I said above) on a course/dig last summer for fossils (fish fossils though, not dinosaurs), currently reading a book about the pacific theater of WWII (late in WWII, about Japan/Philippines and all that good stuff). And of course AQ is my biggest hobby! O:)

Do you like being a mod?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I have never been one to like leadership positions; I normally decline them to tell the truth. But I like AQ enough that I want to help it and I figure I can do more help by being on staff then not *shrug* so after two years here I am, still a mod, lol. Plus after the first year I was a mod I had strong enough ties with the community (and felt comfortable enough as a mod) so that no matter how frustrated I got I knew the people I was helping (even if at times it was with "tough love") were worth it and I was able to continue on. ^^ (though I still find it hard to deal with the fact that many times I am seen as 'the mod' and not as myself -.o)

When you login, is there a "ban" button that comes under options for each member?
Yes there is a ban button (IP and login) that I can access for each members when I log in *nods and laughs ebilly* but I have to go into their profile, it is not out in the open like some of the other options are.


Differentiate x^x (hint: use logarithms)
Donno, sorry. >.>; I have not taken Calculus yet. *makes a note to self to look into differentiate stuff and learn it if she can to try and answer this question later*


A spaceship (A) is travelling at 0.8c relative to an oberver (B). The spaceship's rest mass is 20 000 000 kg and has a length of 100 meters. What is the length and mass of the spaceship from B's frame of reference?
Assuming the spaceship had unlimited fuel, why can't it accelerate past the speed of light?
/me is too lazy to work the special relativity question out...with come back to this question later. ^^;
It cannot accelerate past the speed of light because (e=mc^2), no matter how
much energy you put in it will always be less then c, right? (You lose energy in the process) So if it is less then c to start with you cannot reach c (speed of light). (gah! been to long since, physics class, lol :-P I am most likely wrong but oh well)


1) Define the priniciple of dynamic equilibrium and explain it's application to a saturated NaCl solution. Explain the effect of temperature on the position of the equilibrium (take the dissolution of NaCl as the forward reaction). Explain the effect on the equilibrium if Sodium Hydoxide was added to the NaCl solution.
DE: "Reversible reactions give rise to a state of dynamic equilibrium, where the products of the reaction are converted back into the reactants from which they were derived as fast as they are formed:When a reversible reaction has established a dynamic equilibrium, things just don't stand still! There are countless numbers of A and B molecules being converted to C and D, and vice versa.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to bear in mind is
that when equilibrium has been reached, the CONCENTRATIONS of A, B, C and D do not change with time - they have reached a CONSTANT value." If one solution is hot, and one is cooler then the molecules will migrate from one temp. to the other until they both reach a equilibrium. Also what happens when salt is added? "When salts dissolve, a dynamic equilibrium is established between undissolved solid and ions in solution; the rate of dissolution equals the rate of crystallization."

2. Find the pH of a 10^-2 mol/L BaOH solution assuming complete ionisation.
*has been 2 years since chem, too lazy to work out the answer ;P*

3. Find the pH of a 10^-8 molar HCl solution. Why does the pH formula not work for this particular example?
*has been 2 years since chem,too lazy to work out the answer ;P*

Weird Q's

If I can figure out the answers to those science/maths questions, does that make me a nerd?
It just means you are good at math/chem/physics...and a nerd but in a good way! :)

If I wrote those questions, does that make me more of a nerd?
You were a nerd before you wrote the questions, writting them just showed off your nerdiness!

Do I have a nerdy image on the forums? Do you think I'm a nerd in real life or just a smart guy?
On the forums? Naw, though you have your own unique image on them. And nerd, smart guy...whats the diffrence? XD heh, maybe you are both in real life? *power to nerds 'n stuff!*

People have died playing 80 continous hours of Counterstrike. Does that hold true for studying?
Somehow I think studying would be more stressful and kill you in more like 60 hours...Then again college students are still alive so many it is not deadly? o.o;

If you were an admin, would you change my name to "Neon Nerd"?
Nope, I think your name is fine the way it is. ;)

Is fart flammable?
Yes. It is made of a mix of Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane (green house gas, responsable for the early warming of our planet (with the help of the orginizams tht made it)...combustible >.>) after all.

Is adult material (i.e. nude images) legal to 13 year old children in Japan?
The Article 177 of the Penal Code puts the age of consent for sexual actitvity at thirteen (13) years.
However for the selling of adult material "
The Japanese government implemented legislation in April 1999 that baned Internet providers from sending pornography to anyone under age 18. The law requires Internet pornography suppliers to verify the age of clients before providing contracted services. ("Japan seeks tighter control over Internet porn," Agence France-Presse, 6 March 1998)"

How much does Fat Bastard from Austin Powers weigh?
He weighs a metric ton, which is 2204 pounds. (well minus the 180lb he said he lost)

How come he doesn't look that fat?
Donno...maybe a lot of it is housed in an alternate dimesion and we only see the 'tip of the ice beirge' as the say goes?

Can people develop immunity to electric shocks just like immunity to diseases?
I don't think you can >.> unless you killed off enough of your nerves so that you could not feel it and/or went brain dead...


1. How low would u go for a million bucks?
For only a million? I might enter the lottery, or sue someone or learn how to own at the stock market...Now if you offered several billion...*hides her silenced gun from sight* you saw nothing! >.> <.<

2. Would be a CD pirate if you could earn 500K a year?
No, I would not find any fun in the job. I rather have a job I can get by on but love then a job where I earn a lot but don't have enthusiasm for.

3. If you're falling off the Sydney Harbour Bridge and had hammer in your hand, would you smash it into the water to break your fall?
Or would you not both cos the myth's been busted by the Myth Busters?
I would throw the hammer away! pfft if I am going to go into water why have somelike like a hammer weighting me down? XD

4. Would you rather be rich but hated or a hobo but respected?
A hobo but respected.

Thanks for answering the questions, cya later.
No problem, has been fun! Tschüs! ^_~

dragon -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 10:58:15)

Ello Katy Kat:
Hei! ^_^

How Old Are Ya
18, going to be 19 on April 29th.

