RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (Full Version)

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TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+ Katy Kat +~ Wandering the depths of reality (offline) (8/15/2005 7:54:27)

You answered my questions with good humor and you were very close on some. Now here is a mod torture device update *hands you every weapon in Halo and Halo 2* have fun tortureing us all and I have it set so you have unlimited grenades and ammo now I better get going before *black car appears and guys step out with jackets that say "Bungie version of CIA"* Bungie dude: You there we have recieved reports that you moded weapons for personal gain! *I pull out a rocket launcher* Me: You wont take me alive I moded those weapons cause I could! *fires rocket launcher blowing up car then jumps into warthog and drives it into a pelican then gets out and takes control of pelican closing the back hatch and flying away while laughing evilly* Bungie dude: Not again well time to get moving if we are going to catch him. other bungie dude: I TOLD YOU TO OFFER HIM A JOB AT BUNGIE BUT NOOOOO YOU HAD TO GO ALL CIA!

LoL XD Don't let them catch you and thanks? (btw could you pm me the answers to the halo questions (or edit your first post)? I want to see which ones were close)

NeoViper9 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/15/2005 10:36:57)

Ello Ello Ello Katy... *SUPERULTRADINGLESNUGGLESRIFFICK* (ahha..decifer that one out :P)
(does it say super ultra dingle snugglesriffick?)

Do you read??
No, I just guess at what the written words say. I can't even read your question of if I read! XD

Do you like to read?
Well if one day I learned the mysteries of this thing called reading then yes, I belive I would love to read a lot.

IF you anserwed yes and put some words that probably meen nothing to me (:P:P:P) then answere the next two questions.. and if you didnt answere it tat way..still answere the next two questions (cause thats what your payed to do) (:P:P)
Paid? Pfft, I demand a pay raise! Oh wait...I don't get paid >.>;

Have you read any forggoten realms books??
I am meaning to start reading the FR series soon...A friend recommended it to me a few months ago and I just have not had time to check it out. So I guess it is a no, for the moment at least. ;)

Have you read any dragon lance books??
Yes I have, they are pretty good. ^.^

Would you make me a Mod/AK if you could?
Naw. Not being mean or anything but we have enough as is right now so even if I could I would not. Plus it would be evil to subject you to the trials and pains of modhood. :-P

If you answered expecting it to be done by saterday lol jkjk...
Sure it will be done saturday...But you did not say what year~! >:) so on a saturday in Aug, 1,000 years from the present, you will be made one. *ebil laugh* better get to work on finding a way to live those 1,000 years though, otherwise you will be the first ghost mod ever. :-P j/k

Cya later
Bye-bye! :)

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/15/2005 16:25:42)

Hey Katy Kat!
Hallo Creasy! ^^

When did you gain Moddishness?
About 2 to 2 1/2 years ago. (don't remeber the exact date. It was about 5-7 months after I started AQ I think though.)

Why is your name feline yet you say you would be a wolf which is lupine/canine? (Wolves are awesome though so inconsistency is forgiven =P)
Because I admire certain qualities of felines, I live with two felines, and Kat went better with Katy then Wolf did. :-P But I have always loved wolves, for many reasons, so if I were to be an animal that is what I would be! XD

Which forums do you go through mostly?
Question and Answer (<3), WotF, IRC Chat help, OOC, sometimes GGD (but not often), Forum feedback, and hoping to get active in the zardwars, the stratigy forums, and new town forums as well. Like I said in an earlier post: I plan on eventually one day being familiar with all the forum so I can mod any one where I am need, or the ones I feel like based on my current mood. (right now when I start modding a new one I still have to deal with the many mistakes I make while learning the ropes, so to speak. >.<;)

Whats your favourite style of weapon (games and real)?
In real life either a bow and arrow or a japanese kantana of some sort (I know how to use a Bow and Arrow, and I am intrested in Japanese history/ my high school hstory teacher use to have a real kantana in his classroom and he let me hold it once and told me all about it.)

Ever done any martial arts?
Not offically...However two of my best friends growing up (Two boys named Jimmy and Hal) use to do Karate and taught me a few moves.

Whats with your little emoticon sig? *is confused*
*is confused at your confusion* what is wrong with my siggy, lol? >.<

Read Ian Irvine?
planing to read his book 'The Way Between the Worlds' sometime soon.

Do you know of any English Mods/AK's?
I know a few mods that are from the UK, and I would not be surprised if one of the AKs I know is from there as well.

Who is the queen of OOC, you or Spork Goddess?
Katie (aka Spork Goddess/Mirai), hands down! I don't mod in here enough for that title, where as SG lives here, lol. :-P

*laughs at multi-coloured answers*
*laughs at the fact your question is now multi colored as well and looks innocent. O:)*

Is silver better than gold really?
My answer to that is to direct you to this site that goves over the pros and cons of both (it is an intresting read):

Ummmm, must think of one more.....
*plans one more question into your brain*

(Boring Question Alert!!!!) Sorry, a naff one to finish on....own any games consoles?
Ones I still own: N64, GBC, GBASP, PS1, PS2, PSP.

That'll do as I can think of no more......Byeeeeeeeee =D
*waves* see ya later! :D

Sorry for the edit here quickly....... good luck at Uni, it really is much harder than before. I'm taking Law and its a nightmare of constant =P Pub nights are fun though =D
*will look forward to pub nights then :-P* Thanks, and good luck with the law thing. Had a relative that was majoring in that as well...but the stress was too much in his case (he switched to a technology+sells related area)

Invain -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/16/2005 2:35:58)


Kat is the Dutch word for cat
It is also the Polish word for executioner. Coincidence? ^^
Coincidence? Indeed, indeed...O:) *hides her executioner's ax*

How does it feel to answer the same questions over and over again?
Like de jea vu (sp?) all over again! 'Tis fun to find new ways to prase the same answer though, lol. :-P

Tharivol -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/16/2005 10:56:54)


Haere râ, me hoki mai anô koe. (Goodbye, you must return again.) ^_^

Back, but only because you asked, deary. (:
*cheers with glee!* C:

Questions, questions, questions..
Answers, answers, answers...

