RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/16/2013 18:17:35)

Which Assassin's Guild did you continue Terra?

Also, I remember xDanix.

I tried to a storyline where there was a barebones, but the players pursued other mini-storylines that built onto the main one.

Terraminator -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/16/2013 18:49:11)

It was a private Roleplay between Dani and I, lf the original Assassins' Guild. I have it saved on a document somewhere.

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/16/2013 19:51:08)

Oh, cool.

I've been watching Spartacus recently... so.... ideas...

Isis -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/19/2013 9:40:32)

*Shoots pink confetti from a bazooka into the silent cyber-sky above the RP forums*

Greetings BattleOn!

I'll avoid making implied promises of a comeback through the annonciation of a return by standing here very unassumingly, smiling and waving. Mostly smiling, because said arms are flinging brownies at you all. YES, YOU DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! They are purple because they are healthy.

It goes without saying, I have missed this place. What is now cosmic dust were formally planets when I began my voyage through the Role-playing multiverse, breaking one rule at a time with pointless jibber-jabber, fluorescent text, ascii monoliths, and the like. Exaltations and happy-parties are in order for the efforts of my dear friend, Starzy. You have outlasted all in our generation, even the RP Tutors and ArchKnights, retaining that insatiable knack for helping others and creating beautiful things. Last time I looked at the desktop clock while logged in, the year was 2... long ago, lol.

Word to the wise: Yes, it is true; superjars has always been awesome. He is also dead-scary and keeps elastic-armed warlocks in a cage for when someone ticks him off. Fear him, you must.


Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/19/2013 11:50:31)





please stay isis


i'll eat your healthy brownies i promise

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/19/2013 13:47:18)

Heard the name, but never seen you roleplay Isis. I look forward to it!

Terraminator -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/19/2013 14:05:01)

Oh, Isis! I did an RP with you once, the Dragon Riders of Darkovia. Not sure if you remember. Welcome back!

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/19/2013 23:36:25)


Don't leave us again, plz.


As Isis would do, I'll scatter some very delicious looking but questionable brownies around for clueless newbies to eat and disintigrate asphyxiate enjoy.
Happy RPing everyone, and may the brownies be ever in your flavor!

This was from the first of the thread. You can have the brownies, sure, but they're...a couple months stale. But I'm sureeeeee that they're still good!



Dani (not sure if any of you oldies remember her?)

Spotted this from the previous page. Yes, I do indeed remember XDanix. How could I forget her...? Ha. Every memory of you, Terra, there's always some of Danix left in it.

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 4:50:11)


Heard the name, but never seen you roleplay Isis. I look forward to it!

Same goes for me.

*grabs brownie*

*puts bloo dye on it and eats it*

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 8:05:07)

Everyone just set your minds to graduating and hopefully everyone can graduate as soon as possible! Then we can get this show on the road.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 16:03:44)

I already submitted my OoC. Last month. So, I'm a sitting duck until I get approved again.

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 16:28:35)

Yeah, the AK's haven't been very active right now. It might be better if some people got added to the RP section as AKs, to speed things up a bit.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 16:39:49)

I was about to make a RP of my own, then I noticed no one can create a thread as long as the moderating staff doesn't decide who will be allowed to host. PMed one of the staff members 2 months ago to ask about this matter, I haven't got a reply yet.

I think I should go revive the Q&A thread and ask my question again there.

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 17:15:07)

@Riffus: I too have asked if some of us can start early and make some RP's and have had no answer. In my opinion, we could show others how active the boards could be and people would be more encouraged to go through the RPA.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 23:07:01)

Have you guys tried PMing Eukara?

She might have a solution for us. She's Head Mod after all. Oh, and don't PM her altogether. Decide upon someone to do it. She's busy too.

I have a feeling that Jars might've met with some RL problems. I dunno for sure.

Just hope we can get back on track soon.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/20/2013 23:35:55)

Yeah...we only have a small amount of mods. It normally isn't a problem...if they all didn't encounter RL problems all at once. It's unfortunate they all vanished within the same timeframe.

