Vypie -> RE: Blind battles (1/14/2013 12:06:01)
Yes, players don't have the same amount of skill or battle knowledge, and will play the same builds differently. But in the cases where that isn't a factor, if we happen have a naturally countering build, and we know all our opponent has to offer, the battle wont see many outcomes. Specially because Omega will bring balance for all players, stats, weapons. Players will be on a more even ground regardless of skill. The strategy we have is a very predictable one. For example, if you have a build that relies on a High energy Skill, such as Massacre, one guy can simple slam you an EMP on the face, and voila, you just wasted 7+ skillpoints of your build. But If you have a Skill core that makes you regain some of the energy, you could trick you opponent into thinking you had EP left, thus using his resources to use another skill instead of emp. But surprise surprise, you regain some EP, following with a massacre! If the opponent knew you had that Skill core, he would have known to use EMP just in case... And he would be able to counter your build again and again, because he would nullify it every time. If some parts of the arsenal are hidden, even a Scissors build may manage to beat a Rock build, depending purely on how you play. A counter build is a always a counter build. Skill helps, but sometimes one build is simply better when put against another. Taking away the hidden element would make builds EASIER to counter others.