Ever played Icewind Dale?
Nope. *shakes head*

Baldur's Gate?
Nope, but I want to! >.<

Neverwinter Nights?
Yes I have.

All classic RPGs, If you haven't played them, go buy them - they're well worth it! (They should only be about £10 these days ^^)
*makes note to self to keep an eye out for those* will do! :)

I was going to right a long RP, DnD style sentence for you to respond to, but my mind is blank at the moment... Let's see..
Free write then? You will be surprised what can come out of a blank mind... ;)

You walk into a long, muddy hallway, the floor is layden with debris. You notice that a few yards ahead of you, a panel on each side of the muddy walls have slid open, with cat like silence.

There is a clock on the floor between the two open spaces. 12 faces your direction, while 6 faces in the other direction. 3 hands face 12.

A small toad hops past your right side. As it does a hand on the clock click to 11, the toad croaks and stays still.

As if someone had opened a door on a cold night, you feel a wind pass over you. As if you could see it, you follow the wind and see it passing over the clock, the clock clicks to 3, and a huge log passes down, swinging through where the wind would have been, be it a real presence, the wind ceases. What do you wish to do?

You think to yourself that this strange corridor must surely hold many traps. Why else would there be debris? And toads suddenly dieing? And logs appearing from mystical winds? You start to wonder if the risk of passing through this hallway is worth it.

You look at the clocks,
which most surely must be magic, and wonder who made them, what is their purpose? And most importantly...what will they do when you try to pass?

Taking out
your well worn invisablity cloak and praying for strength you take those first faithful steps into that muddy cluttered hallway...

Hmm, well that was a little crappy, but hey. ^^ One can only try. One day I'll get the Retro Geek title I deserve. xD
It was worded a bit funny at some places, but the imagry was cool. Still wondering where the poor toad came from though, lol. :-P�� - Omgz0r, you are totally on my side. Tharivolman, the modern superhero.
It was nothng much... ^^;

*Trots off, and waves. Falling as he does*
*huggles and waves goodbye to the story teller! She sees him fall over but is not too worried as he seems to have tripped in a place where there is near 0G (gravity). She watches this strange being float off into the wanning day, blinks, and goes back to answering questions*

Sheep God Bob -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/16/2005 14:18:06)

hi the previous post of english was actully me on my sises account and i just deleted that post.... lol forgot to go on my own :P so here we go
ah oki, 'sall good then. ^^

Yo katty, i live in virginia to! just i live in loudon, not petersburg...
*cheers for fellow VA people* Never been to the loudon area...It is more in the Northern part of VA right? *wonders if y'all have mountains in your area*

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsy pop???
I actually counted once when I ate one when I was 9 years old...It took me over 3,000 licks to get to the center. o.O;

Why is a hamburger called a hamburger in stead of a steakburger???
I think the hamburger was orginally made in a place called Hamburger (Germany) around the 14th century...or something like that right?

are you pychic? i am, your thinking.... i'll get back to you on that...
You are thinking "when is this slacker going to answer my questions!?" Heh, j/k. No I am not pychic...Closest thing I have to something like that is an unuasually good/accurate sense of character judgement of people (or so friend and family tell me *shrug*). Are YOU pychic, lol? :-P

how many leaves are on a tree?
The more healthy and older the tree the more leaves it will to how many it has I donno..42? XD

do you like cheeze?
Assuming cheeze is the same as cheese...I love it! :D Vermont sharp-white cheddar is really good. Ohh and heated Brie with fruit flavored jelly! And swiss chess with its funny little holes...*wonders if heaven has should! :D)

how many different types of cheese are their?
At least 23 types, more when you count the sub types of cheese that come out of the main classifications. *decides to jsut answer: too many for me to count. >.>*

whats 2+ 87654344 -(-88585848585848) x 675 -3445+676096780596794959543757676543868654886 divided by 556654433???
6.76096781 × 10^38 divided by 556654433 == 1.21457181 × 10^30 (translation: a very large number, lol)

will i ever get the awesome tital of sheep worshiper, or sheep god? i mean i have devoted my love to them *tears in eyes* lol
*sees a tital wave of sheep worshipers and Gods flood you* heh, you could always be the self proclaimed sheep worshiper/God. :-P

(also about Dyslexia, i think i have it to lol, just severly [:D], i got got staright A's on the major acedemics last year, but an D in organization :P)
Ah well...organization...who needs it really? XD congrats on the A's btw!

thanks for awnsering the mysteries of my life :p
thanks for encouraging me to ponder the question. :p

unseen sniper -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/16/2005 15:27:17)

Apears in cloud of smoke*cough*cough*cough* Thats the last time I use smoke Oh,...hi
*Hands you a fan to clear away the remaining smoke* Hallo! Nice flashy entrance! ^_^

srry if any of the questions have already been anwsered
No problem, reanswering questions that have been asked already does not bother me much.

time for some random questions
My fave kind! :-P

Pie or cake
Pie! *dreams of pumkin pie* Pie > Cake...besides pie has it's own special number (3.14159265) as well as 'PI' day (march math teachers actually use to bring in cup cakes for us to celebrate that day >.>); cake can't claim that!

favorite flavor of ice
The water flavored kind? XD oops ment icecream ohwell

one time I saw the cool grafiti samuria have you ever seen any cool grafiti
Yep. We have some nice grafiti artwork sprayed on some of the buildings around town. The church has that picture that has been redrawn several times of that guy with the hat and in a church outfit, the daycare has a picture of a bunch of kids drawn on the side, the bowling alley has a very nice looking picture of some glass pens and bowling balls spayed on the inside wall (I should take a picture, it is really pretty), Also the mexican food place has a picture of mexican related objects all over it with a spiffy design to go with get the idea. ^^;

do you play other video games besides AQ if so what are they
I play a lot of Video games...Final Fantasy games, ape escape, legend of zelda games, prince of persa games, Tekken/Mortal combat/Soul caliber type games, Xtream sports (does anyone remember that game?), DDR (<3), etc. Also online games like Kingdom of loathing, Nation states, Flash Flash Revolution etc.

