RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 19:59:53)

Haha, thanks! I definitely do remember you, don't worry :P I'll get to joining stuff soon, you can count on that :) good to see a familiar face/avatar though!

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 21:02:50)

Moonray! I distinctly remember you, although you probably won't recognize me since I've changed my name.

I used to be Mrbk. I'm nearly positive you were in an old RP that I hosted back in the day. It's nice to see you return!

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 21:05:08)

Yeah I do remember you, if only because I took part in an RP that you hosted that I loved very much. You might even recognize the character I have planned!
I didn't know you changed your name though, so that's good to know :)

(If it looks like I'm constantly spying on this forum, then that's true xD!)

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 21:13:00)

I used to constantly spy on this forum too, heh.

Then when the Hallows Inn came along, I finally started becoming more frequent here.
As for the RP in question, wasn't it "More Than a Dream", where it was meant to occur in crossed worlds of dreams and nightmares? I'm nearly positive you played the queen of dreams, IIRC.

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 21:24:50)

You're exactly right, that was indeed the RP. I was a bit sad it never really went anywhere becaue of the ever looming threat of inactivity but alas. Hopefully it'll be different this time.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 21:33:45)

I really enjoyed that RP too, to the point where I submitted an AQ Quest suggestion by the same name.


Said quest went to become implemented as "Battleon's Nightmare"

But yeah, I enjoyed the concept of the RP, and you created and played the part of the queen very well. I kind of regret that I wasn't really able to pull off the RP effectively at the time. It was too...level based. If I were to redo it, I'd make it a little less constrained, with a little more freedom to it. Perhaps in the future, I'll remake the idea and concept and host it once more.

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 23:53:07)

Oh that's awesome. When you do remake the RP at some point in time, feel free to message me, I"ll be happy to join in once more :)

Riffus Maximus -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/31/2015 15:09:52)

Been a good while, my friends. I've recently began re-playing AE games such as DragonFable and AQWorlds, and then I figured that I might just drop by here and say y'all hello.

I think I might join a few RPs while I'm at it, hahaha!

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/31/2015 16:47:50)

Good to have you back, Riffus!

There are plenty of RP's to choose from (Well, compared to last year) so take your pick.

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/1/2015 0:41:44)

There's not a huge load of RPs that you can just jump into, but it's progress and every active person helps at this point. Hope we can RP together again here some time, Max!

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/1/2015 10:53:57)

Huh, been a while Riffus, but welcome back. I'd love to see you around.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/30/2015 19:43:37)

Hi all!

This is Anastira...I know I've been gone so long and I'm sorry I left so suddenly, cutting all of those strings all at once. I'm sorry to say I don't know if I'll be coming back to roleplay. That being said, thank you all so much for having roleplayed with me and I'm sorry again. Much love to everybody here! In case I do come back, I have a question...I was accepted to the Roleplayers group before I left by Kellehendros (i.e. graduated from Academy) but that was before the site was reformatted and I forgot to join the group before I left. I still have Kellehendros' acceptance PM in my Inbox in fact. If I return would I have to go through the Academy again before joining the ranks of the true Role Players?

It was incredible writing with you all. If any of my novels are ever published, I'll never forget that you all helped me along the way. :)

Much love,

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/30/2015 20:47:48)

Actually, Anastira, they changed the rules since then. Now, anybody can join an RP without having to graduate from the RPA. So , now, you really just have to find a OoC you like, make a bio, and get accepted by whoever's hosting the thread. Or you could just start your own OoC thread for an RP and just PM a staff member with the premise when you have enough members to get permission to make your own RP. The staff still supports people trying to get through the RPA process, but it's no longer a requirement for anybody.

Hope you RP here again one day! It's always good to see what other people can do and I think I might have missed your previous stay here completely.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/30/2015 20:50:30)

@dethhollow hmm I don't recognize your name off the top of my head - if it helps, I was active mostly in 2011 and 2012, as I recall. [8|] Lovely to see that the community here still has so many wonderful people! Keep it thriving [;)] And thank you for the update! I saw the RPA still in existence and hadn't realized how drastically everything has changed since my last stay here.

