RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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blankmaskara -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/23/2013 6:33:15)

Hehehehe..... Well, there IS chocolate in the cookies.. [;)]

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/23/2013 14:26:31)

Arsenic tastes sort of like chocolate, I guess.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/25/2013 19:37:38)

I don't know if anyone's noticed my absence, but...
I'm back...been back for awhile actually. Just too...lazy to face the forums again.

Really, I've been too afraid to come back for the fear that my lack of presence hasn't been noticed at all...

Tdub -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/25/2013 20:36:48)

Of course we noticed your absence! Welcome back, mrbk!

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/28/2013 22:36:25)

>like 30 new faces
>Elemental Championships
>I just posted

I guess we can agree to disagree? [8D] Obviously the hype we already have is not enough. TO THE HYPE-O-MATIC!

MooMuffins -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/19/2013 20:30:18)

I'm not sure if I can eat my cookie now. I'm scared! I wanna eat the cookie but...I can't. My paranoia! So tempted...

Kooroo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 0:08:27)

Pfft, there's no reason to be afraid. You totally have my word that the cookies have nothing but 100% welcomey goodness.
Don't worry! I took care of it.

Also, RPing has always been a slow business. Never has been something that moves rapidly on a daily basis.

@Star: I'll be needing to pull out your tongue to examine your taste buds. Or you can give it up willingly. Your choice, eheheheh.

DaiTigris -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 13:46:26)

Moo the cookies should be fine, as long as they are not the ones leftover from April Fool's day.

Speaking of which I'm back again everyone! Or at least I'll poke my head in here more often and get my feet into the Rp boards as quickly as I can.[:D] RPing can be slow overall but it's always worth the story building time and the memory's made in the OCC comments.

@Kooroo, what do you even want to look at Star's tongue for.... Do I even want to know?

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 14:45:25)

I've been arsenic-free since last month! I swear!

All of the welcoming cookies are the leftovers from April Fool's Day 2011, actually. Isis is the only one who really understands it, but apparently they are space cookies.

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 14:46:54)

Hi Dai!

Hey that rhymed! And would've rhymed again if it weren't for grammar telling me that I should past tense.

MooMuffins -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 21:37:20)

Forget it! April Fools or not i'm eating them!
*noms on cookies*

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 21:39:28)


@MoonrayDrake: Of course I remember you, ya goof! Get over to the RP'er Welcome Thread so that we can give you a proper welcome!

^ As spoken by Starstruck.

So yeah.. hi I'm back o.o I seem to have missed a lot of action going on.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/20/2013 21:52:58)

^Welcome back! I recall seeing your name before, though I don't believe we've ever spoken in the past. As such, nice to meet you.

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/21/2013 4:11:02)

Wow, so many new/old faces.

The RP reform was certainly worth it.

Retro The Watcher -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/21/2013 4:40:30)

I'm pretty new to the RP section, and as thus I am looking forward to working with different people ^.^!


Kooroo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/21/2013 14:16:31)

Hmmm. Some of you people seem familiar. Not sure who I know, and who I don't know. With some exceptions. Some of you I can't help, but know. Heh.

@DaiTigris: Not sure you understand. I mean pull out completely. It's totally detachable, without the 'attachable' part.

@Star: No. You lie. LIES.
Also, I think you're getting the space cookies mixed up with the trans-dimensional cookies.

Zarkalor -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/21/2013 15:35:52)

Hello again, anyone who remembers me.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/22/2013 2:28:20)

Hey Zark, you da one with the winter RP right?

Welcome back...!!

Watziname WAT -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/27/2013 1:35:28)

Yo, since I kinda went back to playing AE games I checked out the forums and re-stumbled on this. :D

(... You probably don't remember me at all since I barely did anything. :D)

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/27/2013 9:07:24)

Glad to hear it Watziname WAT.

Perhaps you could give us some names of RP's and members you remembered?

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/27/2013 15:36:29)

Oh, a mixture of new and old!

Welcome one and all to the insanity that is the RP boards.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
Don't eat any suspicious foods.

Enjoy yourselves!

Alexandria Serthes -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/11/2013 16:32:34)


Yay! I missed RPing with you guys. Good to see you're back (also good to be back, myself).

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/12/2013 9:31:02)

"back" [;)]

Quit leaving, you! [&:]

Alexandria Serthes -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/12/2013 14:22:20)

I keep trying not to leave, and life keeps kidnapping me. Anyhow, this school year I only have four classes, so I have a lot less work to do on that count at least. Over the summer I'll be gone again, since I have camp, and after that, I don't know. (graduation being this year. Scary prospect, that.)

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/12/2013 14:28:59)


Good to see you're back

Star never really left...

At any rate, welcome back!

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