Terraminator -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/21/2013 18:16:37)

I would gladly PM the Head Mod if you'd like. I was talking to superjars a couple days ago, and yes, he did say he was busy, but would hopefully get back soon. But I also agree maybe there should be some more AKs who are active to continue to application process and keep that moving along.

demonhunter -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/23/2013 8:57:01)

Been a while since I've been here... Looks like things have been re-arranged.

Been a member of this forum since AT LEAST 2006. Was Head RP Tutor for a while too, 'til life and a dead muse got in the way. No promises on whether I'll stick around, but I'm gettin' the creative itch lately.

Might be time to properly flesh out my ice/water spellsword bodyguard...

jerenda -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/23/2013 13:40:23)

Hi demonhunter! You should come and join and play Ruins of Paxia Part Deux with me. :D

Also, I should say hi. Hi! I'm... a person... and I've been here for a while... and I like pretty words and beautiful characters and tragic characters and adorable ones with weird powers, to name a few. I can do fighting, but I need character development to make my world go round.

I'm also a RP host. I see a bit of discussion about not having RPs to play in - check this thread for a discussion of RPs being held by RP hosts - aka, people who actually have the power to make some RPs and start playing in them. :D

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/25/2013 10:32:43)

I finally got approved! HURRAY :D

I"m Moogle (I go by Pie for short on the forums), I'm sure EVERYONE knows me. And if you don't.... you will get acquainted with meh tum tums soon.


Riffus Maximus -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/25/2013 12:09:23)

Hey Pie! Welcome to the RP boards, glad to have you here. I hope, as a fellow Paxian, you will join Ruins of Paxia, heh?

Lord Darkblade -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/25/2013 14:24:29)

How does this work, for newcomers such as myself? I am trying to start in the RPA, but, still on the first step. All in all though I can somewhat role-play, out of a thing of I play DnD occasionally. And I totally don't know how to convey what I'm trying to convey other than hello.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/25/2013 17:25:42)

Hello Darkblade, welcome to the AEFs' RP forum boards!

I've seen that you have already submitted a bio in the first step. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do but wait until a moderator review your bio and approves it. Upon approval, you'll have to post in the second step to further your goal towards graduation before RPing into the main boards.

I do not have an answer as to when the moderating crew will finish reviewing your bio, but it seems like SuperJars began to move quite recently and, hopefully, the bios will be reviewed very soon. If you have more questions, or need advice, feel free to ask the community, some of us are glad to help.

Isis -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/26/2013 1:45:43)

@Starzy - back at ya! I did get your PM, btw. What I lack is time, coffee, inbox space, and a great deal of sense.

@TJB - Thanks, and likewise!

@Terra - Yes, the 'little engine that could and didn't but was bullied up the hill, anyway' lol. Do remember the name, but cannot recall your character's (or -ers'), sorry. If they were unjustly hooked into the void due to my disappearance, I offer you many sorries.

@mrbk - You liiiive! *strangles with care* Oh, pshaw! How did you know I love these edible door-stoppers? You have upheld a fine tradition, my friend. Here, let me share mine. If it tastes like I can't cook it's because I can't...

@Legendium - LOVE the name! So elemental. It rolls off the tongue like a strong and well-crafted blade. I also like your eating habits :) Thanks for the welcome

Vanir -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (5/1/2013 19:26:04)

Hey guys, I have had a recent desire to play AE's games so I poked my nose back in here as well. I love this place, however, I have a problem with dissapearing and not telling anybody. I'll try to stick around this time, and graduate the RPA. I see it has been reorganized, which is exciting. I may not be able to get into a RP yet, but I'll keep a good eye on things incase something grabs my attention. Specificly this:

I thought that was the last time I would be here, too! But hey, here I am! :D
We should totally do a sequel to Assassin's Guild. Amaer would be an adult now and OHMIGOSH.
But like seriously, I missed you. And everyone. And everything. <3

When I became head of Assassin's Guild it became the manifestation of spirit, and all my joy came from it. So it saddned me that I left it and forsook my only child (There is a pun, hidden). However! If I can come back around I will certainly have a hand in bringing Assassin's Guild back from the void. I'm also excited to see all of my old friends are still here *Hugs everybody*

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