RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/26/2019 23:50:23)

@Apocalypse Angel - sorry for the late reply! Every now and then the forum "purges" older threads so, sadly, some of the older and less-active RP threads have been lost to time. If there are any you're looking for specifically I can attempt to take a look, though!

@Anastira - activity comes and goes, yup. Seems we're in a bit of a slump now but I know Kellehendros has another RP in the works, and the Elemental Championships will be starting towards the end of June, which tends to bring in some new faces!

That said, if you have ideas for hosting (or re-starting) an RP yourself, feel free to start an OOC to garner ideas, or swing by the RP Discord thread to ask thoughts! The information on how to find our discord can be found here.

superjars -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/12/2019 16:20:38)

It's been several years since last I was involved in anything here, but I was feeling nostalgic, so I guess I'm back!

darkgillshadow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/1/2019 9:24:30)

☝what they said. It's been 11 years!

Terraminator -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/2/2019 14:24:32)

Hey everyone! I was active in the RP section of these forums back in 2010. Something reminded me of this game the other day so I decided to log back on. What memories...

Starflame13 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/8/2019 1:25:50)

Welcome back Terraminator! The ECs just wrapped up, so we're hoping to get a couple more casual RP's up and running! Swing by our Discord server if you're interested in chatting.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/2/2020 2:49:38)

man, i remember when these forums had too many moderators to count and too many new posts to read every single day, and dozens of RPs with hundreds of posts in each one. wonder if it'll ever get back up there. i log on once in a while for nostalgia but we've lost so many of the OGs...

Jae10 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/3/2021 15:41:14)

Hey there! Posting this just in case anyone comes around looking for AQW roleplay specifically, but...check out the discord link in my signature! It's a newish server, but is a welcoming and growing environment that is perfectly set up for beginner and veteran RPers. It even features an RPedia channel that will be updated from time to time with useful RP tricks and tips! All AQW players, of course, are welcome. Hope to see you soon! :D

DaiTigris -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (12/1/2022 22:34:47)

Not really sure if anyone will remember me, but I go back some years. Life kinda just got busy for me. Guess I was feeling a tad nostalgic.

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