RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (Full Version)

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TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 18:45:45)

*Comes running into your house and turns around and fires assalt rifle then slams the door* Hello did you get my PM? *Hears people trying to smash the door down* Curses I need to go now *dives into your computer screen and inside of the computer runs to email and adds self as an attachment then emails self away* Bungie dude: Damnit he got away again we need that device oOther Bungie dude: You still wont listen to me thats why we keep failing cause your not listening to my ideas.

Pm? Why no *she replies, looking confused at you sudden appearance and even more sudden leaving.* XD

T Hood -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 22:16:21)

Hallo! ^_^

Do you ever see me in Q&A?
Yep, saw you in there today in fact.

I want to thank you for correcting my link earlier today. ^^
No problem! ^^ I was going to pm you to tell you why it was not working...then I was like "wait I could just save use both the trouble and correct this XD" I did. :-P (cough power abuse used in a good way! cough XD j/k)

What do you prefer eggs that fly or a pig in your backyard?
eggs that fly as they would kinda be like mini-stitches! :P

If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for (You can't wish for more wishes =P)
1. Time to learn everything about the world around me.
2. Peace within myself and ever constant growth as a person
3. To be able to
communicate with almost any living thing. :p Or to be able to travel the sea of stars (space). one of those! ^^

Do you like wolves a lot or what?
Yes, however did you guess? *looks innocent* O:)

If yes do you ever feel like you want to howl at the moon? =P
sure in werewolf form. :p j/k (not in real life but in RPing? heck yes. XD)

If you were stuck on an island with a wolf and you had fire and a shotgun would you kill the wolf and eat it or would you let it eat you?
Let it eat me, assuming I could not find a way to support myself on the island via fishing or something. Or let it give me a fatal bite while I shoot it thuse neither of us would have to suffer before death.

Do I annoy you with my questions?
Nope! ^^

If yes I have one thing to say: =P
And that would have been,if I said yes?

Do you like to eat french fries?
Yep, with lots 'o salt!

If yes I have one thing to say: ^^
again, lol? lot of one things to say you have oh asking one!

Do you think I talk to much?
Would not know, as you are typing to me right now. :P

If no I say this: ^^
ah happy face of d00m in response! *dies*

If yes I say this: =(
aww, poor frowning face of frowns. XD

Would you jump off a bridge to save a wolf's life?
I might, depends on how well I know this wolf, and how hight the bridge is.

Would you eat a chicken (And if you were a vegitarion) to save a wolf's life?
Yes assuming I would not have to kill the chicken first >.>

Is it true Ancient One has resigned from being an AK?
No way! AO is not resigning anything as far as I have heard and seen.

If yes I say: =(
But tis no so you can say: =)

Well that is all I have for now so I will talk to you later! ^^
Ok, nice talking to you...Bye! *huggle-waves*

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 0:31:09)

Do you like lions?
Yes! How can you not like a race where the females hunt after all? :p

Do you like my name?
Yep, it is pretty. ^^ reminds me of those blown glass works of art that are modeled off of animals.

Are you allergic to prawns?
As far as I am aware, no. Then again I have never eaten them. *shrug*

Are you Chinese?
Nope. A mix of native american, irish, scottish, scotch/irish, english (direct decendant of Patrick Henry, that is how I know I have some english blood) , and maybe some french and german. But no chinese. >.<

Do you think we should use lemons in place of batteries?I think we should.It's possible to make a simple battery using lemons.
Naw, I like batteries the way they are (more powerful). Plus if a lemon was a battery then would not it then shock (literally) when you tried to eat one? :P

Balos Omnis -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 1:00:06)

Greetings Kat
Greetings Shaidar Haran! :)

I'm a dog lover to; Ive got a rare breed called Rat Terrier(sp?) Go Dogs!!
*cheers for dogs as well* I have never seen a Rat Terrier, but I just googled a pic. pretty cute dog (but small! :o my dog would step on yours he is so be in comparison. XD)

Besides Dragons, what are your favorite mystical creatures?
bennu/phoenix, closely followed by shapeshifters and unicorns.