Where are you going to college
Emory and Henry college, at least for the first year.(might transfer over to VA Tech later, still deciding)

Cute Dog. Only 1???
Yep, Butch is an only child dog right now. We use to have two other dogs (Rusty and Rajah) but they have long since passed onto the adventure of the afterlife. :/

How do they decide whos turn it is to do Meet the Mods...
Those mods that want to do the meet the mods event have to sign up for it. If the date they want is free then they are put in to do it that week (if not then they get whenever the next free week is that they are available to do it).

Is being a Mod hard???
Heck yes. >.> You have to do a lot of tasks with little or no recognition, you have the problem of suddenly having very few friends on the forums like you for you (ie alienation till you adjust), you have to make calls/decisions that sometimes are not liked by those effected by them even if they are for the betterment, you have to play ‘the bad guy’ at times. You are not allowed to make mistakes like you use to be…And all the while you have to see things from both the inside perspective and the user’s perspective in order to do the best job you can. *worth it but very morally and mentally challenging*.

What do you think of the Ground Zero Campaign...now known as the Coalition for the Negation of Terrorism???
I think that it is a good way for those who feel strongly against terrorism, or have suffered from it, to fight back in a peaceful way. It also is good for keeping up moral and hope. It might not be the cup of tea for everyone per say, but on the whole it is a good idea.

Whats is your job
*Points to post above and quotes:* I have been working a summer job as a receptionist/office worker at my mom’s internal medicine office (she is a doctor. Want to know more? *Points you to her mom's well-written blog*). I also worked a bit in the Adult day care center, but I doubt that counts as a true job as I did not get paid >.< (was volunteer work).

How old do i act???
Hmm...19ish maybe?

Like my poetry???
Yes, very creative. :)

Thanks for your time, cya...
May your travels be pleasent, we are well met! :D

1wingangel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 10:58:25)

... KATY!


Wait... I'm supposed to ask questions?
No, no! Just type random stuff in an insane way…but make sure it has an ? at the end! (must have a ? at the end...that way you can pretend it is a question O:) )

Err... Hi?
Hi! XD

It's a question because it has a question mark right? See this one too.
Yep yep!

So I could make a question by adding a question mark to anything! Wee!
Indeed? And we can make anything sound hyper by putting an ! at the end, like here! :-P

Hah.? I am so good.? Answer these questions.?
Meow? Yes very good? I will answer these questions with yet more questions?

=Max= -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 11:18:26)

'Oi! :D

I didn't know you had a little bit of dyslexia....
Like I said, 'tis been mastered for the most part and I do not have a really bad case of it (I fall within the light to mild/moderate range). Plus I check what I write over so most people do not notice because they never see the mistakes, only the corrections. *Shrug*

-Tosses you a box of Tic Tacs- I had too many of those. You can keep it!
Oohh, Tic Tacs! *Catches and munches on them* Thank ya! *Has mint fresh breath now*

What do you use to listen to music?
CD player, my computer or PS2, sometimes a record player (if it is an old album jazz album of my dad’s) ...I have a mini-ipod I like to use to listen to music, but at the moment it is kinda broken. >.> (I really need to get that fixed eventually ~_~)

And what music would that be?
I like all types of music...I own a lot of Native American music/CDs. I also like music from other cultures like; Indian (Bolleywood), Celtic (<3), Asian (I have a lot of traditional Chinese songs, some J-pop as well), Middle Eastern (esp. belly dancing type music). I also like Techno/Electronica, Movie, anime, and Video game music (because they tell a story), Rap (not the radio rap but the real, street corner rap. I grew up in a mainly black area so this style of music has always been part of my life >.>)

Do you like classic rock?
It is pretty good (esp. when it has jazz influences) but not one of my fave. Styles.

80s rock?
I like classic rock better then 80, but I like 80’s rock well enough.

How about U2s old stuff, especially Joshua Tree?
I use to be a fan of U2, and the Joshua Tree was a pretty good album. *sings along to “I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For”*

Do you like the Clash?
Unfortunately I have not heard of them, sorry. :/ (if I heard their music I might recognize them but just looking at the name I do not know them).

The Beatles?
Yep, I love the Beatles and their music! ^_^

What do you think of this? Leiphin drew it for me! (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/LeiphinArt/Take4.jpg)
Cool! (wish I could draw humans in different poses that well ;_;)

Then there this, which makes me laugh: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a323/LeiphinArt/joke.jpg
LoL, yellow submarine with a twist! :-P

Now time for battle of the breakfast! (You'll see!)
Huray for breakfast battles! *throws breakfast food at a random person*

Sausage or Bacon?
Sausage all the way!

Scrambled Eggs or Fried Eggs?
Fried Eggs

Sunny side up or whatever the other kind of fried egg is?
sunny side up of course!

Toast or Biscut?
Biscuit (I know this great recipe for making them w/butter milk)

Jam, Butter, or both?
Butter (got to have the fat :-P) and Jam (any kind is great! ^.^)

End of Battle of the Breakfast!
Aww, no more dueling of food? :/

If your name is Katy Kat, then why is your avatar a wolf?
Because wolves are my fave animal! My name does not have to match my avatar ya know. :-P Katy Kat sounded better then Katy Wolf. Also I like some of the attributes cats have (independence, seriousness broken by random bouts of kittenishness, etc.), and with the K it flowed better with my name. Plus it was semi-based off a old RP character I had named ‘Katy Kat’ (my current RP character is Tala Aoife)

Did you know that Wallo is Durroth's pet?
Nope *stares at Wallo and notices his pet collar for the first time j/k*

Could you tell me a secret? (But keep quiet)
the secret is this: I could tell you but then I would have to kill you!

What is your favorite drink?
Tea! I love tea! I tend to drink green, some flavor of chai or another, or Earl Grey. Though really any form of tea is a gift from the Gods. ;)

Corn or any food that is spicy!

Pumpkin pie (I mean who could not like pumpkin pie? It is awesome any day at any time! Oh and that frozen fruit salad thing (can’t remember thename. I just call it the frozen fruit salad thing >.>;)

Never would dream of it.