Oh, I just thought I'd add...some of the roleplays here that I'll always remember fondly - Ruins of Paxia, Words and Wordplay in a Play on Words, and I hosted Apocalypse at one time...and some of the RPers and BattleOn members who I still remember well - Isis, Tdub, superjars, MRBK, Riprose123, Nightlark, jerenda, Kooroo, Mortarion, blankmaskara, Commian, Celestin123, Alexandria Serthes, constanthinker, Deathwalker, Dracoliten, Drakyloid, Edgemaster Scion, Lord Avonn, Madam Mutant, Kellehendros, MoonrayDrake, Xion V, you will not be forgotten.

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/30/2015 20:59:21)

I was sort-of around in 2011, but not that active and then I made like one bio for the RPA, got bored waiting, and then pretty much never touched it again. But I'm back now as of about 2 months ago or something? IDK.... *drops pathetically deflated balloons of celebration from 3 months ago*

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/30/2015 22:52:37)

Welcome back Anastira!




So glad you remembered me!
I changed my name a year or so back.

I remember half those names you listed as well.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/31/2015 0:32:27)

@Master K thank you! Yes, fond memories... [:)]

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/13/2015 8:51:44)

Hey guys,

Firstly, sorry I just disappeared without warning at the very point when Vanguard Academy was taking off. That was seriously terrible of me and I still feel bad about that.

If you would only let me explain, I hope it'll be clear.

The thing is, like all colleges, my college has a Wi-Fi facility too and for the first 6 months of my college time, the IT guys hadn't blocked too many of the websites since the Forums is one of those sites that aren't accessed that frequently. I am pretty sure that I was the only guy in the college who accessed the site.
As it happens, after I came back from my Winter break, I found most of the sites blocking up. Sites like Imgur, DeviantArt and yes, the Forums got blocked too.

That's when I figured out that access to sites is logged and based on the site's genre, they block websites at the end of the month(I guess...?)

So yeah, for the next 3 years that I am in college, I won't be able to access the Forums using the college Wi-Fi. No RPing for the next 3 years. :(

Long explanation, but that's it. Sorry I caused so many Hosts such inconvenience.

Bastet -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/13/2015 9:39:34)

Can't say I'm not disappointed, Arthur, but I understand.
I wish you the best of luck in your college career.

Abiogenist -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/28/2015 9:18:22)

Oh wow. It's been too long. I was introduced to AQ Forums 10 years ago. I've seen the RP Forums when everything was bustling with activity until to its comatose state. It's kind of weird looking at it now...

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/28/2015 10:14:07)

Yeah.... It's in a better state than it was before, but we still need new players and stuff to come in and get things REALLY moving again. It'll probably pick up a bit more once school's out, too. Everyone's kind-of dealing with finals and stuff right now. Anyways, welcome back, Abiogenist! Hope we can RP together one day.

Ricu -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/28/2015 20:48:50)

Man, it's been years since I've posted on here. Every now and again I'd check in and see what's up, but I never posted anything. I'm Rixu, and back in the day I was an active member of the RP community on here. I left shortly after the great forum wipe of...Years ago, around the time of DragonFable releasing, I believe. If time permits I'd like to rejoin the community here, but it's been so long since my last RP I don't even know if I can anymore.

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/28/2015 23:57:27)

The only thing really stopping you from re-joining the forum is how much free time you have and how willing you are to RP here, at this point. The community's always open, if you're up for coming back :)

Bastet -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/29/2015 1:28:47)

Agree with deathhollow here. (Re)Join us!

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/30/2015 10:58:42)

Terribly sorry, friends!

When finals week is ended, I will have more time for a better and more interesting introduction! I can't wait to see how you all have been doing while I was away. Until then, please accept these freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. 100% arsenic-free!

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