Practel -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:23:28)
I want to inform you all that participating in a tournament is 100% optional. Whether the tournament was one month, one week, or 3 weeks, you have the complete and absolute option to participate or not. The developers are NOT forcing you to play. They are simply hosting a competition in which you receive 1 golden yeti and an achievement. In any tournament there is, someone will ALWAYS work harder and try harder than everyone else. That person is #1. We can't stop that person from playing everyday 24/7, because it's their choice. Just like it's your choice to try and work and spend a lot of time trying to win, or do nothing and do something else. To put it simply, whether you want to participate in the competition or not is up to you. However, it is not the developers fault if YOU spend a ton of time each day trying to win.