Cheer ColorGuard and Clorox Bleach.

Some people have been saying that Vephy is a cat...
Of course, anyone who is anyone is a cat, really! O:) *looks innocent at any non cats in the audience*

And Blackhawke and Seahawk are long lost brothers, but they don't know it...
Someone should let them know, lost family is important yo! Wonder which is the evil long lost twin…XD

Have you read any of the Harry Potter books? I'm on the 6th.
I have read all of them many, many, MANY times! Great story! :)

Do you like me sig?
Yarrg yes! Axel from kingdom hearts and a Gundam themed one; what better combo would there be (well unless the Gundam was replaced by Bright Noah from the original MSG of course…O:) )? Though I warn you, the combined File size of that lovely siggy makes me want to eat it…(it is over 70KB all together…anything over 50Kb is wearing a sign saying 'eat me!')

Well, byes. I'm of to go somewhere else. But where is that? -walks off-
Tchau! May the fates guide your step! And watch out for bottomless pic! :o j/k

lillerare -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 11:32:33)

hi Katy Kat.
Greetings lillerare! ^^

how is the real life?
It is good, if a bit chaotic, at the moment.

how is the forum life?
It is ok…I am still recovering from the 3 month break I took but for the most part I am getting back to my old active self.

how is the AQ game life?
In a comatose state at the moment… ^^; between real life and forum life and college coming up I just have not had time to do much training on my characters. :/

whats your favourite food?
Corn! And pum pkin pie!

whats your favourite fruit?
Hard to choose just on…I love any and all kinda of fruit (more then chocolate even). I guess strawberries would be the top one.

whats your favourite cake?
That strawberry cake you can get from Books-A-Million. Or maybe German Chocolate cake (which ironically is actually not a German made/invented cake. :p)

have you ever played any Legend of Zelda games?
Heck yes! The LoZ series is one of my fave! I have almost all the games save those for gamecude. *huggles her fave one so far, LoZ; orcarina of time*

have you ever played any WarCraft games?
I played a little bit on my friend’s computer; but other then that no. I keep meaning to one day though (I mean heck if even my friends, even my old programming teacher played it, then it must good right?)

and now for my growing question.

Reens have her Snuggles, the Evil Admin have his Burninates and Blasts, Invain have his killing smile, Pae the gecko Mod has hissmileys, rar's, zip's, rawr's, smiting, snuggling, huggling, toothpick wielding, ninja skills? and geckoness >.> and Kalanyr has his My fey minions or my horde of Oompa Loompas take your pick, but what do you have?
Good question. Ermm…Ebil katness? XD I use to have a stick of smiting I could hit people with…oh and munch/nibbles of d00m (to those who have yum my siggys)…Plus my partner in crime Twilight Blossom (the gray wolf mentioned in my first post…part of my RP character(s) as well). I don’t know…whatever I have at least I have it, neh?

have you ever watched Pokemon, Digimon, Medabots, BeyBlade, DuelMasters or Yu Gi Oh?
Sadly I did watch some of Pokémon when I was younger. The first season at least. Also played the card game/GB games. But then I grew out of it. (Still have the cards though…I wonder how much they sell for now? I have a bunch of 1st editions and rares…). I use to watch Digimon…I loved the first season and still do (very creative story). I saw some of the later two seasons but after that the show lost its appeal to me. Never seen Beyblade or Duelmasters. Use to watch some of the Medabots episodes when they came on Sat. And I have seen one or two episodes of Yu Gi Oh (just to see what the heck it was).

have you ever watched Cartoonnetwork, Nickelodeon, Jetix or DisneyChannel?
I Use to watch Nickeldeon way back when I was younger (when they had things like 'the strange world of Alex Max' and 'Rin and Stempy'.). I also use to watch the DisneyChannel (mainly for the movies that would come on). And Cartoonnetwork I still watch to this day (use to watch Toonami, now I watch Adult swim). Never seen Jetix though, what is it like?

ok thats all bye.
Aww that is all? Oki well goodbye, nice to meet ya! :)

kia dog -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 11:37:22)

Well hi Katy.
Привет (greetings) kia dog! :)

I love your sig, Princess Mononoke is my favorite movie.
Glad you like it ^.^

do you like the movie?
I love the movie; it is by Hayao Miyazaki, has a good story, and wolves! What more could you want? (Nausicaa of the valley of the Wind was also a good movie)

Don't really know you but thought I'd drop in to see ya.
I don’t know you that well either, though I have seenyour name here and there in the forums. Was nice meeting you though (got to love a fellow Mononoke fan :p)

Do you think of yourself as cool?
If you mean cool as in popular then not particularly…I mean in real life (and here on the forums as well I guess) I tend to be the person everyone likes or at least tolerates, but am not always well know (which is fine with me.). If you mean cool as in someone who has interesting things about them (a 'colorful' personality) then yes I do (then again everyone is cool in some way going by that definition, lol.).

Well I'll see ya [;)] .
*Waves-huggles* До свидания! (Goodbye) :-D was nice talking with you!

lilJunior7 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 12:01:54)

Yea its Katy Kat! T3H 3b1L (@+ 0ƒ [)00^^!!1!Shift+1!!
It is ilJunior7! And she brought her friend high 1337! *7|-|3 <47 |)13z!**(and that will be the only time you will eva see me type in leet >.>)

/me sqeees in delight of see Katy Kat
/me Makes equally happy sounds to see ilJunior7! :p

Rememeber me?
Hai! Indeed I do! ^_^

Your the coolest mod ever now! Following behined you, Vephoma.
Naw, I think Vephoma might actually be cooler then me. XD But I appreciate the compliment!

