Dragons Gone Wild! (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Dragons Gone Wild! (2/2/2013 21:31:31)

Dragons Gone Wild!

<Missing Scroll Text>

Twilly: Hiyas! Ooh, Twilly's so happy to see you! Dragons are running around doing crazy stuff! Please, can you stop them???
  • Heal me!
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed! Now get back to hunting those dragons and let me know how it goes! *shiver*
  • Back to Town

    If not a Guardian: "This weapon, the mighty Dragon Blade, can only be pulled from the stone by a Guardian."
    If a Guardian: "You have pulled the Dragon Blade from the stone!"

  • Battle the Dragons!

    Level 24 and Below
    Plasma Dragon Worker (19)
    Young Darkness Dragon (25)
    Young Fire Dragon (20)

    Level 25-49
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Red Dragon (35)
    Zombie Dragon (38)

    Level 50 and Above
    Darkness Dragon (70)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (55)
    Zombie Dragon (70)

    After 500,000 monsters were defeated:

    1 BATTLE
    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-49

    Level 50 and Above

    <End scroll text missing>

  • Grixus Faldor -> RE: Dragons Gone Wild! (1/14/2019 20:51:58)

    Dragons Gone Wild!

    Location: Travel Map » Dragonspine » Click the right arrow twice » 22: Dragons Gone Wild!

    «On the outskirts of Battleon, shadows can be seen zooming past the land. A breath of fire descends from the sky, burning the entire scene up in flames...»

    Dragons Gone Wild
    Not again! There's an army of evil dragons attacking Battleon, seemingly unprovoked! They must be stopped before they burn Battleon to the ground!
  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      «Non-ENDLESS options: You will now fight «X» wave(s) before returning to camp!»
      «ENDLESS option: You will now fight waves endlessly until you flee from battle!»

      «Each wave comprises 2 BATTLES followed by a Full Heal. Upon the defeat of 100% of the dragon army, the following battles take place instead.»

      4 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2 and #4

      «An Acid Dragon appears.»

      1 BATTLE: Fluoroantimonic Dragon
      Full Heal

      «Galanoth enters the scene. A treasure chest can be seen on the ground.»

      Galanoth: Excellent work hero, you have saved Battleon once more! I'm not sure what provoked the attack. As evident by the Acid Dragon, they are growing in power and size.
      Galanoth: My scouts are investigating now. I have some Dragon Slaying gear that will aid you in battle in case the dragons attack again!

      «Click on the treasure chest to open the Dragons Gone Wild 2015 shop. Once you leave the shop:»
    • Play again!
    • Guardian Tower!
    • Leave
  • Secret Mission!
      Cripple the dragon's onslaught by sneaking behind their lines, then see how much of their treasure you can make off with!
    • Go!

      8 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2, #4, #6 and #8

      1 BATTLE: Treasure

      «You return to the war camp.»
  • Dragon Blade!
  • Hide Scroll
  • Back to Town

    Visit Dragonstone on the Travel map to train as a Dragonslayer!

    Twilly: Uh-ohs!! These dwagons are going to destroy Battleon!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal, continue with dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Closes dialogue
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

  • Potion Bag - Refills your health potions if you have less than four on hand (Guardian Only).
  • Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina's Bow - Robina the Ranger will join you in battle!
  • Galanoth - Click on Galanoth's helm if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Galanoth's Helmet - Galanoth the Dragonslayer joins you in battle!
  • Warlic - Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Warlic's Crystal Ball - Warlic will help you in battle!
  • Fire Dragons - +0.1 Ranged BTH per dragon shot. Maximum of +20.0 BTH (200 dragons).
    Dragons Gone Wild 2015

  • Defensive Dragon Blade [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Defensive Dragon Partisan [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Defensive Dragon Bow [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Defensive Dragon Staff [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Defensive Dragon Wand [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Write up thanks to whackybeanz.

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