gamecube xbox or ps2
PS2 (I am a song gal *blush*)

what type of movie comedy or horror
Comedy, I like to laugh. :p

futrurama or simpsons

If you could have an unlimated suply of one food what would it be
'tis a toss up between corn or stuffed mushrooms...

what do you think of my sig
Ah creepy bunny that is slowly taking over the forums! *hides*

thats all for now.
Over so soon? >.< ah well was fun! *waves bye* :D

Dracodragon -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/16/2005 15:43:27)

ITs katy! I remember you.
Draco!! It has been awhile! *huggles*
Heh, yeah, Its been a long time since ive seen you around.*gives a huggle to his old friend*

How has it been going? Havent seen you ever since the DA clan ended.
It has been going good, how about you? Ya...last we spoke you were still making that frog game thing right? Did ya finish it? Man I miss the Draconian Ancillas clan...those were fun times, neh? To bad me, jase, rayf, and zephor got caught up in real life and we had to disband the clan. :/ I wonder who else out of the 260 some members we had are still around?
Thats cool. SAme here for me, just kind bumbed about having to go back to school next week.[:@] Yeah, im still working on frog games, i post demos and stuff at my forums. Havent seen any of the other DA members around in a long time.

Good luck with school! *will check out the demos*. Well there is you, and me and sometimes Jase and his girlfriend still come online on the forums. And Vephoma is about and around...Can't think of anyone else at the moment. -.o;

Killer Croc -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 12:28:59)

Hi there I have come to bend your brain
Many if not all of my questions are paradoxical^_^ answer if you can
Greetings! *waves*. brain bending is fun! let's see how flexable mine is. (I love paradoxical questions ^_~)

1:what is the Will Rogers phenomenon?
"The Will Rogers phenomenon is the apparent paradox obtained when moving an element from one set to another set raises the average values of both sets."

2:Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
No, because to contain itself it would void its ablity to be grouped in the sets that do not contain themselves; thus it cannot be contained in the set in that case!.

3:Is the word "heterological", meaning "not applicable to itself," a heterological word?
No, because being heterological, to be a heterological word it would have to be applicable to itself. Since it cannot be that and be a heterological is not one. >.>

4:What is "The first number not nameable in under ten words"? (And has it not just been named in nine?)
It is 10 because it is the first word not nameable in under 10 words, and it explains why they say 10 words when it is only 9. :-P

5: An association in sub-populations may be reversed in the population. It appears that two sets of data separately support a certain hypothesis, but, when considered together, they support the opposite hypothesis. Why is this?
Perhaps when individual, the situations of the sub-populations are diffrent from each other yet get the same conclusion their own way. When they are together the hypothosis is opposite and the conditions it was found under are now diffrent. (I donno ^^;)

7:How can a rational choice be made between two outcomes of equal value?
This would be the type of paradox found in Aristotle's De Caelo right? If so then my answer is this: The person making the choice would choose nothing until they could figure out which could be made for the 'greater moral good'. Which ever the chooser finally preceive as that, regardless of the fact they are (the choices) both equa, will be the one chosen.

8:what is the Control Paradox?
Ah they used this one as the main forcus of the matrix:
"The control paradox states that a live or conscious human being will also be controlled either by others, or by themselves, so the idea of control will be operating on them. Certainly, medically speaking, human beings needs a certain number of control systems to keep working, but this is more a philosophy about whether or not we are completely free even if we possess free will.

It could easily be rephrased: No human is free from
freedom, because even when they are free from the control of others, they are under their own control.

The idea of exactly what it means to be "free" or to have "free will
", when we know that the states of the mind are dictated by physical processes, has been discussed extensively by the philosopher of science Daniel Dennett."

9:Why is the night sky black if there is an infinity of stars?
Dark matter. There ar an infinity of stars/planets but they are inbetween large areas of dark matter so the sky seems dark. Plus it takes time for that light from far off places to reach us. ;)

10:Conditional probability density functions are not invariant under coordinate transformations. Why?
"Borel's paradox shows that conditional probability density functions need not be invariant under coordinate transformations.

If for discrete random variables
P(Y = y | X = x) = P(Y = y) for all x and y, or for continuous random variables pY|X(y | x) = pY(y) for all x and y, then Y is said to be independent of X (and this implies that X is also independent of Y).

Seen as a function of y fo
r given x, P(Y = y | X = x) is a probability and so the sum over all y (or integral if it is a density) is 1. Seen as a function of x for given y, it is a likelihood function, so that the sum over all x need not be 1."

11:what is the liar paradox?
Statements like this: "The following sentence is true."or "This statement is false.". It is a paradox where something is said by the speaker to be true/false which might in fact be the opposite (the person may be lying). Also called "The Epimenides paradox"

12: Why is there an inevitable increase in entropy when the laws of physics are invariant under time reversal?
"Entropy is the only quantity in the physical sciences that "picks" a particular direction for time, sometimes called an arrow of time. As we go "forward" in time, the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that the entropy of an isolated system can only increase or remain the same; it cannot decrease. In contrast, all physical processes occurring at the microscopic level, such as mechanics, do not pick out an arrow of time. Going forward in time, we might see an atom moving to the left, whereas going backward in time, we would see the same atom moving to the right; the behavior of the atom is not qualitatively different in either case. In contrast, we would be shocked if a gas that originally filled a container evenly, spontaneously shrinks to occupy only half the container.

The reader may have noticed that the Second Law allows for the entropy remaining the same. If the entropy is constant in either direction of time, there would be no preferred direction. However, the entropy can only be a constant if the system is in the highest possible state of disorder, such as a gas that always was, and always will be, uniformly spread out in its container. The existence of a thermodynamic arrow of time implies that the system is highly ordered in one time direction, which would by definition be the "past".

Unlike most other laws of physics, the
Second Law of Thermodynamics is statistical in nature, and its reliability arises from the huge number of particles present in macroscopic systems. It is not impossible, in principle, for all 1023 atoms in a gas to spontaneously migrate to one half of container; it is only fantastically unlikely -- so unlikely that no macroscopic violation of the Second Law has ever been observed."

13:In an ideal gas, is entropy an extensive variable?
Yes it is.

