RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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Kinzdor -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (5/7/2015 9:04:28)

Kinda poofed there after VA died due to another site coming back from the dead but that sites buzzing down again. Right now I`m only here for Tights but we`ll see what rps come my way. Would VA be counted as officially dead in rp limit standards?

Anyways I`m back for a bit so lets have some fun.

Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/13/2015 15:03:01)

~She slowly peeks her head in and glances around~ Good afternoon, I am Afina. I wonder if any remain who remember who I am. It has been so very long.

Elryn -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/13/2015 18:38:53)


The RP Mommy and Bele's minion?

Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/13/2015 20:18:22)

~perks a brow~ And here I thought I was most remembered for being the "Scary Kitty"

Elryn -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/13/2015 21:21:49)

Well, perhaps minion is the wrong word; it has been a while. Scary Kitty works just fine as well.

*grins* But right now, one thing is sure is that you are most certainly very huggable at the present time.


*Elryn grabs Afina, crushes her and flails her willynilly around in a bearhug*

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/13/2015 22:47:05)

*squints eyes*

*rubs eyes*

Wow! Afina?!?!? You was a legend when I started roleplaying back in Early 2009! You even came on for a short while back then and sent me a few links to your own sites for role playing advice. I remember being overwhelmed by how much detail you put into your custom bios on there. I'm pretty sure you was trying to help me create a race/species. I was probably "Ghost of Chaos" back then.

I don't share as much history with you like some others do, but I know who you are and will gladly welcome such a veteran back into our midst. Welcome back Afina!

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/16/2015 7:25:46)

My goodness Afina you were already gone before I even started. Talk about a hiatus!

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/16/2015 14:06:17)

Wow, welcome back Afina.

Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/17/2015 18:53:39)

Teehee, thanks everyone. It's good to see old and new faces alike! ~is getting crushed~ lol

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/17/2015 19:13:17)

Some of the 'older' folks I met when I first joined back in 2009 talked about you as if you were some goddess, Afina. It would seem a lot of people here have heard of you. There's some sort of legacy you left behind Afina, and I think it will hang with the BattleOn! Forums community for a long, long time.

Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/17/2015 20:20:10)

Wow..... I am a bit shocked honestly. I had so much fun here back in the day. People like Krey, TormentedDragon, Sharpie, Zylo and Zinsho drew me in to the to forums here because of their skill, among so many others. I just ran with what they presented me and we had such a good time. Very honored to think I left a little of that magic we all created here.

Kooroo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/19/2015 14:50:35)

I'm not one for welcomes or even welcome backs because of the economy. Bloody economy. I am one for cookies, though, but these ones look strange.
Here, let me add this totally-not-lethal and totally-flavoursome white powder.

On a slightly more on-topic... topic, @Afina: Am I remembering incorrectly, or was the cat pink? Or am I thinking of something else? Kell's cat is white, so clearly not that one.

On a completely irrelevant note, I'm not very fond of cats.

Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/19/2015 14:55:26)

Lol Well welcome back by any means. I am sure we have some on funky cookies laying about. As far as the Scary Kitty thing goes I believe you are thinking of something else. I was given the title back during my mod/admin days. I tended to be rather friendly and welcoming for the most part, but there were times I snapped on a grand scale towards rule breakers and people with egos their butts couldn't cash. One day I awoke to the title and it became a long running joke with those that knew me closely. (Even popped up over and over again in my meet the mod/ak threads)

TormentedDragon -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/19/2015 20:39:43)


Afina -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/19/2015 20:43:44)

Where?!!!? ~tackle hugs again and starts going through his pockets for pickles~ lol

Elryn -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/20/2015 11:48:45)

This is mildly starting to resemble the time Ailifir, Zero Hex and Suikoman decided to drop by and say hi within close intervals of each other with exception of respective forum.

Good to see you, TD *flails in a bearhug*.

Tdub -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/22/2015 11:13:24)

Well, I'm back. My last post was an assurance that I'd be returning to active posting. Unfortunately, that was before I lost Internet for a month. After that, life got hectic and I was unable to return.

But I'm back, and though I'm still busy, I'll be able to participate at a more reliable level now.

Also, it's weird (and pretty cool) to see certain faces either returning or still around.

Vanir -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (7/11/2015 2:50:09)

My friends, my faithful friends,
Speak to me friends,
Whisper, I'll listen
I know, I know I've been locked out of sight all these years
My friends,
Well I've come home, to find you waiting!
Home! And we're together,
And we'll do wonders, won't we?