Do you like comics?
I <3 comics, esp. web comics. I am an web comic addict! >.<

How often are you on AQ?
On the forums? Every day. On the game? it varies with my mood. But at least once a month.

Have you ever seen me before on the forums?
Yes I have. :)

I to love to read; what are some of your all time favorite novels?(The Count of Monte Cristo all the way!)
I like any works of shakesphere or mark twain, Harry potter, Wheel of Time, gunslinger series, anything Asimov...I donno. I like to many things to have a fave. ;p

Do you prefer classical authors or modern authors?
I like a nice healthy blend of both. ^_^

What series of books does the name Shaidar Haran come from, and what does it mean?(hint: fantasy novels)
You kidding :p? It is from the Wheel of timeseries and means (in the old tongue) "Hand of the Dark". (BTW one of my AQ characters is named dragon master Rand; care to guess where that name came from? :p)

May the forces of evil and misfortune become lost and confused on the way to your home
And the same back at ya, also may those forces not find a map anywhere. ;)

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 7:05:52)

Hello again Katy!
Hallo again Elnaith (was wondering when you would next post. :p)

Hmm.. I am sure asking alot of questions in here, no?
naw, you can never have enough questions. curiousity is a good thing. :)

Incorrectly translations are somethimes quite fun indeed :). It also teaches to not trust to much on auto-translaters or dictionary's..
Yea I know. Tried to get a translator to help me with german class homework once...Lets jsut say my teacher could tell what parts I had been lazy on... >.>;

Beetles? Nah.. They don't remind me of that :). I think they are just a great rock band ;). (And very shiny!)

Oh.. Just another Dutch word: Glimmend! (Shiny!) It doesn't sound as good as Shiny thought (Even with correct pronounciation, which, unfortunately, I doubt you have :).
Glimmend huh? sounds kinda like the english word Glimmer! which is kinda related to shiny. XD But yes shiny seems better (and I tried to say it, thankfully no one was around to hear the off pronounciation *ebil laugh*)

Do you like ducks?
Ducks are ok...they have some ducks that live on my college's campus. I am guessing without my pets around those ducks will end up getting a lot of bread and attention from me, lol.

Do you like Siamese cats?
Yes, they are very elegant looking. Heard they are not the best behaved of cats though...

DVD (it has sound and images and you can throw it like a frizbee! the last part being the most important :p)

That is it for now, tot ziens! (Till seeing, literate translation, See you, free translation.)
Short one today huh? tot ziens! ^_^ (tot means till right?)

twentay -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 8:17:28)

*walks in* a new victim. i mean someone to ask questions ^_^
*looks around and says at the same time* oh a victim...I mean someone to answer! O:)

do u like fooly cooly?
It is an ok show...not one I would call a fave or anything though.

do u watch adult swim?
Yes, when they have a goods movie/series showing. ^_^

do u find answering these questions relaxing?
Sort of, and it helps me pass the time...
i would

did u see the posts i made at the other mod thread?
Nope, not yet. I did not want to read the other's threads till mine was over. :-P

if u did then u know i'm crazy if u didn't well now u know^^
*cheers for crazy people* heh, are there any sane people on these forums really?

have u ever saved someones or somethings life?
I saved my cat's life once when she was having a medical issue and I noticed something was not right and we were able to get her to the vet's in time.

i saved my little kittens life. she was stuck somewhere
cats seems to need saving a lot it seems. XD

have u ever been saved by an animal?
Yes, my dog Butch has protected me before.
i have. dog.

do u have stupid friends?
No, actually the few close friends I have are pretty smart.

do u have a stupid pet?
My cat Fidget, while not exactly stupid, does tend to lack common sence. -.- same goes for my Dog during that time he tried to eat a bee and got stung inside his mouth. >.<

do u like my sig?
Yes it is a very nice siggy. :)

*police walks in* there he is!! get em!!!!!!
*chase scene* cya later once i get away from these cops.[:D]
*hands you a magic one time use portal that will take you away from this area as you reach the door* Goodbye, and good luck not getting caught 'n stuff! :P

Cloudwolf -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 10:09:34)

My turn again my turn
no my turn! Wait I don't get a turn...;_;

My hamster runs when it wants to
pfft, slacker hamster then now isn't it?

