Niki -> Golden Chickcalf (2/21/2013 14:57:21)
[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]Golden Chickcalf Location: Grams' Pet Shop / Aria's Pet Shop (All Versions) -> Grams / Aria -> Pet upgrades -> Golden Chickcalf Level/Quest/Items required: None Contents Golden Chickcalf (II-VII) Dialogue Grams' Pet Shop Grams: If you'd like to upgrade your Mogloween pets, I found a new way to do it using Elemental Essences! Aria's Pet Shop (Books 1 and 2) Aria: If you'd like to upgrade your Mogloween pets, I found a new way to do it using Elemental Essences! Aria: Sometimes pets can be enhanced! You need to have the right components, though... Aria's Pet Shop (Book 3) Aria: Sometimes pets can be enhanced! You need to have the right components, though... Thanks to Jay for corrections.