Ok... this confuse me, you have a 'Ebil kat of d00m' title but you got a wolf as your avy?
I love wolves…the avatar has nothin’ to do with my title or name. As I explained above in bmwmax10’s post “Katy Kat sounded better then Katy Wolf. Also I like some of the attributes cats have (independence, seriousness broken by random bouts of kittenishness, etc.), and with the K it flowed better with my name. Plus it was semi-based off an old RP character I had named ‘Katy Kat’ (my current RP character is Tala Aoife)”. Adding a bit more: my nickname is Katy…and I had my cats on me at the time I made up my username so maybe that influenced me as well. As to the ‘ebil kat of d00m part’. Well for one I like using the word d00m, very dramatic. But also I wanted to make my title a bit of a inside joke. See I tend to haunt the Q&A forum…I am not very evil at all. So I though ‘hey I can make it sound like I am the opposite of how I am’. ‘Course then I changed it to ‘ebil’ as it mean ‘cute’ or ‘funny’ evil. Then there was the fact that all mods must be evil and insane thus the ebil kat of d00m declares that I am indeed of those evil ranks. :-P

What kind of dog you have, he quite a big fellow isnt he? ^_^
He is huge and weights a lot. Esp. when he wants to try and lie in your lap or play wrestle with you, lol >.< . (But I love him all the same ^.^). He is a purebred lab mix of Labrador retriever and Chocolate lab.

How long have you been around?
As a mod? About 2 years. As a player of AQ? About 2 ½ years, maybe a bit more.

How did you become a mod?
I use to be very, very forum active, esp. in the help forums on the old forums. I also have some skills technology wise (I can code in a fair amount of languages. Sadly I am not very good with flash/action scripting yet. -.-). When I was selected there was both a need for a new Member of the staff/mod and I was (at the time) very popular on the forums and people kept making topics saying I should become a mod (though I really had no wish too… >.> I just liked answering questions and stuff, lol.)

Why do you have a -100000 on your charisma?
I was just curious as to what would happen if I had such a low number on Charisma. Plus in having negative charisma is shows me exactly what charisma does effect, lol.

How old are you, what grade you going into?
18 years old, And starting freshman year in college.

Am I considered to be your friend?
I know you; you have done no wrong to me in the past or present…so sure, why not? :) (short answer: yes)

Do you have Yahoo?
Nope, not the yahoo internet service/IM nor the drink. *Hides the chocolate yahoo drink she had been drinking moments earlier*

Like my avatar?
Yep! It is of KOS-MOS from Xenosaga, right? From the scene in the first game/Episode (Der wille zu macht) where she first wakes up during the Gnosis attack on the Woglinde?

Urm... i got nothing more right now. Ill ask you more later... >.>
*Huggles* more questions are good, can't wait! ; ) Ciao for now!

Invain -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 12:06:11)

Yay, it's Katy!
w00t it is Invain! *Huggles* :-P

Favourite book genre?
Kinda hard to pick just one fave genre…I like a lot of different ones ^^; I guess if I had to pick one it would be a tie between these three: Fantasy (they tend to be original, they catch you up into a fantastic world of some sort, and it is fun to see how the characters/story of them change as you go along), Sci-fi (again, I like the way the world is built and draws you in, and that fact that real science is used and fantasized on…Plus you never know, something said in a sci-fi story might one day become reality! :D), Historical themed books/autobiographies (I like history…So there books are of interest, plus like a fantasy novel they draw you in. Then there is the added bonus of the stories being told having actually happened, you can visit the places they took place. And by looking at the past you can better understand all the things of the present and where they come from.)

Favourite book?
I don’t pick fave books as different books can be liked for different reasons. But if I were to make a list of books I thought are among my current faves (which could change with time) then anything by Isaac Asimov, Robert Jordan’s wheel of time series, “The rise and fall of imperial Japan”, Dragon Riders of Pern, and Harry Potter would be on it for sure!

Do you play "pen & paper" RPs? If so, what are your favorite systems?
Yes I have played "pen & paper" RPs before. (Both with P&P and online). I normally find freestyle to be fun (ie. You make up your own rules and whatnot), though D&D and AD&D are also fun to play (ed. 2 or 3.5)

If you were a mushroom, what kind of mushroom would you be?
Lentinus edodes (aka shiitake mushroom). They are used in a lot of Asian dishes...they are very yummy! (then again maybe a good tasting mushroom is not the best to be as I would get eaten...>.<)

super saiyan sage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 12:29:45)

Bonjour! ;)

So how are you?
I am good…in a creative mood at the moment atm (might take a break from questions to write a poem…I have not written one in a while so it is about time I did anyways ^^;). How are ya? :-D

Oh yeah same with the hammer question and falling off a bridge because they tested it with a dummy and the dummies limbs got ripped off from the force of the water tension, so would you bother with throwing the hammer?
Yep still would. And I would hope without the hammer that I could enter the water at just the right angle as to go in it safely (or I will, ya know, get my limbs ripped off >.>;).

What part of the forums do you moderate?
I always mod in the Questions and Answers forum; I also will mod in the other forums depending on need and my current mood. Currently I am moding the WotF forum and trying to get it in shape, might go for the zardwars and new town forums as well if need be. I pop into the OOC as well. GGD and forum feedback on the rare occasion that moding is slow there. Oh and IRC Chat help! I also plan on getting more active in the different strategy forums (heck half the stuff I punt from Q&A is suppose to go into them. <.< Might as well mod them to be fair.). My ultimate goal is to be comfortable modding in all the forums so I can go where I am needed (at this point I am still having trouble because when I start moding a unfamiliar forum I need time to watch and learn the ropes and I make a few mistakes the first few days there. -.o meh everyone needs a ultimate goal though right? Lol)

Has dyslexia ever been a big problem?
It was a huge issue when I was younger. Lucky for me I was diagnosed at 5-6 years old and given treatment to help learn to deal with it…and to have bookworm parents to encourage me to read. Now days it is more an annoyance, one that makes me have to work a bit harder at some things or challenges me to find new ways to do certain tasks. Only truly causes me grief now days when I have to write an essay for school, or when I have to take messages at work (I have trouble remember the names, or how to spell the names of the meds or I leave out details and then my co-workers heave a sigh. -_o)

Whats your cats name?
I have two cats. My orange one is named Fidget (somewhat evil tempered, that one), and my older gray cat is named Cassie (she is older then me yet still energetic o.o;).