Have you ever put your hand in a pringales can and got it stuck
Nope, my hands are too small to get stuck. >.>

Is true that the sun ain't really to hot
You kidding? The sun is very hot >.> not to mention its radiation and magnetic forces...

Why did you eat a moon rock
Hey you wanted to know if it was made of cheese...what better way to tell then to taste it? :-p

Didn't you know its not made of cheese
We both know now, don't we. ^.^

Do you know the muffian man
the guy who lives on malberry lane? no...>.> <.<

Did you know that my kitty like moutian dew
Nope, never knew that.

Do you like moutian dew
It is ok...but I am not a big soft drink person in general.
My hamster don't
smart hamster, he will have a stomach left to use at the end if his life.
Ity makes him tired

Have you ever ate a pizza rock
pizza rock? >.> cant say I have

It hurts
I bet it does! XD

Have you ever broke a tooth on hamburger
Nope, My white chompers are super strong...they do not break. :p

Do you know the muffian men
Again I don't I say! O:)

Once my cat smelled my hamster and it jumped on my head and started to try and eat my head
Well hamsters are like chocolate to cats ya know... ;)

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 10:12:33)

Do you like potatoes?
Yes, esp. mashed. XD

Do you think I am insane?I won't be angry,Katy.
Everyone is insane in their own way. Saneness is only a guise for insaneness.

What do you think about my main's appearance?As in her character page.
Sorry, can't comment as the character page seems not to be working totaly today and I cannot see the image. :/ post a screenshot of her later maybe...?

twentay -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 10:16:20)

*shows up in Katys home* they will never find me here.
*looks mildly surprised that you could find her very obviously palced home*

hi again. thanks for the portal. *huggles*
Welcome back, lol *huggles*

how did u choose the names for your cats?
Well Cassie was named after the constellation/Queen named Cassiopeia. And Fidget was very hyper as a kitten >.>

i like mythology. do u?
Yep, mythology, creation stories; all fun things to learn about.

if so a pacific type?
Not really, I find myths from all cultures to be fascinating to tell the truth.

what is your favorite thing about being a mod?
I can help keep the forums clean/running well. ^_^

i'm a mod on another forum but not as big as this so its a lot easier. its fun to edit.
Yes editing is fun too I guess. XD

why do i have a straight jacket on?
I donno...starting a new fashon statement? >.>

and how am i typing?
You typing is good enough save some typos. Or do you mean 'how' are you typing out the words? I donno...with the jacket on...maybe your feet?

sunday or saturday?

cheese or the moon?
The moon!

rock or granola?
Rock, has more history behind it.

questions or answers?
questions all the way!

annoy or poke?
poke. *pokes*

annoy poke
poke annoy attack!

why do people like huggles *huggles*
*huggles* because huggles are nice. ;)

and why do cats look even cuter in sunlight?
Because sunlight shows off them in all their catness and grace. :p

one of my cats likes to sneak outside and roll in dirt.
I suspect a lot of cats like to do that, or hunt.

and my girl cat likes to follow me around and she was just sitting on me while i typed this
aww. Heh, my cat Fidget does that sometimes. And my cat cassie decided she wanted to sit in my lap today but the laptop was there so she sat on the keyboard and purred at me. It was a funny sight to see.

another likes to play with the roller of dirts tail.
Pfft they like to play with anything that moves. :)

thats all for now
ok, see you later!

or not
faked me out! >.<




Police: u again?!?!?!?!?!J?!?

gottta go

you'll never catch me coppers!!!!! <insert ebil laugh here>

Police: wanted alive or dead. 100,000 dollars. thank u for cooperation. get back here

*watches the sceen unfold* lol, bye again. :-P

etalihinna -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 11:15:56)

To answer your previous query, no the cute little puppywumps aren't mine : ( thought I wish they were.