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 12:43:56)

katy kat! *snuggles* i just finished my own AK of the Week thingy :P so I am very appreciative of the shorter posts right now ;)
SiLvErWiNg!! *snuggles back* your's is finished? Drat I meant to post there before it closed. >.< ah well, lol. And yes, shorter posts are good...less time needing to be spent trying to answer them. :-P

what NPC would you want to have?
One that was in some way related to animals, or to magic...Like a summoner, or a beastmaster, or nature/spirit/white mage, or maybe a thief (ok a thief has nothing to do with magic or animals, lol. XD but I think it would be a fun one to be none the less. :-P)

whats your favorite class?
In game? Mage or Ninja. Out of game? any of the ones I said above, plus monk/ranger classes.

last question! why did the aardvark cross the road?
To get to the other side and return home! :-P And to also have it's existence denied, lol. XD (for if it crossed the road where did it go? Did it ever even exist?)

ok! thats all for now! ^_^ bye! *sneakattackles teh Kat when she isnt looking and snuggles*
epp! No more? Well see ya later then! ^_^ *unknowingly-attacked by SiLvErWiNg with snuggles while looking at the road for the aardvark she snuggles back*

Sarah_Renee -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 14:09:49)

/snuggles the Kat
/me snuggles Sarah_Renee ^^

Hmm lets see Whats your favorite color?
redish-orangish (there is a certain shade of those color but I don't know how to show you unless I find a example of it online). Though tones of dark golden are also pretty!

What is your favoriote food ?
Corn, mushrooms, pumkin pie...One of those, lol. XD

Did someone alreadly Ask?
Yep, many times. 'sall good though. ^.^

Are you tired of answering questions yet ?
Nope, I am hoping more get posted soon as I actually have free time to answer them today XD... and I am almost finished answering this current batch.

See you later
Fair well on your journey through life *ie good bye!*! (and don't let the current situation get ya too down, ok Sarah? :/)

hackahacka -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 15:13:06)

One question (Just trying to make your job easier :\): Are you a fan of Stephen King?

Pfft who needs easy? Easy is for the weak! *collapses from exhaustion. j/k*

And yes I am a huge fan of Stephen King <3. True I am not always a big horror fan, but he makes
good stories and his characters tend to be very multi-layered/realistic. And you got to love a guy who puts referances to his other books, or even puts himself in his books as a characer, lol! :-p

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 15:19:06)

Heya Katy!
Hallo again Elnaith!

How can you be online (Thread) While being offline (Profile)? Psychic powers! Shiny!
yes psychic powers! *mahaha cough* actually there are three reasons why that might happen:
1.) I am online and active but I have the little thing clicked in my profile that shows you are offline regardless of if you are or not (the first month I was back from my break I had that on and forgot and it took a pm from a person asking why it showed i was off when i am on to remind me to take it off. XD. but that did not happen in this case.)
2.) I was online and answering question
s and for some reason my internet gave out and so I went offline without a title change. (like when my router died a few times and that day earlier this week we had the thunderstorm in my area)
3.) I was online and active but then got called away from
the computer for some reason, and did not have a chance to change the title and then my computer went to sleep ( cutting of my internet connection...this also happend a time or two this week)

Do you like beer?
Not really. Never tried it actually, lol. >.<

Or are you more a wine-person?
Wine is ok...I have tried a few types of wine (with my parents consent since I am not 21 yet). So far only found one I really liked (it was a white wine, can't remember the name atm but I know it started with a Z. It had strawberries in it also). But to tell the truth I am not much for drinks...*shrug* even the one I liked I would not drink more then half a glass.

Do you like shiny?
Yes, shiny is good...and shiny! ^.^

You don't know Pink floyd? Hmm.. I'll see if I can find somewhere to listen samples.. If you want more information.. Just ask Dadric.. HE knows :).
ah ok...mahahaha a reason to bug Dadric! j/k. I am still trying to find some samples luck yet but I figure somewhere online there must be one. I wonder if amazon has any sample clips on it...

Do you play games (As in, non-online computer games)
yes, I have played several non-online computer games.

If so.. What is your favorite genre? (I say RPG and RTS.. They are shiny!)
Hand of fate/any of the king's quest games. Also my fave fave game was this one called 'Wolf'. It was a game that gave scientific info about wolves and also made you have to play as a wolf. The object of the game was to survive and help your pack survive (if you were alpha leader) and to live a fun life cycle. You coul play as any wolf in any rank, you had to hunt/raise pups/avoid hunters/fight for your rank in the pack/and mate. It was great! :D

Do you like coins? (I think they are really shiny :P)
Of course, they are shiny! Also I like collecting coins, as you get to hold a peice of history in your hands. Each coin has a story behind it! ;)

Or.. Headphones?
headphones are good...could not hear ipod/cd player music without them!

Do you think I say shiny too much?
Naw, you should meet my friend Mat if you think you say shiney too much...then you have not met him. :-P

*knuffelt Katy Kat* (*Cuddles Katy Kat*) Tot morgen ;) (See ya tommorow.)
*knuffelt back* (wee Dutch! XD) Zie u morgen! :) (does that work as well? or should it be tot?)

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/17/2005 22:21:44)

Hey! It's Me, The Pyromaniac Half-Vampire!
Greetings! I have never meet a Pyromaniac Half-Vampire before! :D

Now, in Meet the <insert title here> tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???
Not really...bring it on? lol. :-P

Lets Begin!!
*starting bell ding*

Favorite Color?
There is a redish-orangeish color I like, but really to make it simple I will just say "red" "orange" and "deep gold".

Favorite Food?
Corn, mushrooms, pumkin pie, and fruits of all kinds! ^.^

Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?

Favorite Type of Music?
No fave type really, i like all types and what I like best tends to change with my mood. Also I like when diffrent forms of music are mixed together (like native american flute music with jazz for example).

Favorite Band?
No real fave here either. I guess maybe BT, or the seatbelts w/yako kanno, or R. Carlos Nakai (his music is really good, and he is an Grammy Award finalist) I also like the group Alborada (Andean music), but I doubt many people have heard of them.