Whats your 1 wish in the world?
To be able to lie my life at my own pace, learn about the world around me and about myself, be able to do what I love and never stop learning, and to find a way to help people and improve the world in some lasting way. Or to be able to bring my pets with me to college; one of those two things! :-P (I will miss my pets ;_;)

Whats the most evil thing you have done?
The times when fighting with my parents I have said things that harmed them deeply. Or the times I have lost patience with my father's way of being...he is a lovely person in many ways(he has many good qualities to him) but he also has faults that make it hard to live with him. For one he has Obsessive Compulsive disorder...Add to that a bad short term memory, poor anger control, and a negitive deafeatist attitude...and you will see why it tends to be hard to get along with him. >.< Also I think it a great failing/personal evil on my part not to be able to fully get past my own faults (then again what can I do but keep try, neh?)

Whats the most good thing you have done?
Donno…depends on what you count as good. There were two times when I was younger that a close relative got really sick (my mom and grandmother) and I would take care of them, bringing food and trying to be as caring as a young kid can be. Also I think trying to hold onto an optimistic attitude and trying to treat every person as fairly as I can would be considered one of my better goods.

Ok i shall go
So soon?;_;

Byee [:D].
Au revoir! Until we meet again! *Waves*

K -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 12:32:00)

Hey katy kat
Hola K! ^_^

How are you?
I am very good, thanks. You? :)

What's your life like?
Chaotic and full of new experiences at the moment, with no signs of calming down any time soon.

Has you ever had a fight?
Verbal yes, in a video game yes, physical fighting no.

Do you know most of the mods in this forum in person?
I have talked on msn/aim/irc with a lot of them and gotten to know a few of them really well/personally. I have also seen pictures of most if not everyone on the team; but I have currently never talked on the phone nor gone and visited any of them in real life.

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 12:43:13)

Prepare for an oblivion (via Halo question) for which there is no proper reason! HAHA! (Note: I know all of the answers)\
Oi vay...Having only briefly played parts of Halo 1 at a friend’s house (I do not own a xbox >.>) and not Halo 2 I can tell right now your questions will very likely pwn me. But ask away! XD

What was the Covenant Elite called after receiving his new armor after getting torched to near death in Halo 2?
Umm...Deep-fried Elitist? :-P

How do you kill a Covenant Scarab?
*looks up a picture of it* hmm...It is mechanical right? So maybe mess with the settings? Or blow it up with a tank shot?
board it and set reactor to critical (mess with the settings is what your doing)

Was Instellation 05 destoyed?
No it somehow survived whatever was suppose to destroy it. (crafty thing, that Instellation 05...)
thanks to the flood

What was the name of the two Super Mac platforms that were destroyed in the begining of Halo 2?
Big mac and Bob.
The Athens and the Multza

If you could have any weapon from Halo or Halo 2 what would it be?
Needler, I mean who would not want a weapon that shoots needles that cause foes to explode! :-D
I agree but personaly I want an assalt rifle

What is the Flood master called?
Tully Baal

Who survived the destruction of Halo despite impossible odds that was a human?
Some high-ranking military guy...Or some random stow away human who just wanted to visit the halo?
Master Chief (duh) and Sargent Johnson (GASP)

What would be your second choice for the any weapon from Halo/Halo 2?
S2 AM Sniper Rifle, because you can annoy your foes by camping them to death. *Mawhwhaha*
Rocket Launcher

Who would win in a battle between Master Chief and you?
Master Chief because he is the masta! 'Course then I would still his greatness and use it against him, thus winning *shabaam! Take that moxie!*

In Halo what was the Marine's name who owned a helmet recorder that Master Chief used to find out what happened to Captain Jacobs Keys?
The reporter guy, in disguise.
First Class Private Jenkins, Wallace A.

What captured Captain Keys?
Captain Keys was captured in a death grip with a giant squid. He could not escape the grip as he had not his keys to unlock it?
The Flood

What was the Moniter of Installation 04 called?
Hal (get it? From 2001 a space odyssey..."hello Dave.")
343 Guilty Spark

What was the AI's name who helped Master Chief all through the game?
Sophia! XD (the name means wisdom...and the AI gave him wisdom right?) j/k...Cortana maybe?
Cortana is right

How was Halo destroyed?
In a large flashy way, most likely with explosions and having something to do with alternate universes or 4/5D space-time warping.
Master Chief blew up the Pillar of Autem's fusion reactors

What is the scorpion tank's weakness?
It’s underside?

What is the morter tank's weakness?
holy water.
Its back

Favorite vehicle on Halo?
Warthog I guess. Only one I know/have seen before >.>;
Warthog rocks

How about now on killing that tank?
I rather I could make it self destruct itself. Why should I do the dirty work? >:)
I ment me useing my rocket launcher

What is your favorite game?
Either Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time, FF9, Xenosaga ep.1, or Prince of Persia: sands of time.

If you could meet any character from Halo/Halo 2 who would it be?

Your second choice?
Master chief

What does the index in Halo 1 & 2 do?
Gives info of some sort?
Activates the Halo rings bringing the apacolypse

How many SMG's can you carry at one time?
*picks arandom number* 42!
3 two of them out one in reserve

what does blind mode in Halo 2 do?
Make it so you do not have a radar to see what is around you.
also you cant see your gun your shield bar or your ammo counter

What Age of Reclamation is it for the Covenant?
The age after the era of Acclamation.

What is the central activation platform for the Halo rings?
The small platform hidden there in the shadowed corner.
The Ark

How many banshee's were in the V formation in the begining of the Halo Start Campaine Movie?
4 but one was late

What is the best weapon for fighting the Flood?
Something that brings on an ice age and freezes the flood in its tracks!
hahaha but the shotgun and energy sword are best for fighting the parsites

What was the mining station where you saw that the Flood had survived the destruction of Halo used for?
Mining some rare and valuable ore only found there that will somehow make this flood guy strong again no doubt.
It was used for makeing new ways to fight the flood

What Mark (1-25) (according to the Monitor of Instelation 04) level is the Master Chief's Mjolnir Armor?
Mark 24!
although this makes me mad Mark 2

What does Master Chief destroy with a bomb at the end of the Ciro Station level?
The Ciro Station??
A Covenant Assalt Carrier

What was the Prophet of Regret's plan?
Sorrow, Regret’s twin brother.
Activate the Halo Rings

Whats the nickname for the plasma grenade?
"That thing that explodes and vaporizes stuff"
Sticky grenade

How many Spartans were there originaly?