How do guys talk 'cute'? Like 'snuggles' and 'huggle' and stuff? Is it a psychological thing?
I guess it would be a psychological thing...>.> or maybe talking cute comes natural to guys and it is one of the best kept secrets of the world? ;p j/k

I asked this in a previous Mod querython but got a lame response. Perhaps you could anser: If you've ever watched the 'Hellraiser' series, you'll have noticed the puzzle cube. Do you have any theories on how it's solved?
I have not seen Hellraiser...(lame answer from me already I guess >.<) *googles up some info about this mystrious puzzle box* Well the puzzle box unlocks heck's gate right? and throws demons back? Then maybe a good intentioned/non-demon person is needed to operate it? Or maybe the puzzle is to be wishing for the opposite of what you want the box to do? I donno ;_;

My theory is that it reacts to the person operating it. If they have the capabilities necessary, the cube taps their inner energy, causing it to 'activate' - I don't think it works for everyone...rather, it works for very few (recall the story of the mentally ill girl that liked to solve puzzles all day long and managed to work the cube). I think that this is a solid theory, but improbable - rather, the cube CAN be solved by anyone, it's just that it's difficult, therefore giving the effect that only a 'chosen' few may summon it's powers. It's very depressing. Contrary to that, speculation that it's just a 'movie prop' and it's powers can be summoned at will by the 'writers' - whatever arcane sorcerors those might be - and isn't even a working gateway at all! I think that's preposterous...what do you think? I've felt it's power, have you?
Wait it was not even a gateway after all? XD heh, maybe I should just go rent the movie and agree with your theory until I have my own. And no, I have not felt the power (I am the unchoosen! :D)

Do you care too much about stuff?
Depends on what you mean by 'care to much'. I do tend to get pulled into/wrapped up in other's issues at times...Or I will worry too much about harming the feelings of those around me at times when I need to be tough...But I do not care too much as in obsess about things or whatnot...*shrug*

Cloudwolf -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 12:20:05)

Me agin wow 3post
*waves welcome back thrice*

I used to have a dog untill
It got bit by a snake[:(]
Aww, poor dog. :/

Why don't you know the muffian man
Our paths never crossed I guess.

Do you not like muffians
I love muffians, esp. home made ones. *yummy!* ;)

Why do you spell cat kat
Kat flowed better then cat with Katy...and I just recently found out it means cat in Dutch, lol. XD

Do you not know how to speel cat
Yes I know how to spell cat. Do you not know how to spell spell? :-P

Aperntly not

If you were a fly would you smash your self
No way, I would live to buzz around people another day!

Why do poeple aks you stupid questions
Perhaps they ran out of the other kinda of questions? Or perhaps they are asking smart questions that are just pretending to be stupid!

DO you like to anwser stupid questions
I like to answer questions, regardless of their IQ level. ^-^

Why do poeple who are broadcasting a sport thinger always state the stuff we already know
You never know...we could forget the stuff we know. >.> reminders are good things...esp. the propoganda type! O:)

That makes me amde
why? Their restating facts gives your mind free time to wander. that is always good, right? XD

If you know that the moon wasn't made fo cheese and i asked if it was and you ate it whould you feel abot stupid it is not cheese? Rocks can be good for digestion and stuff...>.> (well if you were a bird and needed to swallow them to help grind the stuff in your gut they would. ^^;)

If the moon ain't made of cheese why did you give my hamster a pecie of mone rock
Again, to help his digestion track. O:)

You hurt my hamster teeth how do you feel now lol
Pfft, I did not make the hamster eat it, he hurt his own teeth. :-P

I'm a pumpkin knight now
umm...Congrats? XD

Do you like pumpkins
I like to eat them in pies. :)

My cat hoped on my table when I took a shwoer
Shes white with a black patch on top of her head
cool fur design, what is her name? ^_^
Her name is snowball

Dudemaster -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (Online) (8/20/2005 13:27:55)

1. You used to be a great moderator on the old forums, and you did a great job there. Do you think that the old "Snitz" forums are easier or harder to moderate than the new "Asp Playground" ones?
Well the snitz was easier in that there was less trafic to watch over and mod, however it had many flaws as well (had to eat over large siggys in the post, could not get to the source like you can now, and when you wanted to IP ban you had to mess with doing an entry in the list thing which was slightly disorginized >.>;). These Asp forums are easier in that everything is orginized better, it is easier to do bans and siggy munchings and warning and whatnot. (much MUCH easier.)