Favorite Song?
Hands down 'Strangers' from the Wolf's Rain OST1. A lot of my creative works has come as a response to listening to this song. But the words and the music just hit me on a personal level...I donno why. ^^;


*For the Next part, It is Which is your favorite*

Purple or Tuna Fish?
Tana Fish as it is ediable (and tastes good too). :-P

"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
He seemed a bit more sane in KH...And fighting KH version as fun...But FF7 version had a more complex character and the whole one wing angel song playing in the background, now that was style. And FF7 version could also perm. kill people *looks at Aries*. ('course he also had that annoying 5 min. long super nova planet thing attack. >.<)

Red or White?

Moogles or Demons?
Moogles! :D

Golden Set or Nightmare Set?
Golden Set.

Snuggle or Huggle?
Snuggle...or better yet snlomp! (snuggle + glomp)

Vampires or Werewolfs? What about Were-pyres? Vamp-wolfs?
Werewolves because they are related to wolves and have other nice features about them. Though the others have their good points as well. Vampires have the whole immortal/smart thing going for them (you could find a lot of ways to play a character like that), Werepyres had their outcastness to draw off of in making them more complex and fun to play plus they have skills from both vamps/werewolves (and flaws). And would not Vamo-wolves be the same as Werepyres, lol?


If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?
Beast master or summoner or thief. (though I am fine with no NPC/class as well to tell the truth)

Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?
Visionary, slightly ahead of his time. :)

Sephiroth: Wussy or not?
Wussy, he was suppose to be so stong yet was beat so easliy? *shakes head* And like i said before: he seemed a bit insane and weak on a personal level as well (though not as bad as cloud was ~.~)

Favorite Final Fantasy?

Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?
DnD, game wise kings quest, Alone in the dark, or the Final fantasy ones...

Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?
LoL. XD No...if you dehydrate it then what the heck would be left? :-P

Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?
Hey if it does something even half way useful then sure. Much more original then the normal super powers. :D

My Chemical Romance: Are they a Good Band?
*shrug* they are ok. Good if you like the more modern rock style.

Have you met my evil clone, Lexa?
Nope, but maybe my ebil twin Tak has.

Favorite Number?
13...which is protrayed as a bad date/number nowdays from when the early church tried to discredit pegan culture/religion/holidays...But that only makes it a more intresting number now doesn't it? :-P

Why Katy Kat?
Why not? :-P it flows well together...and also cats can have some good sterotypical features I might like added to my 'online character' if you will (playfullness, independace, etc.)

Favorite In Game Class?
Mage or Ninja.

Favorite Type of Weapon?
Katanas, or bow and arrows are fun. Or throwing knives or sniper rifles or lightsabers...XD

Favorite Weapon?
no real fave weaon. Although a real lightsaber might be niffty to have...

Do you Like Chocobos?
Yarrg, I do. Cute and good for covering a lot of land in a short amount of time. Plus that do that churrpy sound. And their theme music rocks! How could you -not- like them? O:)

Do you Like Me?
I see no reason to dislike you. ;)

Ever Talk to Your self?
Nope, myself had nothing to say.

Ever PM yourseld? (I did once, I sent myself a love letter)
Yes, but not a love letter! XD I wanted to see what the limit was for how many pms you can store...I had free I pmed myself 15 time. >.> (but hey I found out the limit was 100 messages, lol) I also will pm myself reminds at times if I need to remember to do something important (I can be absent minded at times so it is just a habbit I picked up ^^;)

Do you think I'm Crazy?
No, just a colorful character. ;)

Have I annoyed you yet?
Not even near trying my patience. :-P

I'm done...for now *evil manical laughter*
No more? ah well, was nice meeting you! *ebil manical laughter to match your fairwell evil one*

crazy monkey -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/18/2005 0:38:27)

hey kat :3 huggs (lolz) so now on with the questions
Hey monkey of the crazy sort! *huggs and huggles* wee, the fun part!

what is the most flammable substance on earth?
Methane maybe?
if that was true wouldnt there be humongous explosions everywhere because everyone excretes methane and it doesnt just dissapear its still kind of there(some of it anyway)but yeah it is pretty flamible

at what temperature do humans freeze?
Note sure...without clothes at 25°C (77°F) you would start to get frost bite...I guess at some negitive number you would freeze?

how fast do they have to freeze to not die?
very fast, lol. :-P

if you got drafted into the army what would you do ((serious question really))
I would either stay and find a way to be in a job within it that does not involve fighting...Or maybe find a way into a technology/medical related field within it. Or I would find a loop hole to get me out of the draft (like being in college or going out of the country or something)

if a train runs me over at 3:00pm thats schedgualed((rong spelling)) to arrive at stop B by 2:00 before it gets there does the train driver have an aliby ((if no passenger has the time))
No, because the station he is ariving at will know he was an hour late. So they would assume he was somewhere on the tracks where you died so he would not have a true alibi.

lilJunior7 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/18/2005 21:20:20)

Wheee its me again!
*cheers* so it is! <.< >.>

Oook... lets ....ahha!
*watches the lightbulb light up above your head*

Ok if you were suck on an small planet with no civilian whats so ever, just a barren wasteland of battlefields. And you and your troops cramp in bit of a small trench base with approx. about 58 thousand troops under your command and its a bit of a rag tag army with a specialty of sniping. And your on defencise facing about an army of a 3/4 of a million (750,000) but they are charging you on an empty wasteland about 4 mile long from each of the army. Who would win? (notes your army has a snipins and speed speacialty while the other just has high firepower) Note this is in the future!!!
Well if my group had a good plan, manage to get enough of the other side before they could get within range and to dodge more attacks from then then vice versa then maybe my lesser numbers would have a chance. But if the other side with it's high fire power got within range to attack on a wasteland like area where my side could not take cover then I would have issues...>.>;

Heh are you a good leader? Do u lead peoples...
Well I have not lead anyone into a lava pit yet so I guess I am not a horrible leader...but I donno if I would be a good leader either. I guess that would be determained from both the people I lead and if the objective I am leading to is reached and/or I go beyond the objective. (also what kind of leading are we talking about? Administrative type leading? Revolutionary/change effexting type leading? etc.)