How many ships at Sigma Octanus IV did COMMANDER Keys kill?
3 by himself which is quite a achievement

What is Master Chief's REAL name and what is his spartan number?
Flood, and 42! (heh, had enough of 42 yet? :p)
John spartan 117

What city on Sigma Octanus IV did Master Chief blow up wth a nuke?
Neo Hiroshima
Cote de Azur

What were the two Marine bases that got wiped out on Sigma Octanus IV called?
Base #1 and Base #2
Fire Base Bravo and HQ

What orbited around the REACH Millitay Instellation?
A satellite of some sort.
Super MAC platforms the stronges non-nukeuler weapon that fires a 300 megaton tugston shot that travels at .5 the speed of light

What was the weakness of the Covenant ships?
Some random engineering flaw that could be exploited.
After a pinpiont slipspace jump they are dead in space

Who could Pilot the Pillar of Autuem like it was nothing mre than a Yacht?

What ship could destroy 5 ships in one shot?
Pillar of Autuem
Covenant flagship

What was the location of the Spartans first real mission?
Sigma Octanus IV??
An Asteroid

On a training mission Master Chief as well as all of the other Spartans in training were dropped into a mountain range what was thier objective?
To get the heck off it without falling down a cliff?
more or less yeah but they had to get to the dropship and not be the last one there

After the traning mission what was the Master Chief pomoted to from "trainee"?
"non-trainee person"
Squad Leader

Suikoman444 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 13:32:32)

Hi Katy ^_^

هتاف للترحيب (Hel
lo) Suikoman444! ^_^ *wave-huggles*

What is your favorite color?
There is this redish rust orange color I really like. But many of the red/orange/dark gold tones appeal to me.

What is your favorite food?
corn, pumpkin pie, and mushrooms.

If you could be any animal what would you be?
Gray Wolf (Canus Lupis) of course.

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 13:39:37)

Hiya Katy Kat!
Nazdar (hello), Elnaith! :)

When choosing your name, did you know that Kat was a real word for cat in other languages, of did you just think it sounded cool?
Guessed it might be a name for cat in other languages (though closest I have seen is Katze, which I saw when I was taking German classes) but mainly I choose it because it sounds cool XD.

Do you RP?
Yes I do from time to time.

If yes, also on this forums?
I did some RPing on the old forums…Have not done any on these forums yet. I keep planning to RP here eventually…If I can make my lazy self write the character description sheet/bio and post it first, that is! >.>

Do you listen too much music?
I listen to music any chance I can get.

If yes, also to metal?
Sometimes, though not often.

Do you like batteries?
The concept behind them is interesting and does a lot off a simple design. But I find them to be unlikable because they eventually die and it is a pain to have to keep replacing them (unless you have one of those chargers that recharges batters so you can use the same ones over and over that is)

Ever played Magic: The Gatering?
A friend tried to show me how to play it during 11th grade...I never played it that much though.

Or Dungeons and Dragons? Ever played that?
Of course, <3 D&D!

Do you like parkeets?
They are cool, you can teach them to talk and whatnot...They are also good with BBQ sauce! O:)

And money.. Do you like money, in a total non-wealth look?
Not much for money beyond having enough to get by on comfortably...And to fund any ebil experiments I want to do in the future to help me take over the world. And I doubt my jeans and geeky t-shirts shout money! XD

That is it.. Cya.
No more? :/ ahoj (bye) then, may you have peaceful days! :-P

ookami -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 13:40:17)

whats your fave past time off of the comp?
Reading hand down. Though video games and drawing/writing are close seconds.

do you like to read?
No, no reading is the devil's work *trying to hold back from laughing* yes I do. XD

if so what are your favorite series?
The wheel of time series, Harry potter series, any Issiac Asimov series (esp. the foundation), LOTR/The hobbit, The dune series, The gunslinger series as well as most of steven king's works, all of John Grisham's books,patricia cornwell novels, any of the Ann Mccaffrey books (like dragon riders of pern)...you get the idea. :-P

and what books/series are you reading currently?
The Dan brown book 'the davinci code. I have read all his other books you see, and while I am not a huge fan of his (he is ok, but his story lines are a bit predictable/similar) I like his books ok...and I wanted to see why everone was raving about this book, lol. >.<

how do you become a mod?
You have to be part of an old and secret druid ritual (that involves runes...got to involve runes! :p), then give some blood to a bonding blood promise. j/k actually a person becomes a mod when they have a skill that is needed and when the team is in need of more people with that skill. Then we discuss who we (mods and admins, recently we did a system that also involved the forum goers a little bit in the system as well) should be pick for the position. If we decide on you then we contact you and offer the job. You accept and wala! You are a mod.

and how did you become a mod?
I had a skill that was needed, I was very forum active, well known and liked at the time and more mods were needed so I was made one. XD

snake +hawk equalls? ( i read this too)
The dreaded Snawk! A creation of genetic enginering gone bad!