2. Are you a fan of the Final Fantasy series? If yes, then what is your favourite one? If no then what other RPg games do you like to play?
Yes I am a FF series fan, m fave game of current would be FF9.

3. What is it like being a moderator on the forums? I hope this doesn't sound discriminating or anything if it does then sorry, but is it hard to moderate a forums with dyslexia?
Hard work, separation on some levels from the normal users (in terms of how they react to you) that at times make the job easier, at times make you sigh with fustration that you are not always seen for who you are but what you are. (course you also get the proud rewarding feelings that you are helping keep the forums clean so 'sall good ^.^). As to the dyslexia and I said before I had a mild case and I got treatment to help me cope when I was young, add that to the fact I have access to a spell checker and the worst my dyslexia makes my modding job is to annoy me from time to time when I am typing something serious and I do a huge typo/grammer mistake that just ruins the whole seriousness. (then again what can you do but laugh those things off, neh? XD)

4. How old where you when you started working for AQ?
I was 16 years old or so. However I was not allowed to become full AQ staff until this year when I turned 18 and signed the NDA sheet thing.

Ty, see ya
Np, see ya around! ^^

Spellcaster -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (Online) (8/20/2005 15:09:30)

1. how many cats do you have?
Two of current (Fidget, Cassie)

2. do you have any dogs?
Just the one (Butch)

3. what is your favorite thing to do?
Create stories, reading, drawing, learning new things. ^_^

4. what is your favorite book?
No top fave right now, The wheel of time series, Harry potter, The gunslinger, and books like shogun/gai-jin/king rat/tai-pan (the Asian series done by James Cavell) are all good.

5. What is your favorite Feline
Cheetah, got to love their looks and how fast they can run. ;)

thanks, bye
np, may your journey end well (good bye)! :D

twentay -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (Online) (8/20/2005 19:14:45)

*comes back with straight jacket on legs* now its really hard to walk
So it seems to be. o.O *takes the jacket off the legs*

hi i'm back
Hallo, welcome back! ^^

so when did u first discover huggles?
The first day I joined the AQ forums.

and when did u first give a huggle?
The first day I walked into IRC chat. :-P

and when did u start using special huggles?
The day I decided to make my huggles more creative after being ultrahuggled by someone (I think it was Tianming, or maybe onewing? -.- I can't remember who) in chat. XD

how much do u think u huggle each day?
More times then I can count. :D

why that many?
Because huggles are virual, the more you get the more you give!

that is all. just wanted huggle info. ~huggle~
info given so... *~Huggles back!~* ^-^

u didn't think i would go this whole post without huggle did u?
The thought had crossed my mind how ironic it would be if you made a huggle question post without a huggle somewhere within. :p

lol. tell no copper ya saw me here
kk, *nods*

*disapeers into the darkness*
*watches you go ninja like into the night*

Illusion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (Online) (8/20/2005 19:27:18)

Hallo! ^_^

First thing's first- can't be bothered looking back through all previously answered questions to avoid asking the same ones...if you encounter a 'repeated' one, feel free to skip it :P


Have a favourite band?
Not really, I tend to pick fave songs more then fave bands...

Favourite song in general?
Strangers from the Wolf's Rain OS1

Preferred music genre?
celtic/electronica/funk/native american/sound tracks/middle eastern/indian/jazz/mix of any of the styles above (jazz and native american flute music tends to be nice)

Hmm...have a favourite food?
Corn, mushrooms, pumkin pie, fruit.