What would u perfer? A light fast attack mech, A small medium very fast ship, a heavy assult mech, a large capital class ship, a frigate class ship, A battlecruiser class ship...
A light fast attack mech *cheers for speed*

If you were a NPC what would it be, why is it at battleon, whats its perpose.
I donno...beastmaster, summoner, thief...'sall good. The reason and purpose of it will no doubt have to do with some quest or other currently happening in battleon at the time. XD

Which NPC are u most jealous of?
None really...why be jealous? :-P

If there could be any thing that u would put in battleon what would it be?
I doubt it would happen, but being able to be something else besides human for the main race would be intresting. Or being able to play on the side that is not the main/good onr we normally are. *shrug* I donno, lol.

If it was an imagined, somethiong that it was not suppose to happen, but it became a reallity, but the nect moring it disappeared, but that following night mankinds greats fear came back, but it again disappers... How that?
*shrug* if it happened is thus was not imagined even if it did disappeared...Perhaps it was something visiting from another dimension? Or maybe everyone who saw it was just dilusional. XD

What do you wanna be when u grow up?
Something I will enjoy being! :P I would not mind being an paleontologist, archaeologist, Veterinarian, zoologist, evolutionary biologist, Geologist, researcher of some kind, or some type of engineer (microbiology, software, something like that), or a teacher (most likely college level) of some kind (technology/biology/history/whatever), Early cultures/Native american/civil war/WWII historian/sociolgest, creative writer or poet, etc. ^^; I guess I see a lot of possiblities for myself. I figure after a year or so of college I will have a better idea of which of these I truely want to be.

What do u think the gov should focus on the most?
Better school system set ups, reforming the medical/insurance/healthcare system, finding a way to work with the outsourcing issue, etc. There is a lot that needs to be focused on >.>

Since the earth is running out of its natural resource, what weill we do? How can we solve this problem?
Could always find a way to use less resources (though thise does not stop other species/invasive species from using resorces..), or to make the natural resources in a lab...Or we could turn to the stars to look for those elements we need. Then again the best idea might be to move to another planet that is habitable and start over. (the earth as we know it will not be around forever ya know, regardless of if the resources are used up or not)

When is space colonization going to appear? Collum drive ( or warp drive for that some of you say ) Teleportation, deep space exporation, contact with aliens, andriod, etc
It is already here, we just need to improve it bit! We are well on the way to being able to create an android with decent AI, we have ion/elextric propusion and things like solar sails which might one day help use do deep space exploration (with robots at least). Perhaps when/if that planned space trip to check for life in the waters of Titan happens we will see/contact aliens (they might be microorginisims, but they would still be life and thus aliens, see?). For the more advanced stuff it might take a few more hundrad or thousand years, but I don't think much longer then that. Whatever advances we make for deep space exploration and colonization however...better be made before our sun goes super nova then white dwarf, and before that galaxy (andromeda I think it is) which is going to crash into the milky way...does >.>

How old do you think i am?
15 maybe?

How old do you think i act?
15 or 16ish

Um... im out!
Then I guess I am out too! :-P

So see ya around Katy Kat!
See ya around! ^_^

etalihinna -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/18/2005 21:24:03)

Hello, fellow doggie-lover.
Hallo Canine lover! (I take it you like dogs? :p)

I think your dog (the one you had in the 'Post Your Picture' thread) is beautiful. What's his/her name again?
His name is Butch (named after a chocolate lab my dad knew when he was younger). ^_^

Is he/she your only one?
At the moment yes, we use to have two other dogs (Rusty and Rahja) in the past but both have moved on to the next great adventure (ie the afterlife)

Click on the 'Puppies!' link in my signature. Little Basenjies!
Aww cute! :) are they your's? I like the two on the right, looks like they are kissing. :p

Have a nice day/night, and thank you for the work you put into on these here Forums.
Have a good day/night too! ^.^ and np with the work, that is what I am suppose to do after all, lol.

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 9:34:08)

Hier ben ik weer (Here I am again) Katy ^_^.
Welkom rug! (Welcome back!) :D

/me snuggles Katy.
/me snuggles Elnaith.

How do you like my Shiny new title!?
Lol, it is shiny? :p

Regarding this: Zie u morgen! :) (does that work as well? or should it be tot?) It is correct :), but, since you are older then me, and there is a personal relation going on, it is better as: Zie je morgen. (See you tomorrow) Since in Dutch you don't call people on the courtesy form the whole time, except when the person is older than you (As in 5/6 years) And you don't know them well (If the differecne is 20 years or so, most keep calling them in the courtesy form.) Like I call all my friends with "je", so with my parents, but with my Grandparents I use "u". In bussiness relations people also use "u".
XD I did not know age factored into it. (figured formal/informal might though). Evil grammer rules...

Ah.. That was some Dutch lesson eh? Dutch is the thirdmost difficult language in the world.. So yeah.. It has lots of stupid little rules..
*patpats you* ah well, all languages have their little annoying quarks...

Here are samples of pink floyd 30 seconds long.. It is a dutch site, but just click on the links of the songs :).
*goes off to listen to the sample :)*

Do you read much?
I read all the time. I almost always have some book or another I am currently reading. *is a bookwormkat

If yes, what genres?
All types, I am not very picky. Though lately I have been reading a lot of fantasy/sci-fi/historical themed books. Oh and a few self teaching books for certain programming languages (improving my C++ skills, as well as brushing up on my knowledge of Unix and shell bash)

That was it for now.. HAve to clean up my room..
You clean your room? *looks at hers which you can barely walk in* you are a braver soul then I...

/me byesnuggles Katy.
/me byesnuggles back!

Legasee -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 9:49:41)

Hi Katy! *snuggles*
Hi legasee! *snuggles back!* ^_^

I don't remember you too well. When did you first become or start out as a mod?
I know you though :p have seen ya around the Q&A forum every now and then. Anyways to answer the question: I first became/started out as a mod on the old forums, about 2-2 1/2 years ago. (I started in 0ct. 2003, was a mod 5-7 months after I started)

Is there anything in particular you like about it?
The community on the forums, the way the staff is doing the game not for profit but out of joy of creating/running a game (and how well the group dynamics/personalities work together), and the fact the game is ever improving! :)

Do you, or, have you ever seen or heard of me before Lol?
As I said, I have seen you around the help forums before. :P So that would be a yes.