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 13:50:29)

Meow! :D *huggles*

How are the robots going?
Well robotics season is over now. you can see some pictures and info here (and a life feed if the rounds were going on atm) from the VA state round for the FIRST robotics last year (they have pictures of our robot, Victoria, just look up team 404). Also check out the FIRST homepage if you want more info (there is also a site for the nation wide final rounds but I can't remember the url, sorry. :/)

What kind of kat are you?
The ebil kind! XD

Can you teach geckos to be ebil? :P
Yes...being ebil is an ancient art that takes years to master...but here is the secret to it Oh Geckoie one! *whispers something in your ear*

Why do dragons always try to eat my characters? ;_;
Maybe they smell/taste good to them? <.< or maybe if they stopped using that 'La oder o' dragonfood' perfume it would help with that. :-P

See you on chat again sometime :D
See ya later in chat! ^_^ (once I get settled at college maybe I will be on IRC more then once a week again and so we might actually be on at the same time for once, lol. XD)

The Arch Devil -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 14:15:17)

oh, its teh kat of d00m!
Roar! it is the Arch Devil of CoinCoin! :-P

... How would you feel if everyone else stole your questions?...
10Lbs lighter…It is not easy carrying them all around everywhere you go. XD And sad because it would mean I would have to go and steal them back!

Why is your avatar a dog(wolf-thingie)?...
It is a wolf because I love wolves >.> and I thought this one looked cool (been looking for a drawn wolf picture for my avy for awhile...now if only I can find one with a brown colored wolf in a more action oriented pose…ah well beggars can’t be choosers ^^;)

Erm.. Do you like cats? Better than cows?.. Whatever
Yes I like cats, better then cows. Though tipping cats is just not as fun as tipping cows…j/k (never tipped a cow before myself…but I had a friend who lived in a more rural area that use to, lol.)

*shuts up before he gets hurt* =P
*unshuts you up and gives you –10 hurt points*

Hero of Winds -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 14:16:40)



Okay, getting serious now...
we were not before? :-P

Don't kats hate dogs? Well I guess you're different.
Not really, that is just a myth. Sure some cats/kats can't stand dogs...But then there are those cats like my cat Fidget who will lay next to the dog and rub up against him with no fear what so ever, lol. Now water...that is something to fear! XD

Would I make a good mod? Be honest, and no, this is not a request to be one.
You would most likely make a good enough one. You don't strike me as the type to go abusing the position and banning everyone from the forums, at least.

Any particular video game characters you like? If none, just say "None".
Shion Uzuki , the Prince from Prince of Peria (sands of time), Link from legend of zelda OoT, And Sora from Kingsom Hearts (also Riku but not as much). Ohh and can't forget Eiji From that old PS1 fighting game I use to love (blanking on the name at the moment, will update this when I get home with it)

Favorite hero in fiction?
Dumbldore (well he is a hero in a way, and my fave character. does he count? XD)

Favorite villain in fiction?
Tom Riddle/Lord Voldermort.

I am Omega, the ultimate E-Series robot!
I am the Alpha-Omega, the ultimate Z-Series robot! (gah that reminds me of the starting saying on Xenogears "I the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end")

Ever read my AQ fan fic, "Born of Creation"? You should.
Nope, but I will now if you direct me to where it is at.

That's an order. :p
Pfft, no just a request hidden as an order hidden as a request! ^.^

My god, your character is antisocial. I mean... -10k charisma? o_O.
"Shy" does not begin to cover her :-P

I'm done here.
The Omega of the post already huh? Fairwell! was fun! *huggles* :D

The Almighty Striker -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 14:19:23)

Ah, fresh meat. *prepares unusually long list o' demands*
*looks at the mile long list! j/k XD*

Once a month my signature is infallibly eaten though it is breaking no rule, why?
Well from the comments I would gather (as the siggy related ones all say "eaten for siggy being too large") that your past siggys were either too tall pixel wise (as one comment says) or perhaps some had a file size that was too large? Some might have been too long pixel wise, or perhaps you have two images that individually were fine but combined were over the limit? I mean as long as the total amount comes to 500 * 100pixels, 50KB or less and has no links like those to game recruiting/brain eater sites then they should not/will not be eaten. And worse come to worse and you get a siggy eaten that you think should not have been you can always pm the mod whom ate it and ask why...

Care to sign my list? *holds out long list with crossed out names entitle 'Kill'*
Err sure? *Makes sure she has good life insurance before signing*

Why does every RP I post in Die?
I donno, the grim reaper is not stalking you is he? :-P

I think Death follows me. I beat him in poker last week. Care to come to this week's game?
You seem to have come to the same conclusion about the cause of the thread deaths. XD heh, maybe you should not have beaten him at the poker game. Sure *takes out a deck of cards* prepare to be pwned by the card master *drops the deck of cards* umm..like I said pwned…ya. And you did not just see that >.> <.<

If a flying gorilla and a flying tyrannosaur (that also flies) got into a fight, who would win?
Tyrannosaurus rex (aka Manospondylus gigas) hands down. Its jaws, along with having serrated teeth, couldchomp down a force of (at max) 183,000 and 235,000 N (ln) , Plus it is much larger then the gorilla, and it is a Cretaceous Tyrannosauridae theropoda. ‘nuff said.

Am I annoying you yet?
Not really. ^.^

I'm bored. Let's say we wrap this up, eh?
Sure, if you want to.

Meow? :?

"May Ye stick yer fist down an orcish throat e'eryday," (classic dwarven farewell)
LoL :-P that is perhaps the oddest yet best leaving comments so far. Same to you? XD

Tha Almighty Striker
+~ Katy Kat

Tharivol -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 16:46:44)

Wah hay. Never done one of these before.
First time for both of us then :) we are newbies together! (well first time for me hosting, first for you posting here...but same difference. XD)

Hi Kat.
Kia ora! (Hello) Tharivol! :D

Can I have t3h hug?
*gives t3h uberhuggle of huggles +100 huggleness*

If yes, thanks. If no... *Eye twitch*
*points to the yes option*

Bye then.
Haere rā, me hoki mai anō koe. (Goodbye, you must return again.) ^_^

*Prod* *Leaves*
*Is proded**Watches you leave but stays*

thewastedsmile -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/14/2005 19:00:09)

Huzzah! It's the Katy! :D
W00t it is the Wasted of smiles! *Uberhuggles the crazy ninja*

Ghecko vs Kat, who'd win?
Neither for we would fuse together while fighting due to some mystical magic powers in our surrounding and become GecKat! *wonders what a GecKat would look like o.o*

What would you do for a klondike bar?
I would blackmail the people who created the Klondike bar for the recipe then I would steal all the items that are required for making them and make my own, thus gaining my Klondike bar and creating a monopoly on the world’s supply of Klondike bars! <inseart ebil laugh here>

(Yes I am/was hyper from drinking some tea right before answering this post :-P can you tell?)

jrr9000 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (8/14/2005 20:35:42)

Thanks for taking time out of your life to make the Forums a better place! Ahh yes, on to the unmerciful grilling...*winks*
*cheers for unmerciful grilling and takes out BBQ sauce* Bring it on! :-P

Are you utterly sick of questions yet? *winks again*
Nope, I could do this all day, it is a fun way to pass the time.