Also, a favourite drink?
Hot tea, esp. any form of Chai/earl gray/green tea.

Like sports? (I do :) )
Yes I do!

If so, play any?
I use to play basketball (for 5 years...stopped when I entered highschool as my high school did not have a girl's basketball team ^^; I was decent at it, and a freethrow champian (lasted till the simi-finals of the national free throw contest..lost the tie breaker and did not go onto the finals >.<)), and volleyball (for 1 year in middle school, and 3 in high school). Also a few years of softball, and two years of gymnastics, 1/2 of ballet dancing (when I was 5-6)...and a year of soccer (when I was 8). Oh and DDR :p (does that count as a sport? XD XD)

If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would those 5 be?
Bookworm, smart/curious, stubborn, kind/empathtic, Animal-lover

Um...the multi-colour you deem the end result to be worthy of the time spent on it?
Yes I do, because the result looks pretty and will be around longer then the time it took to make the replies pretty. :-P

Wait...if not, you'd pick a plain colour, right? Bah.
Yep, they would have been plain orange otherwise, like this.


That's me out of questions.
That is me out of answers. XD

'til another time.
Fairwell, was nice talking to ya! ;)

required -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (Online) (8/20/2005 20:48:18)

Greetings and Salutations!
Good day to you sir/madam! :)

Just a few questions with no purpose, but to amuse me.
And I will answer with amusing answers to your purposeless yet amusing questions. :p

Do you like Minnesota in the USA?
I see no reason to dislike it. XD 'course I have never been there...but I know a friend who use to be from there so it can't be too bad a place. ;)

Good, What is Minnesota most known for?(Don't say the movie Fargo, we don't really talk like that)
Their Timberwolves (aka gray wolves)? Or their natural areas/beautiful landscape (forests and such)

Do you like how original my character's name is? click here please!
'Really great character' LoL XD great name (and a 'great' character! :D) :-P

Good, I'm glad you liked it! No one would ever think of that name! Ha, Ha, Ha, etc.
<insert sign of agreement and laughing here O:)>

Who wrote Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?
Jane Taylor in 1806. (she was either a writer or poet I think...English right?)

Do you like British History?
Some parts I do...But it is not one of my more fave parts of history to study. >.<

Good, here are several history questions:
Wee, history questions are fun! :D

What is the most famous date in British History?
The the date magna carta, aka the 'great charter', was created/took effect on. (1215 AD)

Around what year did the British have an organized army? After this they were called red coats. (Don't say the American Revolution!)
After the English Civil War of 1642, king charles II (or was it I?) offically formed the army, in 1661 (once parliment had control of millitary related things that is).

I'm glad you like the German language too! Here is a last question:
Only one left? :/ but these are fun!

What does Austfart mean?
Austfart? you mean Ausfahrt? If so then it means 'exit' or 'highway/motorway exit'

Well I think I have quenched my thirst for answers, thanks for answering! Good Bye!
No problem, thanks for the cool questions, :D Auf Wiedersehen! (formal: good bye!)

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 21:26:36)

Hey Katy!
Hey mademocrat!

Well, how's life been?
Had its ups and downs...A bit chaotic right now as I am starting my first year of college...this monday >.>;

What kind of dog do you have?
Butch is a chocolate lab and labrador retriever mix.

Hmm... I haven't asked this since my quest to find a mod who likes rap was completed. Are you a fan of rap music?
Well I don't find a lot of the rap on the radio to be super good...But I do like the old style 'street corner' type of rapping. (which is a popular past time in my area/school. Heh, we (my class) use to annoy our physics teacher by randomly breaking into a rap about whatever we were studying at the time. XD My friend David could even do this thing with his voice to add the base beat. :p)

Can't think of any other questions right now. Thanks for your time!
Np, my time is freely given! And thanks for the question! ^.^

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/20/2005 23:41:20)

Are you descended from the Cherokee or Blackfoot clan?
I donno which tribe for a fact it is...Still doing research >.< (No one on my mom's side seems to remember which tribe she (my native american ancestor) was from you see). However I know for a fact it is an eastern tribe, and most likely is Cherokee (as they were the tribe who most interacted with, and even adopted western ways).