What are your views on the "Crazy Rare Day" that took place yesterday?
I think it was a nice little random surprise for everyone. Would not want it to happen every week/month though (would take away the specialness of it and make rares...less rare, lol.)

You like films? Which ones?
I watch movies occasionally. I like a lot of diffrent ones. Some of my recent fave ones include I, Robot (Best. Movie. EVER!), The cowboy bebop movie (also very good), the most recent Harry potter movie (The new director's style is artistic and darker then the oter guy, but I think it will work well with the later books when they become movies), An Australian movie named "The rabit proof fence" which was mind blowingly good, The Pianist (jews during WWII...very sad but also very well made), the Gods and Generals (sp?) movie series (long but very good), and the LotR series of movies (very good story, well made, etc.).

Any songs worth commending?
Strangers off the wolf's rain soundtrack, the song 'blue skies' off of BT's IMA discs, the ending song off the last LofR movie.

Do you have any pets?
Yep, at the moment two cats and a dog. *points to pictures in her first post*

Favourite animals?...and your address, I'll post you a rattle snake as a gesture XD JK
Wolves! And cats and any kind of dinosaur (if they were alive today that is XD), and dragons (if they were real *sigh*)

>.> <.< Awkrawd
<.< >.> Awkrawd?

Well, I guess I'll go now. Nice talking to ya! Bye *lotsofsnuggles*
May the winds of the future carry you on your way with luck and good favors! Was nice meeting you, bye! *lotso'snugglesback*

Kodi -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 11:23:16)

Can I get a snuggle?
*Snugglewuggleninjasnugglesnlompofhugglenessd00m x 10!*

Pretty please?
Since you asked so nicely! O:-P that a snuggle enough for you?

Coppo -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 11:35:52)

Hallo! ^.^

On a scale of 10, 10 being the highest, how good do you think you are at flirting with the opposite gender?
I do not flirt much...Never saw he point in games like that really. ^^; I mean if I liked someone and we had a spark between us then I tended to be more open/silly with them. *shrug* it works pretty well, the being yourself approch I mean. I guess I would give myself a 8 though, if you could the being yourself/fun approch as flirting ^^;.

Any tips for people who are first-time flirters?
Yes: be yourself. Be honest and open, and show trust in the other person and maybe even be a bit teasing/silly. Compliment them on their outfit/hair/whatever you find attractive. Try to talk about things she/he finds fasinating. When they talk, show you are listening (no greater turn off then someone who ignores you). Also try to get them to talk some about themselves, do not over talk/brag about yourself. And maybe give them a small gift every once in a while, flatter them just a bit. :-P (gift being something they flowers, or a video game if they are a gamer, or a neckless/shirit that has a meaning to her/you, etc.). Oh and do not rush things/the conversation. Go at a pace both you and them feel comfortable with.

Ever danced before in your life? If so, where, when and which song?
Yes. At my high school prom this last school year, a middle school dance in 8th grade, and a church sponsered dance that was more like a club dance then anything church related. >.>; (I honestly do not dance much so those would be some of the only times). Can't remember the songs, sorry! ^^; (I know the electric slide was played at at least two of those dances though XD)

On a scale of 10, 10 being the highest, how good do you think you are at dancing?
4 maybe? Most likely better but I see myself as a 4. >.<

When was the last time you cried? (and be honest. No trying to look like a macho man(or woman.))
Well I do not cry in front of people unless a really strong sadness/pain effects me >.> but otherwise I am open to admitting I do cry. The last time I cried was about 2 weeks ago when a close friend of mine...left my life for good I guess you could say; we parted ways after knowing each other many years. :/

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?
I wish my face was not quite so full looking. >.<

Huggle for the road? Pwetty please?
*hugglesnuggleofroadness!* sure :-P

sethd80 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 13:00:16)

Bonjour Katy Kat
Bonjour sethd80! :)

Just a followup on mon ami's series of questions
Followup huh? This should be exciting! :-P

What is the Banach-Tarski paradox?
You mean the Hausdorff-Banach-Tarski paradox? (ah! more quantium physics XD) That is about how you can take something solid (like a ball or pencil, whatever) in 3D space, and on the quantium level, using an axiom, be able to cut up that solid object into many many small parts and then using rotations and translations on those parts reconfigure them into two of the original object of the same shape and size.

What is the paradox of hedonism?
The fact that if you go after happiness itself you will be unhappy, but if you go for another goal you are likely to be happy. However this paradox only occurs with those people whom think of 'happiness' as 'pleasure'. If you think of happiness as peace within yourself or something you will not have the same paradoxial reaction as discribed above.

Can one intend to drink the deadly toxin, if the intention is the only thing needed to get the reward?
Sure they can, and the intention would disappear after the reward is recieved.

If one is cursed into hurting one’s friends by just being with them, can one still be a friend and seek the other's company?
No, they would long for friendship and company but if they truely cared for those they considered friends then as a sign of friendship they would not be friends with them.

How can one accept oneself as one is, if one is not the way one thinks one should be? Yet, how does one effectively change oneself without accepting oneself as one is, and working from that?
To accept themselves they have to acknowledge that no one is perfect. Then and only then will they agree to accept themselves, flaws and all, and then be able to work on improvement. Ironicly acceptance leads to acceptance. XD

What is the Hypocritical paradox?
When someone says a hypocritical statement then contridicts themselves in it. Normally done in jokes.

Can far away events influence each other in quantum mechanics?
Yes they can. Heck you can have a atom 10 000 light years away from another and they could be mirroring each other. >.>

What is the GZK Paradox?
The Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit paradox (aka cosmic ray paradox) is when extragalactic cosmic rays above a certain eneregy limit (jokingly called oh-My-God particles) are seen on Earth, which according to GZK theory should not be happening.

ElvinMagic2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 13:33:08)

Hey! :)

The first person to do this you said HAllo my dad does that alot...moving on
Cool! :D is does your dad know german or just like to say hello with the a sound? :p

How did you get the name katykat
I made the name up. Started with my nick name katy. Then thought on something that would have good symbology behind it and kinda make the name flow and came up with the Kat part. Plus I wanted a name that could not be mistakened for my RPing character names.