Would you like to Maim TankHunter? *winks yet again*
*hands you a eye drop for that winking eye of yours O:)* Not really, he has yet to manage to incur my wrath (now my cat Fidget is another matter >.> he is trying very hard to get into my lap while I write this…gah becoming hard to type! XD)

That's it - Hope you had fun doing this...Heh. And thanks again for serving - it must be a fairly thankless job, but it needs doing - and you do it well.
I had a lot of fun, thanks for coming out to ask questions. :-P And it is thankless…but not all thanks come in spoken packages...^_^

P.S. - Bonne Chance at University. When I went, an older relative told me "It's the hardest you'll ever work, and the most fun you'll ever have." Kind of an oxymoronic take on it, but nonetheless true.
I will keep that in mind, and yes I have had relatives tell me that same bit ‘o wisdom as well. I guess I will uncover the true truth behind it for myself when I go. ;)

EnthDegree -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (8/15/2005 0:17:44)

Hallo! Guten tag! (Hello, Good day) :) (I took a german Class)

Family Guy or American Dad?
Family Guy all the way!

Potato or Patato?(Sp?)

Puppies or Babies?
Puppies (both are cute, but puppies have the puppy eye trick going for them. :-P)

12am or 12pm?
12am, because I normaly like to sleep past 12pm.

Godzila or King Kong?
Godzilla (use to watch the old Godzilla movies growning up, never watched more then part of the king kong one(s))

Baseball or Basketball?
Basketball (I played it for 5 years, was decently good at it. *almost went to the natinal finals of the free throw contest when she was in 6th grade*

Hot or Cold?
Hot (I have been through an ice storm and a heat wave before...I liked the heat wave more. Less shivering >.>)

Chicken or Turkey?

Water or Fire?
Fire *is reminded of the poem by robert Frost, 'fire and ice'*

DiSoN or Big 100k?
DiSoN, with my charcter’s int/dex the more hits of magic given the better (and it gives 16 hits on its special !). Though Big 100K is good too, esp. if you like multi-element weapons and do not already have a light weapon.

Paper or Plastic?

Red, yellow, green, or blue?

What version of Willy Wonka?
I have to go with the original version, was a niffty movie.

Favorite Key on the Keyboard?
the giver of second chances: The Backspace key

Google or Ask Jeeves?
Google at first, Ask Jeeves if google does not give a good enough answer.

Favorite AK/Mod?
No fave really; I like them all for one reason or another. ^_^

eagle88 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (8/15/2005 1:15:58)

Good day to you, Katy Kat!!! I have only a few questions, if you don't mind....*bows in homage*
Good day to you too, eagle88!!! And I don't mind (why would I? I asked for people to give questions after all :-P) *politely bows back and notes no homeage is needed*

Which audio book do you like best?
I do not listen to audio books much...Really the only ones I have heard are the Harry Potter ones and the Hobbit one. >.> I guess the 6th Harry Potter one would be one of the ones I like best.

What is the suqare root of the square root of 525?
square root of 525 is 22.9128785. the square root of 22.9128785 is 4.78673986.

Where is the capital of Canada?
Ottawa, Canada.

And of course what would you do with a kit kat bar?
Play kit kat toe! No wait that is tic tac toe isn't it? Hmm...*stomach growls* I know; Eat it! XD

OK, I thank you for your time!!! *bows in homage*
No thanks is needed, in fact you can take more time if you want O:). Heh I sould thank you for giving me something to do/brighten my day (and for giving me a excuse to slack a little at work, j/k XD) *bows back in a 'goodbye' fashion'*

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (8/15/2005 4:37:48)

Goedemorgen (Good Morning) Katy Kat.
Goedemorgen (Good Morning) Elnaith! ^_^

/me snuggles the Kat
/me snuggles the Elnaith back!

Kat is the Dutch word for cat, that German Katze and Dutch Kat look so much like each other, can be explained because they are neighbouring countries :).
Ahh that would explain it then! *adds one more word to her limited Dutch vocab*

What kind of class do you prefer while playing DnD? (I prefer Rogue, Ranger or some nice Moster race with the appropiate class)
Rogue, Theif, Cleric, Sorcerer, Ranger, and Monk are all good for me. :-P (depends on the game/storyline and my mood as to which I play as)

Do you listen to Pink Floyd?
*shakes head* sorry, nope. Got a sample of some of their stuff? I am open to listening to new artists! XD

If so, which number do you like the most?
42? heh I guess I should say 'none'.

Do you like dices?
Ja (yes).

Do you play chess?
Yep, use to play it all the time with my dad. He always pwns me though, lol.

Whom is (are) your favorite mod(s)? (Don't answer if you don't want to)
Like I said before, I can't pick a fave among them. I like them all for one reason or another :-) plus they are all great people personality wise.

Do you like pencils?
yes, one of the main tools I use when I hand draw things...so I can't exactly hate them now can I?

And.. Planes.. Do you like planes?
I like planes...but jets are better. And space shuttles pwn the both! ;)

Do you play any instrument?
I Have had experiance playing the Flute (very briefly), Piano, Guitar (well...I kno the cords at least XD) , and Glockenspiel (most experianced with this one).

I love your cats!
I love them too ^^

Well, that is it for now, tot ziens (see you).
See ya later then! Auf Wiedersehen! (Good bye, <formal>) *wave-huggles*
S. were your greeting and good bye in Dutch as well? :?

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