Do you like birds?
Birds are ok, I have done some bird watching before.

If you could transform into an animal of your choice,which one would you be?
Wolf of course. :p

What are you allergic to?
Bee stings to a deadly degree, also pollen, and penicillin...and every summer around june/july for the past 3 years I have gotten a full body case of hives that always come around the same time regardless of where I am and do not go away for a month/till I take a steroid medcation thing to knock them out. >.< (I have heard of other people getting the same thing as well, so far noone seems to know what causes it. *shrug* but it is annoying to live though and leaves these ebil marks on the skin :/)

Is you dog pure blooded or half blood?My dog Maggie is a half blood Dalmatian.
a mix of two diffrent lab species but is considered a full blooded lab. *huggles the Dalmatian* luck! I always wanted a Dalmatian (that, Husky, and lab were the 3 types of dogs I always wanted to have ^.^)

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/21/2005 1:41:31)


Posting once more! ^_^.
Editing once more! :-p

Siamese cats are very cool! They are small, very curious, but also very attatched! And they like strangers! (Shiny!)

I luv them!

I had 2 siamese cats and 1 Eastern shorthair (Those are almost the same, except for the fact siamese have blue eyes, and the eastern shorthair green ones, heck one of the siamese and that Eastern shorthair were brother and sister ^_^!) Unfortunately, in October one of them died (On the age of three :() But the other two are still alive, and Great! ^_^
aww one died? :/ well at least two survivied! They named two diffrent sub-species of siamese off the fact one has diffrent colored eyes and shorter hair then the other? o.O *shakes head head in confusion at some of the stranger things that happen in the world*

Do use use didtionaries alot? (Or, the Dutch word for dictionary is Woordenboek, literally: Wordsbook)
Every so often when I find a word I have never seen before and can't figure out from context clues what it means. But I actually have a fairly large vocab so I normally only run into words I need to look up in books. ^^; 'Course I do tend to live off them when tryinfg to speak german that requires more complicated responses then what I can give off the top of my head >.> <.<

I can give you a example of how glimmend must be pronounced:P.
That is me, saying Glimmend :P. (For the reference ot other readers: Shiny!
Nice pronunciation, and now I am sure I said it slightly wrong. XD (I did not stress the G enough >.<;;) *notes you had a slightly deeper voice then she was thinking you would have*

Ugh, got to go now.. Ah well. Tot ziens! (Till seeing, you are right that tot means till ^_^)
Good bye...and one last time: Tot ziens! :D it has been fun!

K -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/21/2005 1:47:19)

OOH more questions
...and more answers! ^_^

Have you ever played a game called fire emblem?
Nope, sorry...never have. Have heard of it though.

Do you have kids?(Sorry if this is too personal don't answer if it's too personal)
I am only 18 >.> a bit young to have kids (though one of my best friends had one last year a 17 so maybe I should not say 'too young' -.-) But in my case, no.

What state do you live in and what city?
As I said before, Petersburg VA (well until I moved to college that is)

How does it feel being a mod?
Rewarding, fustrating, alienating, responsiblity...Kind of like most leadership type jobs feel. XD

Are you active on the forums?
Very, though I might go into another period of in the background activity while I adjust to college life.

What is your fav. place to go?
On the forums? Q&A. In real life? Into the fantasy world of books, and also I like going to the cafe at books-a-million.