How old are you
18 years and about 4ish months old.

Whats your favorite food
Corn, Pumpkin pie, fruit, or mushrooms are all good.

You awnser alot of my questions in the Direct Mod Questions
And for that you are my favorite
aww *blush*

Whats the deal with snuggeling all the time
*snuggles you* snuggles are fun, and an AQ/chat/forum snuggles shall one day take over the world! j/k :-P

Have you seen the Aq disscusion thing someone wrote in the Creative gallery thingy
If you mean the 'The AQ staff meeting's 2005~Part 7 is out!' thread by spikerslayer then yes. Have only read the first part but must say it is pretty funny. XD

Its funny
yes, indeed it is *nods* :D

Whats your favorite Movie
I, Robot

Good acting, good story ('course it was, it is based off Asimov after all :D), good characters...and it managed to have special effects and action without cheaping the movie for once. It is one of the few movies to give me a complete/fufilled feeling about it at the end.

Whatsyour favorite animal beside Cats if that is
Wolves of course! <3

Do you like meatballs?
I love meatballs! Esp. in sauce. ^-^

do youplay aq alot?
I use to play AQ every waking hour of my life, lol. But not days I go through periods of not playing to periods of playing a lot.

What types of manga do you read horror/Snuggle/Fighting/Anything
anything, I read a lot of different mangas. Though I have a lot of comedy/adventure/fantasy themed ones. (wait, there is a snuggle themed one!? :o where? *looks for it*)

I like shaman king :)!
Never heard of that one; what is it about? :?

And flcl
heh, I saw the anime of that...very random and erm ya. >.> not even going into what the name means. XD yet it still manages for all the strangeness and erm-ya-ness to be good. :p

What anime do you like? if you watch it?
I like a lot of diffrent animes. Trigun, any of the UC gundam series (esp. MS gundam and 08th ms team), Cowboy bebop and wolf's rain, last exile, .hack//Sign, princess Mononoke, and nausicaa of the valley of the wind, etc.

You always say you like prince from the sands of time whats wrong with the warrior within
He was more war scared, less optomistic, and more in pain inside then he was in SoT. In SoT he still had idealistic ideas and his innocence/joy of life. Plus it was cute watching him and the girl he traveled with interact in the way they did, lol.

Do you like ermm whats her name Of the girl in Kingdom Hearts
Kari? She is ok...not what I would call one of my fave characters but ok. >.>

I cant wait till P.o.P3 can you have you played warrior within
*can't wait till PoP3 either* yes, I am about midway through warrior within.

How does it feel to awnser the same questions over and over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and overover and overover and overover and over AND OVERRRRRRR again
Like da ja vu all over again. But it is fun comming up with new ways to say the same answer. :p

All done
So soon?

l8er sk8er
Fairwell elf! ^^

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 18:19:53)



Hier ben ik weer (Here I am again) Katy ^_^.
Welkom rug! (Welcome back!) :D

XD.. It is Welkom terug! (Welcome back) Welkom rug is also Welcome back.. Just that Back is the backside of your body :).
LoL, really?? Hehe that is the best part of trying to speak in unfamiliar languages; you make random mistakes like the one above and then get to laugh at yourself. XD XD

What did you think of the songs?
old school rockish popish style, some reminded me of surfing music oddly enough, other songs on the disc linked reminded me a bit of the beetles.. I liked it! ^.^

Yeah.. I almost never clean my room.. Trouble is that my parents do want me too.. :(
Heh my parents tried that track with me...but eventually gave up esp. after I pointed out how messy their room was. XD

Kodi is scary. no?
Naw, Kodi is snuggly *snuggles Kodi again to dimenstrate his snuggle factor*

Do you like silver? (I do, it is shiny!)
Silver is cool, it is shiny and can be used for certain electrical things after all!

Do you want to torture me with questions too?
heh why not? I feel self centered being the one answering all the questions even though the meet the mods thing is about talking about yourself! XD

If so, I have my meet the tutor in the RP Academy soon (28 august - 4 september) It is during my birthday! p.0
*makes not to check it out and return the torture then when your turn comes around! ;p*

Off to sleep now (HEy.. GMT +1 ;))
I might do the same too...I am writing this reply at 4am and I need to be up by 8am. >.>; Ah well I doubt I could sleep tonight anyways so might as well stay up, lol.

Night night!

Cloudwolf -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods ~+Katy Kat+~ Awake in the land of dreams (online) (8/19/2005 18:32:13)

Do question hurt you head?They hurt mine
Lots 'o stuff tends to hurt my head as I get headaches and migraines (with the headache side effect they are so well known for) a lot. However questions do not unless they make me think really those paradoxes for instance. XD

Has your head ever exploded from anwser to many questions?Lat time that happen to me we didn't have enough money to put a brain back in so we put a ha,ster in there instead
Not yet. >.>; Does the hampster have to run in a little wheel thing whenever you think?

Is there a reason I don't know alot of mods?
I donno. Maybe you don't get in trouble? Or maybe our super ninja skills of hideing baffle you! :D

Is it a good thing I don't know to many mods
It is neither a good nor bad just is. XD

Do you know alot of mods?
Yep, have met and talked with most if not all of them at some point or another.

Have you ever flwon a plane?
As in was in control of the plane? <.< Only in a flight sim game.

Why is speelin hard otdo
assuming that is spelling...I donno. maybe you have to be under the right magical spell to be able to spell. :-P

If you read to many spell mistakes does your head hurt
Note really, as longas you have the first letter of the word right, and number of letters, you brain can make out what a lot of things say no matter how jumbled. Taht si hwo yuo cna sitll raed tihs!

Is it really true that the moon is amde of cheese
Lets test shall we?! *munches on a moon rock* nope, definitly made of rock and long cooled lava.

Why do people ask you questions
Because the fates of the meet the mods thread will it! :D

Is it annoyin
Not really, no.

I think it would be
Why not try it one day and see? :p

Well my hamster ain't goin no more so I'll leave it hear
ok, was fun! ^^ *hands your hamster some moon cheese to perk it up a bit*

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