Whoohoo, I am so excited to see so many people here that I had to sing a song about lost friends! Who definitely aren't tools of murder...

Firstly, I heartily apologize for every time I have returned and abandoned so many of you, my friends. Especially Tdub, and Tommy2468, I disappeared during your RPA process, and I wish a thousand apologies upon you too. And Zarkalor (Who I'm not seeing around :( ), whom I promised to co-lead an Assassin's Guild revival that I disappeared from, I am sorry. And to all of the original members of the Assassin's Guild, which collapsed while under my care, I am sorry. I owe you all a public apology, and I hope you'll accept it.

My heart has longed for this place, and I must return. This time I won't let everyone down! I'll at least tell you if I'm going to disappear, but hopefully I will never disappear because that's very sad. I am beginning new personal policies of integrity, and follow through, and other virtues which include not abandoning people.

It is wonderful to see so many familiar faces here, especially those that began role-playing here when I did. My friends, TGByrum, Master K (I do believe that's you isn't it? Mrbk, my old friend), as well as others that I remember fondly. Starstruck, and Schizo, you guys were my heroes back in the day.
I'm shaking in my chair with tears in my eyes seeing all of you people's names again. I love you all.

To all of the super-veterans I was too afraid to talk to before and everyone new I don't know yet: Hi, I'm Vanir. Great to meet you!

I can't say if I'll be participating in anything though. During the summer I have buckets full of time I would love to pour into adventures with all of you wonderful people, but I know as soon as the fall semester begins I won't be able to find a milligram of time for leisure writing. I'll be here and there though, reading through all of your merry adventures. I'll be looking for opportunities to ration time for participation though. I can remember no greater joy than writing and exploring with all of you.

I can tell this place isn't boiling over with popularity like it was when I first came on the scene here, but my heart leapt to see that there seems to be a steady trend of stability and life going on. My dreams are rejuvenated. I am really excited!

dethhollow -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/17/2015 23:20:01)

Sweet flying sentient monkey boots, it's been a while! I mean, seriously, it's been around 4 months since my last IC post. Sorry I've been away for so long, I got bored waiting on an RP to move forward that never did for whatever reason and then my computer crashed while I was away on vacation. Then I got it back, and it had another problem and I had to send it away. Then after around a week, I heard that they couldn't verify the warranty and I had to send it somewhere else again and then when I got it back I checked out a One Piece site I heard about on a podcast and that's taken up quite a bit of my time... after everything that's happened, I kind-of just kept getting distracted and kept forgetting to come back here. Now between a new semester and dealing with a second, more active, site where I'm in multiple threads at once, I doubt I'm going to be SUPER active here. But I'll try to do what I can. A while back there was a concept I was planning to do about an RP with a randomized power system and I believe that now is probably a good time to put it into play, while there's not much going on in school and everything is just sort-of not moving too fast.

I guess I'll get that off the ground soon and I look forward to hopefully working with you guys.... Or I guess I could wait until the ECs are over and try something, whichever works, I guess....

Julian_Dawnscar -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/19/2015 16:58:30)


Name's Julian, I posted in the dreamtime some days ago making a new char.
I used to do some rp in my native language before, this is not my first english rp site, but the hardest to get your char accepted and where RP is taken very seriously. (At least that's what I think after reading through some existing RPs).
I think that's a good thing making it more interesting and denying access to those who are just playing around or don't take it seriously.

I'm already looking forward to have some interesting adventures with this awesome community!

Draycos777 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/19/2015 19:13:15)

Heya Julian, glad to see you here:) Don't worry, we don't bite that much:P

Right now, Afina's rp, "Getting to Know You", is quite new and active. It's a carefree(mostly) little rp that would be a good place for someone to start out rp'ing. I'd check it out if you're seeking to start up right off the bat. Hope you have a wonderful time helping to weave stories here:)

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/28/2015 23:17:47)

The combination of a new job and some unplanned, forced travels is enough to give even myself a headache. And stuff.

Now back to your regularly scheduled captaincy of the helm. Full steam ahead, ensign.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/29/2015 7:07:33)


Master K (I do believe that's you isn't it? Mrbk, my old friend)

Yes, I'm still around, under a new alias. I might vanish intermittently, but I'm never gone forever. And I always do love seeing familiar names.

Welcome Julian!

slace9932 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/11/2016 19:45:07)

Yay. Nice to see this place up and running.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/11/2016 21:59:46)

Welcome Slace!

Enjoy your stay, and please remember to not eat the complementary brownies.

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