Are you scared of bugs?
some bugs, like bees (they can kill me...>.> so no, me and bees do not like each other)...and spiders (I respect them but at the same time fear them if they get too close...I don't like being crawled upon. >.<)

What is your favorite show on T.V?
Monk...All time Fave was a show that came on the channel Bravo called 'Keen Edie'. Best. show. EVER. Sadly not many people got to see it when it ran on tv so I have never had anyone to discuss it's greatness with. ;_;

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/21/2005 3:32:38)

Hello moto! *is sued by Motorola for infringing copyrights*
Hallo! *has the sudden disire to buy...a phone? o.o;*

Did anyone notice I was gone?
I did not, but then again I was gone for a few months myself at one point...>.>

I was, you know. For a few months at least.
Well then maybe you were gone the same time as I was o n break, lol. XD

Have you played Final Fantasy Eight?
Nope but I really want to. I just can't seem to find a copy in any of the game stores around my area. :/

If yes, did you find it fun?
*thinks she might find it fun if she could try it. XD*

Why do you bother making your fonts three colours instead of one like the other mods?
Because like the effect of the three font set up. :-P ma kes it more exciting...XD

Do you enjoy food?
I tend to eat slow and enjoy my food, and some dishes are a treat in themselves to eat.

Have you eaten jello in the past three days?
Nope, jello and me have not crossed paths for a t least 2 months.

Why Katy Kat? Why not BuffaloAteMe?
Because I am a Kat (see long serious-like answer in the earlier posts where people asked about the nick) and because there were no Buffalo around to eat me to get revenge for eating their wings. j/k

Yargg-meow. ^_^ (good bye!)

*disappears in a pit*
*throws down a pillow in the pit t o cushion your fall*

lilJunior7 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/21/2005 8:30:47)

He Katy Kat, was oben ist

Wissen Sie, welche Sprache im sprechend

Oh no, this is you last day ;_; Can you stay longer?



What happened to Fyrel? >.>

Have you beaten XenoSaga EI?

Wanst that DOMO Carriar hard to beat? *coughtemorcough*

What was your favorite part in the game?

Do you have XenoSaga EII?

Do you know about th hot coffe on GTA SA? Do you think it was right (and good) that they change it to the infamous AO (Adluts Only)? I find it stupid, mean its only one year apart!

15, 16 hehehe im 13, duh. ^_^

Well thats it for now....

Sehen Sie ya um Katy kat

T Hood -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/21/2005 21:22:11)

*Walks into room*

Well... Hello...

I am back! ^^

Do you like popcorn?

Who made the equation E=mc2?

On your personall opinion do you think that Bethoven was crazy? XD

If you had 1 bannana 2 apples and 1 grape what would you do with them?

*Gasp!* Tis I got here on teh last day! :(

*Shoots Fireball for no apparent reason*

Oww.. I burned my hand doing that....

If you had 2 eggs,1 dinosour,a cat, a dog, and one pair of slippers what would you do?

*Suddenly Runs Away*

*Suddenly Comes Back*

I needed my exersize. :P

Are you thirsty?

What does the word Pneumonoultramicroscopicssilicovolcanoconisis mean?

I better of gotton a correct answer.. =P

Did you like the movie Kat in the hat?

What do you like better cats,dogs,or wolves?

Do you think that Wallo deserves a hat?(That says I will not lock anymore threads in GGD...)

Do you think he would get rid of the hat?

Thank goodness Ancient One hasn't resigned!



<(^^)> <--- Kirby attack!

*Jumps out window*

*Jumps back in*

Ouch... *Pokes at glass stuck in his arm*


*Comes back from hospital 1 hour later*

I'm ok now!

You are probably wondering why I did that...

I did it for exersize!

Do you think this post of mine is longer now?

Coca-cola or pepsi?

Pepsi or coca cola?

North pole or Mars? (Trick question)

Well... I am out of questions...

*Jumps-out-of window snuggles Katy Kat*

(Needs to go to hospital again =P)

Katy Kat -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Answering life's mysteries (No more questions please ^_^) (8/21/2005 22:01:38)

I am back from setting up my college dorm; we had to move things and fix up the beds (they are bunk beds) so it took longer then I was expecting, sorry. ^^; Will get to work answering questions (and locking this thread since Afina has posted her thread and thus this thread is done). And will hopefully finish answering them today so I can move this post to the MtM forum...making the OOC a little less cluttered in the process! :p

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